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1 FY13 New Fringe Allocation & CA EFP Rollover Tuesday, June 12, 2012 1:30pm-4pm School of Nursing- Room 130.

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Presentation on theme: "1 FY13 New Fringe Allocation & CA EFP Rollover Tuesday, June 12, 2012 1:30pm-4pm School of Nursing- Room 130."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 FY13 New Fringe Allocation & CA EFP Rollover Tuesday, June 12, 2012 1:30pm-4pm School of Nursing- Room 130

2 2 Presenters Lynn McGinley- –AVP- Sponsored Projects Accounting & Compliance Candace Chow- –Payroll Manager- Financial Services

3 3 Agenda New Fringe Allocation Key Dates and Deadlines Before the last FY12 Distributions Last FY12 Distributions & FY13 FIX EFP Copy Forward FY13 EFPs to FY14 & Redirect Process FY13 Before the first FY13 Distributions PP13-01 Actuals Distribution & Enc Future Enhancement

4 4 New Fringe Allocation

5 5 Key Dates and Deadlines

6 6 Key Dates ActionDate Copy Forward FY12 EFPs to FY13 Saturday, April 14, 2012 (completed) Depts Create New FY12 EFPsNow until Friday, July 6, 2012 – 2pm PP12-27 Actuals Distributions Saturday, July 7, 2012 Copy the Latest FY12 EFPs In Effect & Create FY13 ‘FIX’ EFPs Saturday, July 7, 2012 Depts Create/Update New FY13 EFPs Now until End of FY2013 Copy Forward FY13 EFPs to FY14 & EFP Redirect process Friday, July 20, 2012 PP13-01 Actuals Distribution with New Fringe Allocation Saturday, July 21, 2012

7 7 FY12 Cut Off Dates- DRs When Received Pay Period Entered HRMS FY Post Financials FY Post Up through 6/18 12-262012 After 6/18 to 6/30 12-272012 After 6/30 13-012013

8 8 FY12 Cut Off Dates- DRs Reminder- a direct retro and a budget retro cannot be processed in same pay period- plan accordingly!!!

9 9 FY12 Cut Off Dates Friday- 7/6/12 – all EFPs for FY12 must be approved in eUM before 2 PM –EFPs entered but not approved by the deadline will be deleted Reminder: PCAs should be zeroed out by end of the fiscal year

10 10 FY12 Redistributions No budget retros after 7/6/12 Direct retros for all projects* will be processed between 7/2 and 7/6 (posted to GL and reflected in HRMS in FY12) Direct retros for all projects except for Physician Service Contract projects can be processed from 7/9 and forward (posted in FY13)

11 11 PP12-27 (6/17-6/30) Distribution - with no FY12 Enc (PP13-01 Enc will be created) Saturday-7/7: Actuals Distribution process is run for PP12-27 with no FY12 Encumbrances, PP13-01 Enc will be created Monday-7/9: Validate that payroll expenses were distributed correctly using PCD Tuesday-7/10: Validate that payroll expenses were distributed correctly using SPC

12 12 Checking EFPs Use Funding Summary Report (demo later in presentation) Use queries (recommend using pivot tables with download to Excel) –UMB_CA_EFP_BY_EMPL_ID (one employee) –UMB_CA_EFP_BY_DEPT_ID (all employees) –UMB_CA_NO_EFP (for missing EFPs)

13 13 Before PP12-27 Actuals Distribution (on Saturday, 7/7/12)

14 14 Make sure all employees have a FY12 EFP Run Funding Summary Report and/or Run query UMB_CA_NO_EFP Administrative depts tend to forget to set up EFPs for new employees- means more work at budget time! What To Do Before last FY12 Actuals Distribution (7/6, 2pm)

15 15 Review all funding sources that end 6/30/12 or earlier and determine redistributions Use EFP Query or Funding Summary Report What To Do Before last FY12 Actuals Distribution (7/6, 2pm)

16 16 Complete redistributions by entering & approving new EFP for a Budget Retro Approve new EFP by 2pm on Friday, 6/22 for PP12-26 distribution Approve new EFP by 2pm on Friday, 7/6 for PP12-27 distribution Reminder: **New Multi-Year Encumbrances** Departments can now use the Override Option “Thru Next Fiscal Year” for EFPs continue to be used in FY13 What To Do Before last FY12 Actuals Distribution (7/6, 2pm)

