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RIDF-XIII –Project Outlay Nabard Loan Component-Rs. 150.27 crores Convergence-Rs. 183.02 crores Total Project Cost-Rs. 333.29 crores No of blocks-2238.

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Presentation on theme: "RIDF-XIII –Project Outlay Nabard Loan Component-Rs. 150.27 crores Convergence-Rs. 183.02 crores Total Project Cost-Rs. 333.29 crores No of blocks-2238."— Presentation transcript:

1 RIDF-XIII –Project Outlay Nabard Loan Component-Rs. 150.27 crores Convergence-Rs. 183.02 crores Total Project Cost-Rs. 333.29 crores No of blocks-2238 Area proposed-1,59,060 acres Beneficiaries-1,00,174

2 RIDF-XIII –Project Outlay – Component wise


4 RIDF-XIII – District wise details – Area in descending order

5 RIDF-XIII – NABARD Component Vs Covergence

6 RIDF-XIII – District wise average cost per acre. Average per acre cost - Rs. 22624/- per acre Highest per acre cost - Rs. 41350/- per acre (chittoor) Lowest per acre cost- Rs. 11538 per acre (prakasam)

7 RIDF-XIII – Timeline for implementation

8 Mainstreaming CLDP Bridging the digital divide between NREGS & CLDP using RAGAS Capturing CLDP history. Ongoing programmes (RIDF-IX, X & XIII) Phase-1 Block wise Basic info. Action plans Progress monitoring (monthly) Phase-2 Reports generation Payments through work execution module (RAGAS).

9 RIDF-IX & X – lessons in retrospect. Adhoc, non-participatory planning Process Land issues - no specific time frame. Budget release irregular, long intervals and meagre. Defining responsibilities at field level Sub-district - MTA, Para worker, Lack of institution building strategy No Process monitoring

10 How is RIDF-XIII different from RIDF – IX & X. Funds to be released directly to CIG account. Plans to be developed based on CRP concept (to be piloted) All activities to be linked to RAGAS. Quick, timely and sufficient releases. Project likely to be completed in a shorter period unlike RIDF-IX & X. Re-organisation underway in the department would aid in effective monitoring and implementation.

11 RIDF-XIII – Draft Circular Circular broadly covers the following issues. 1.Objectives. 2.District wise allocations. 3.NABARD Special Terms and conditions. 4.Project period. 5.Funding pattern. 6.Important phases of implementation. 7.Institutional Arrangements. 8.Reporting mechanism. 9.Review and Monitoring. 10.Convergence with EGS and IKP. 11.Capacity building arrangements.

12 RIDF-XIII – Draft Circular  Project period 1.Fund support for a period of three years (2007-08 to 2009-10. 2.Can be completed in a shorter period. 3.Funds will be released on submission of reimbursement claims without reference to the project period. 4.Hand holding support can be continued during the rest of the project period

13 Funds Flow EGS DWMA CLDP CIG A/c MDO Individual wage labour A/c Machine/Rig Owner/Agency/ Individual labourer Vouchers / UCs Receipts

14 RIDF-XIII – Draft Circular  Important phases of implementation. Preparatory Phase Planning phase Execution phase Consolidation phase

15 RIDF-XIII – Draft Circular  Institutional Arrangements / Work Flow 1.District Level:DWMA is responsible for implementation and monitoring of CLDP in the district, even in ITDA areas. 2.Sub-Divisional level: Asst. PD is responsible for the progress in the blocks in his/her jurisdiction. 3.Mandal level: TAs are responsible. They have to report to MDO as well as Asst. PD. 4.Village Level: Para worker is responsible. For the EGS works in the identified blocks he will act as ‘Mate’ for the selected assignees. CIG representatives are responsible for giving leadership to the assignees, conducting meetings and payments

