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SPX - Cavity WBS U1., U1.03.03.05, U1.03.03.12 Genfa Wu SRF Scientist Accelerator Systems Division/RF Group DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of APS-Upgrade.

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Presentation on theme: "SPX - Cavity WBS U1., U1.03.03.05, U1.03.03.12 Genfa Wu SRF Scientist Accelerator Systems Division/RF Group DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of APS-Upgrade."— Presentation transcript:

1 SPX - Cavity WBS U1., U1.03.03.05, U1.03.03.12 Genfa Wu SRF Scientist Accelerator Systems Division/RF Group DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of APS-Upgrade 4-6 December 2012

2 Outline 2 DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012  WBS Scope of SRF Cavities for SPX  Requirements  Design  Risks considered  ES&H  Cost  Schedule  Summary

3 SPX Cryomodules / Cavities Scope and WBS U1.02.01.03 & U1.03.03 3 DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012  Fabricate, process and test 8 deflecting cavities for two SPX cryomodules  Attach helium vessels to cavities and qualify the cavities for string assembly

4 4 DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012 HOM Damper LOM Damper HOM Damper Mark-II CCA3 design Input Coupler Deflecting Cavity and Tuner Cavity ParameterValueUnit Operating frequency2815.486MHz Operating Deflecting Voltage0.5MV Vertical Test Acceptance Field  0.6 MV Peak Surface B field (0.5 MV)100mT Peak Surface E field (0.5 MV)41MV/m R/Q including TTF37.1  Niobium wall thickness3.5mm Geometric Factor227.8  Operating Q 0  10 9 Dynamic heat load7W Q ext of Power Coupler10 6 Magnetic Shielding  20 Milli-Gauss RF source available10kW Tuner ParameterValueUnit Range±200kHz Resolution  40 Hz Fast detuning60KHz Fast detuning response time 11 ms

5 Cavity Fabrication, Processing and Testing  Large grain ingot slicing –Niobium RRR  300  CNC machining  Chemical etching/polishing  E-beam welding  Chemical polishing (BCP)  Hydrogen bake out at 600  C 10 hours  Light chemical polishing (BCP)  HPR/clean room assemble  Low temperature baking  Vertical testing  Helium vessel dressing  Vertical testing  Horizontal testing (optional) 5 DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

6 Deflecting Cavity Performance 6 Mark-II Cavity CCA2 exceeds the gradient and Q 0 specification DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012  CCA2 used indium seal  CCA3-1 used Al/Mg seal  CCA3-1 used Al/Mg + Be/Cu RF shield  LOM coupler Qext was sensitive to the coupler symmetry (solved)  Heating on Al/Mg gasket and RF shield limits performance  Particulates in high surface B field area Further processing and test  Additional HPR  Better RF shield  Or adopt indium seal CavityQ0Q0 Bpk [mT]Seal CCA21.2x10 9 120Indium CCA3-10.9x10 9 68Al/Mg without RF shield CCA3-2(To be tested) CCA3-3 0.3x10 9 52Al/Mg with RF shield

7 Cavity Vacuum Seals  Cavity flange ports use Al/Mg seals on round flanges  Broad band RF transmission requires RF shield to remove the RF pocket DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012 7 HOM Damper LOM Damper HOM Damper Input Coupler FPC/HOM LOM Magnetic field in LOM coupler

8 SPX0/SPX Helium Vessel Design 8 Helium Return Helium Supply Tuner Attachment Points Nitronic Rod Mount Slide from K. Wilson DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

9 SPX0/SPX Tuner Design 9 Tuner SpecificationValueUnit Operating frequency2815.486MHz Range±200kHz Resolution  40 Hz Fast detuning3KHz Fast detuning response time 11 ms Courtesy of Joe Matalevich DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

10 SPX0/SPX Tuner Design Status: Cavity Measurements  SPX Cavity (CCA3-1) Exercised in Modified JLAB Tuner Test Stand –Cavity instrumented with 4 strain gages –Axial Force, Length, and Frequency measured as cavity stretched 10 Courtesy of Joe Matalevich DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

11 SPX0/SPX Tuner Design Status: Cavity Measurements 11 Tuning Sensitivity (Mhz/mm)* Cavity Stiffness (klbs / in)** Predicted 12.2113.5 Measured 13.0101.6 * - The tuning sensitivity with a He vessel is expected to decrease by 26% ** - The stiffness with a He vessel is expected to increase by 12% Modeling Validated Courtesy of Joe Matalevich DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

12 Horizontal Test Stand 12 Horizontal cavity test at ANL/ATLAS  5 kW amplifier  64 W Cooling @2K  Analog and Digital RF Horizontal test of a dressed cavity is scheduled in December 2012 Courtesy of Joel Fuerst  Verify helium vessel and tuner design  Test LLRF control  Measure RF noise  Measure microphonics  Test fast detuning DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

13 13 DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012 SPX Cavity Risks  Cavity gradient and Q 0 degradation –We plan to use other processing and state of art post processing methods to both increase gradient limit and Q 0.

14 SPX Cavity ES&H 14  Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS) –APS-U Project following Argonne’s ISMS program requirements –Argonne Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS) Description recently revised and submitted to DOE ASO Describes framework for integrating ESH requirements with mission objectives References Argonne LMS procedures which implement specific portions of the ISMS  Identify General Safety Requirements to Specific WBS Level RF, Radiation, oxygen deficiency, and cryogenic hazards are mitigated through training, administrative control and engineering control Chemical hazard (BCP) are mitigated through training, administrative control and engineering control at collaborating site (JLAB) Chemical hazard (EP) are mitigated through Fermilab’s training, administrative control and engineering control DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

15 SPX Cryomodules / Cavities Scope and WBS U1.02.01.03 & U1.03.03 15 DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

16 SPX Cryomodules / Cavities Obligation Profile U1.02.01.03 & U1.03.03 16 DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

17 SPX R&D and Production Milestones U1.02.01.03 & U1.03.03 DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012 17 SPX0 Cryomodule SPX Cryomodules

18 SPX Cryomodules / Cavities Milestones U1.02.01.03 & U1.03.03 DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012 18

19 SPX Cryomodules / Cavities Summary Schedule U1.02.01.03 & U1.03.03 19 DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

20 SPX Cryomodules / Cavities BOE Contingency U1.02.01.03 & U1.03.03 20 DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

21 21 DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012 Work after CD-2  Complete SPX0 cavity processing and prepare for SPX0 cryomodule assembly  Develop a cavity temperature mapping system for SPX cavity processing and testing  Develop other processing and state of art post processing methods to increase both gradient limit and Q 0

22 Summary 22 DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012 Deflecting cavity prototypes proof of principle completed Three Mark-II Cavities are fabricated, processed and being tested for SPX R&D Prototypes of Helium vessel is completed Horizontal cavity test is scheduled in December(2012) to verify tuner design If tuner test shows good performance, its design will be final for SPX cavities The cost is $17,592k Niobium Material is $355k. Fabrication is $137k Cavity unit cost is $61,397.28 We are ready for CD2

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