17 17 EFP Creation – Override Option ‘Thru Next Fiscal Year’ option can be used if the FY12 EFP is in effect thru FY13

18 18  Check ALL Funding End Dates: – No Funding End Date = no change required – Funding End Date > 6/30/12 = no change required What To Do Before last FY12 Actuals Distribution (7/6, 2pm)

19 19 What To Do Before last FY12 Actuals Distribution (7/6, 2pm)  Check ALL Funding End Dates: – Funding End Date < or = 6/30/12 = change now so that payroll expenses do not charge PCA

20 20 Checking EFPs Before last FY12 Actuals Distribution Run Funding Summary Report using an “as of” date of 6/30/12 and select the “PCAs Only” report choice. Only the following will be returned: 1. Lines marked as ‘DP’ 2. Lines with Funding End Dates of 6/30/12 or earlier

21 21 Setting Up Funding Summary Report: Checking EFPs Before last FY12 Distribution The default setting (“No”) returns EFPs for active employees only. Select “Yes” if you also need to display EFPs for terminated employees. Use PCAs Only Report Choice to isolate the EFPs that will default to the PCA/Dept level Using 6/30/12 will help you insure that charges through the end of the fiscal year are using the correct account code. (now thru 7/6)

22 22 Reviewing Funding Summary Report: Checking EFPs Before Last FY12 Distribution Displays problem EFPs in effect as of 6/30/12 AP= Appointment Level Profile (EFP is in eUM); DP= Department Level Profile (EFP is NOT in eUM and payroll-related expenses will be charged to departmental PCA!) Only the portion of the EFP that will be charged to the PCA is displayed- not the full EFP. PCAs Only Version (now thru 7/6)

23 23 PP12-27 Actuals Distribution & Create FY13 ‘FIX’ EFP (on Saturday, 7/7/12)

24 24 Create FY13 ‘FIX’ EFP EFP in effect on 7/6/12 will be used to programmatically: –Create the “fix” EFP to be used for any earnings associated with dates prior to 7/1/12 paid in FY13 FY12 payroll expenses (based on pay earnings dates) will be distributed based on the ‘fix’ EFP (ex. Shift, OVT, hourly employees, payout for termination <7/1/12) “Fix” EFP cannot be created if an employee has no FY12 EFP before 7/6 –Prior fiscal year retro pay (<7/1/12) will be charged to PCA and the department will submit a DR to move expenses (Note: Fix EFP will have a Funding Begin Date of 3/23/03, employee’s hire date, or date transferred to department -- whichever is latest)

25 25 FY14 EFP Rollover (On Friday, 7/20/12)

26 26 *New* Multi-year salary encumbrances process was introduced beginning April 14, 2012 EFP in effect on 7/20/12 will be used to programmatically create the initial 7/1/13 EFP for all active employees (FY14 EFP) Departments can choose to manage EFPs for 2 fiscal years at any time ‘Override option’ selection is now required –Users must select if the new EFP changes are only for the current fiscal year or extend to the next fiscal year or if it is a one-time use only EFP Rollover of the Initial FY14 EFP

27 27 FY13 Redirect EFPs to PCA Process (On Friday, 7/20/12)

28 28 If the EFP has a Funding End Date of 6/30/12 or earlier, at 2:01 on Friday, July 20 th, the EFP will be changed by the system Redirect FY13 EFPs to PCA process This process will run to replace any HRMS account code with an expired funding end date with your department default HRMS account code- AKA your PCA with funding end date of 6/30/2099 FY13 Redirect EFP Process

29 29 EFP Example FY13 EFP on 7/20/12 at 2pm FY13 EFP in effect on 7/20/12- A redirect process will run on Friday, 7/20/12 after 2pm to replace any HRMS account codes with Funding End Dates prior to 7/1/12 with the PCA (Dept Default HRMS Account Code) equal to the percent of HRMS account codes removed. FY13 EFP on 7/20/12 Stateblank10% Revolvingblank5% Grant# 15/31/201220% Grant# 26/30/201230% Grant# 37/31/201225% Grant# 48/31/201210% 100% FY13 EFP on 7/21/12 Stateblank10% Revolvingblank5% Grant# 37/31/201225% Grant# 48/31/201210% PCA6/30/209950% 100%