16 RIDF-XIII – Draft Circular  Reporting mechanism. 1.Technical Assistant - to prepare monthly reports for each block and submit to APD and MDO in the monthly mandal level review meetings. 2.Asst. PD - to consolidate monthly and quarterly reports of all the blocks submit to Addl. Project Director/Project Director in the monthly divisional level review meetings. 3.Project Director - to present the consolidated reports to CRD Project period.  Review and Monitoring. 1. Internal monitoring process: 2. External monitoring process

17 RIDF-XIII – Draft Circular  Convergence with EGS – Key issues. a)assignees to have job cards and post office/bank a/c. b) SMC and LD works permissible under NREGA are to be part of the shelf of works. c)Work commencement orders for the works to be given in time d)For the purpose of work, the CIG to be treated as one or more labour groups. e)Para worker to be treated as mate.

18 RIDF-XIII – Draft Circular  Convergence with IKP – Key issues. a) Key aspects to be ensured in linkage with IKP. b)The livelihood and credit plans to be completed by the end of the planning phase and submitted to IKP institutions. c) IKP functionaries to be made responsible to facilitate the process of sanction and grounding of the livelihood plans of the assignees.

19 RIDF-XIII – Draft Circular Critical steps/areas that can make the difference –Ensuring the preparation and communication of assignee wise individual plan in telugu. –Ensuring monthly review meetings at mandal and Divisional level –Tracking the implementation of the program in the blocks as per the defined phases and periodical assessment of blocs/district –Ensuring regular meetings of district and state level Project Monitoring committee meetings and addressing the issues raised there in.

20 RIDF-XIII – Draft Circular Critical steps/areas that can make the difference –Ensuring effective linkages with EGS and IKP and prompt action to resolve any emerging issues at mandal/district and state level –Building the capacities of para worker and Technical Assistant and the perspective of APD and Addl. Project Director` –Using the demonstrated successful experiences and the experienced resource persons/agencies

21 OUTCOME OF EACH PHASE 1. Pre-Grounding phase Deployment of all functionaries upto mandal level Cap. bldg plan for the district with resource persons, dates, modules etc. T.O.T. for APD & training of TAs completed 2. Preparatory phase Finalised list of assignees for each block Block wise base line data collected, compiled and assessment made CIGs formed in all the blocks Paraworkers in place in all the blocks Job cards to all assignees 3. Planning phase Individual assignee wise livelihood & land plans available with assignees in telugu Borewell points identified in all the blocks All the idenitfied works entered in EGS shelf of works Works calendar prepared 4. Execution phase All the works executed as per the plans /changing requirements Total land brought into use All assignee households become members of SHGs Linkages with IKP, Banks achieved

22 Individual assignees  Plan the works as per their needs, execute in their fields and attend meetings. CIG Representatives  Conduct meetings of CIG, Operate bank a/c, responsible for utilisation of funds Para worker  Support assignees in planning, meetings, execution, maintain records at block level, ensure quality of works and keeping record of measurements (not MB) Technical Assistant  Overall responsibility for the implementation Preparation & finalising plans, making estimates, recording estimates in M.Book, supervision and support in execution of works as per calendar. APD  Review & monitor the progress, Capacity building of stake holders, ensuring phase wise implementation & outcomes. Addl. PD / PD  Provide leadership, review outcomes and ensure operationalisation of roles & responsibilities of all the stake holders and ensure capacity building of all the stake holders Work and Responsibility Flow

23 Important tasks and aspects One day orientation meeting with APDs and APOs of IKP at district levelorientation meeting Preparing District Capacity building strategyDistrict Capacity building strategy Ensuring Deployment of Technical assistants for all the blocks Formation of Planning teamsPlanning teams Identification and using services of CRPsCRPs Ensuring proper planning process at block levelplanning process Ensuring software package for CLDP incorporated in each MCC by 20 th February Ensuring administrative and technical sanctions for all the assignee wise plans by 15 th March, 2008

24 Area Dispersal. Block dispersal

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