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1 Chapter 7 Telecommunications – Part 2. Information Systems for Management2 Outline Addressing on Internet (IP Address) Web, HTTP, and URL Internet Service.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Chapter 7 Telecommunications – Part 2. Information Systems for Management2 Outline Addressing on Internet (IP Address) Web, HTTP, and URL Internet Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Chapter 7 Telecommunications – Part 2

2 Information Systems for Management2 Outline Addressing on Internet (IP Address) Web, HTTP, and URL Internet Service Provider (ISP) Intranet Extranet Virtual private network (VPN) E-commerce Technologies Voice over IP (VoIP) Personal area network (PAN, Bluetooth) Wireless Networks

3 Information Systems for Management3 Addresses on Internet Each computer has IP Address (“Internet address”) - unique combination of 4 numbers (e.g. Corresponding Domain Name System label (e.g., or for DNS = method of addressing using idea of inverted tree country spica (Web server for university Web site and course sites) umanitoba cc DomainsUofM systems for teaching Organization One of UofM systems for teaching

4 Information Systems for Management4 4 Web, HTTP & URL World Wide Web (Web) is part of the Internet using HTTP and files encoded in HTML and XML (markup languages) HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) Application protocol for transferring multimedia files on the Web Defines how messages are formatted and transmitted Communication between Web page server and Web browser client URL=Web address Extends DNS by specifying directories and file names – hypertext links ( )

5 Information Systems for Management5 Internet Service Provider (ISP) A commercial organization with a permanent connection to the Internet that sells temporary connections to subscribers High speed – always on Shaw – Cable Modem MTS – DSL (telephone line with additional equipment, higher speed) Dial-up (using classical telephone line) Simpatico

6 Information Systems for Management6 Intranets & Extranets Intranet (written with lowers case “i” vs. “I” in Internet) Private network, usually using Internet technology Protected from outsiders by firewalls Hardware and/or software placed between intranet and external networks to prevent outsiders from invading internal networks Extranet Intranets that allow authorized access by external stakeholders (e.g., suppliers, customers)

7 Information Systems for Management7 Intranet or extranet that uses Internet (e.g., an employee or contractor accesses intranet from some location outside the home organization) Internet is public network but it is used as if it is private Messages are encoded and “tunneled” through Internet Communication happens between VPN clients and servers Information Systems for Management7 Virtual private network (VPN)

8 Information Systems for Management8 Organizational Benefits of Internet Triggered E-Commerce – globalized markets Reducing communication and paper costs Email, Internet telephony (Voice over IP), VPN Online access to organizational information (intranet, VPN) Enhancing coordination and collaboration (communication and group support systems in intranet, VPN, extranet) Lower transaction costs (buy/sell on Internet; time & labor savings) Enhancing relationships with suppliers and customers (extranet, Internet)

9 Information Systems for Management9 Technologies for Business-to-Consumer (B2C) E-Commerce For developing Web Storefronts (commercial Web site, store): Product catalogues, electronic shopping carts, customer profiles, electronic payment For Managing Web Storefronts: Product catalogue Link to electronic payment systems Connect to back-office systems (e.g., accounting, shipping) Security (user authentication, firewalls)

10 Information Systems for Management10 For managing customer relationships: Collect and analyze data on behaviour of online customers Registration forms Search terms customers use Clickstream tracking (screen items clicked on – links, icons, moving paths) Collaborative filtering (compare customer tracking data with data from customers with similar profiles, predict preferences, and try cross selling) Technologies for B2C E-Commerce Note: Privacy concerns!

11 Information Systems for Management11Information Systems for Management11 Wireless Web Wireless Web Standards Allow Web content to be reformatted to fit small screens (cell phone) WAP (wireless application protocol) Uses Wireless Markup Language (WML) Optimized for tiny displays (e.g., cell phones) I-mode Developed in Japan, being introduced in Europe and North America Uses compact HTML (easier to integrate than WML) NOTE: Health risks!

12 Voice over IP (VoIP) Using Internet to transfer voice Based on new Internet protocol – VoIP Standard packet switching used Computers used or VoIP phones VoIP phone has an Internet address and can be plugged in at any location without changing its address Big savings in comparison to classical phone Information Systems for Management12

13 Personal Area Network PAN – Bluetooth is the popular protocol Covers small area (10m in diameter) 10 devices can be linked Channel: radio waves Uses for connecting: microphone and headphones to cell phone keyboard & mouse to CPU computer to printer Information Systems for Management13

14 Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) and WiMax WiFi Network transmitter with router with antennas as access points (“hot spot”), and computers linked to it at distances from 100m to ~10Km There can be many “hot spots” to cover larger spaces (campuses, airports, hotels, remote settlements – see: BOSCO in Uganda How it works )How it works WiMAX 50km range, high bandwidth Good for rural areas Information Systems for Management14

15 Midterm Exam Questions: Multiple choice & true/false (about 60) Short answer (about 10) Fill-in-Blank (several) Short answer type of question - Answer in one sentence or a phrase: Q: What is the relationship between data and information? A: Information is created from data, by organizing it and making it meaningful. Q: List three network topologies. A: ring, star, and bus. Fill-in-Blank (example: ____ is the main communication protocol of the Web. A: HTTP) Information Systems for Management15

16 Midterm Exam How to study: 1. Focus on the Concepts list (Note: some concepts are more complex – Internet, database…)Concepts list 2. Define each concept in your own words (focus on key terms) 3. Define similarities with & differences from related concepts (e.g., different types of IS) 4. Have additional information on the concept (example, management implication, or drawing) Information Systems for Management16

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