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Action against Corrupt Public Servants by ACB, Maharashtra from January 2014 to July 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Action against Corrupt Public Servants by ACB, Maharashtra from January 2014 to July 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Action against Corrupt Public Servants by ACB, Maharashtra from January 2014 to July 2015

2 Cases Registered till date 12/07/2015 Total Trap money is 4,03,94,723 Total property involved in DPA cases 1,42,56,32,341

3 Victims (Category wise)

4 Accused Profession wise

5 Accused Male/Female

6 Complainant Age wise

7 Accused class wise

8 Accused Department wise

9 Region wise Traps

10 Profession wise accused

11 Department wise persons involved in Disproportionate Assets Cases

12 Traps in welfare Schemes



15 Contact ACB by using - Mobile App :- Toll Free No. 1064 ACB coordinates- E mail id : You can also lodge online complaint on official website & on official face book page

16 DOs and DON’Ts Don’t ever pay bribe immediately as demanded by the government officer or the middleman. Ask him to give you ample time for arrangement of money. Just do the very first thing to contact ACB on toll free number 1064. Don’t discuss with anyone that you are going to lay a ACB trap. Don’t enter into fight with the person asking for money.

17 Things to remember Name and designation of the person asking for money. whether he is a government servant or tout? The amount he is asking is not a legal fee and you are not getting it’s receipt. Make sure that-

18 Bribe means any remuneration demanded to you for doing your work or after the work is done. The amount does not entitle to legal fee. Don’t ever think that Bribe can be demanded only in form of money. Bribe can be demanded in form of any valuable thing also What is bribe

19 For favoring you to get your legal work done. (Bribe can be demanded by an act of commission or omission.) To influence public servant for doing your work. As a reward for your work has been done. Bribe can be demanded for For not doing any official act.

20 Bribe can be demanded by A public servant. A person expecting to be a public servant. Middleman, agent or tout.

21 Offences related to ACB Demand of bribe. Acceptance of bribe. Abetment for demanding or accepting bribe. Obtaining pecuniary advantage by abusing of official position. Holding property which is disproportionate to his known and legal income sources.

22 Other actions by ACB against corrupt public servant? ACB could make enquiry and register an offence against a government servant, whose property is disproportionate to his legal source of income. If you know the details of property of any corrupt public servant you may inform ACB about it. If you are aware of some illegal corrupt practices of any government office you may inform ACB about that also.

23 Some important sections of Prevention of Corruption Act,1988. Sec.7- Demand & acceptance of bribe. Sec.8-Touting- Receiving bribe to influence public servant by illegal acts and get the work done. Sec.9-Middleman- Receiving bribe by exercise of personal influence with public servant to get the work done. Sec.10-Abetment to Sec. 9 & 10 (Demanding or receiving bribe through touts and middleman) Sec.11- receiving valuable things free of cost or for nominal cost. Sec.12-Abetment to sec.7 & 11.(Bribe giving) Sec.13(1)(d)-Dishonest misuse of office post/facilities causing loss to govt. or gain to public servant or other person. Sec.13(1)(d)-Assets expenditure much more than lawful income or possession of disproportionate assets.

24 ‘REVERSE TRAP’ ‘To accept and to pay bribe- both are crime’ If you are a government servant and somebody is offering bribe to you, you may make a complaint against him to ACB. Dos & Don’ts for Reverse Trap Don’t get angry with the person and debate with him who is offering you money. Ask him to let you think about the offer. Contact ACB immediately.


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