30 30 Before PP13-01 Actuals Distribution (From now until 2pm on Friday, 7/20/12)

31 31 Make sure all active employees have a valid 7/1/12 EFP Employees in eUM with EFP setup prior to 4/14 should have an EFP – FY13 Rollover completed on 4/14/12 –Review 7/1/12 EFP to be sure it is valid (check HRMS account codes, funding end dates, % distributions) Employees in eUM after 4/14 may not have an EFP –Create a valid 7/1/12 EFP if it is not there Now – 7/20, 2PM: Departments review and create additional 7/1/12 EFPs as needed to reflect valid HRMS account codes, funding end dates, % distributions What To Do Before PP13-01 Actuals Distribution

32 32 Checking FY13 EFPs Before Actuals Distribution Run Funding Summary Report using an “as of” date of 7/14/12 and select the “PCAs Only” report choice. Only the following will be returned: 1. Lines marked as ‘DP’ 2. Lines with Funding End Dates of 7/14/12 or earlier

33 33 Setting Up Funding Summary Report: Checking FY13 EFPs Before First Distribution This report displays the “problem” EFPs in effect “as of” the last day of PP 13-01. (now thru 7/20)

34 34 Reviewing Funding Summary Report: Checking FY13 EFPs Before First Distribution Displays EFPs in effect as of 7/14/12 ALERT! If Funding Level = DP (Department Level Profile), employee DOES NOT HAVE EFP in eUMB. Payroll-related expenses will be charged to the departmental PCA! ALERT! Funding sources expiring 06/30/12 and earlier require your quick attention or your PCA will be charged. PCAs Only Version (now thru 7/20)

35 35 EFPs will display the salary in effect at the time the EFP is created If an employee action is submitted effective 7/1/12 but it hasn’t been entered in eUM then the old salary will be reflected on the EFP page- this is OK Reminder- salary displayed on the EFP is informational only and may not reflect the actual amount distributed. Creating New FY13 EFPs

36 36 PP13-01 Actuals Distribution & Encumbrances (On Saturday, 7/21/12)

37 37 First pay period on New Fringe Allocation Model Payroll Charges Detail Report (PCD) and the Raven SPC Inquiry Page are modified to reflect New Fringe Allocation Model UMB Pay Check/Distribution has been modified to include Employee Deductions, Employee Taxes and Calculated Fringes. It will also show how Earnings are reported to CPB. –Home > Compensate Employees > Maintain Payroll Data (US) > Inquire > UMB Pay Check / DistributionsHomeCompensate EmployeesMaintain Payroll Data (US)Inquire Queries with actual taxes and fringes information have been removed or modified FY13 Actuals Distribution (PP13-01)

38 38 Saturday-7/21: Actuals Distribution process is run for PP13-01 with PP13-02 & PP14-01 encumbrances and PP13-01 enc reversal Monday-7/23: Validate that payroll expenses were distributed correctly using PCD Tuesday-7/24: Validate that payroll expenses were distributed correctly using SPC FY13 Actuals Distribution (PP13-01)

39 39 Setting Up Funding Summary Report: Checking FY13 EFPs Used in First Distribution (starting 7/24) This report displays the “problem” EFPs in effect “as of” the last day of PP 13-01.

40 40 Reviewing Funding Summary Report: Checking FY13 EFPs Used in First Distribution ALERT! Funding sources expiring 06/30/12 and earlier will be changed to charge your PCA Displays problem EFPs in effect as of PP 13-01 Example where no changes were made to FY13 EFPs PCAs Only Version

41 41  Since we are using the real service dates on the PA form, the earnings will be distributed to the appropriate fiscal year according to those dates  Payout for termination prior to 7/1/12 will be distributed using the “Fix” EFP Reminders

42 42 Future Enhancement

43 43  Retro pay for New Hires – An email will be sent when this new enhancement is ready Future Enhancement

44 44 Questions? Please contact FS-Payroll if you have questions regarding the rollover process –Phone: (410) 706-1243 –E-mail: Please contact Cost Analysis if you have questions regarding Direct Retros –Phone: (410) 706-2987 –E-mail:

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