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Guidelines for Divisional Coaching Development Coordinators (DCDCs) Biathlon Canada, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Guidelines for Divisional Coaching Development Coordinators (DCDCs) Biathlon Canada, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Guidelines for Divisional Coaching Development Coordinators (DCDCs) Biathlon Canada, 2008

2 Overview Roles of a DCDC Preparing for Courses Administering Course Registration Forms Accessing the CAC Database Updating/Editing Coach Information Downloading Provincial/Territorial Coaching Reports

3 Who Can be a DCDC? Minimum Requirements: –Current member in good standing of Biathlon Canada –A basic understanding of coaching –Strong understanding of Privacy Issues Suggested Requirements: –Experience coaching at a provincial championships or higher –20 years old or older –Experience in delivering courses, teaching, or presenting

4 Who Can be a DCDC? (cont) A DCDC can be a divisional board member Often Divisional VP Technicals are also DCDCs Current Provincial Head Coaches should not also serve as DCDCs

5 Roles of a DCDC Provide assistance to coaches within their division Provide educational opportunities for existing and new coaches Pass on information from the National Office to coaches Maintain records of all divisional coaching courses Make recommendations to the National Office regarding advanced opportunities for coaches applying for Level 4/5, International Coaching Experience (ICE) assignments Provide feedback on coaching issues within the division

6 Preparing for Courses Divisional Coaching Development Coordinators (DCDCs) are responsible for coordinating the following coaching courses (as of July 2008): –Community Coaching Gold –Community Coaching Gold Learning Facilitator Training –Intro to Competition Part 1 and 2 –Level 2

7 Preparing for Courses (cont) DCDCs need to do the following to run a successful course: –Pick a date –Contract/hire a Learning Facilitator (LF) or Course Conductor (CC) –Notify Biathlon Canada of the dates/locations –Invite attendees, advertise –Purchase and/or Produce Materials –Ensure all attendees are members of Biathlon Canada

8 Administering Course Registration Forms Course Registration Forms (CRFs) are available on the Biathlon Canada web site in the coaching section CRFs need to be completely filled in - all fields including emails, phone numbers, dates of birth NOTE: Candidates who have not previously taken a course, or who have only recently taken a coaching course, might not know their Coaching Card number (CC#). In this case leave it blank

9 Administering CRFs (cont) Once the course is complete copies of the CRF need to go to the LF/CC, the DCDC, and Biathlon Canada The copies held by the LF/CC and DCDC need to be held for 7 years The copy sent to Biathlon Canada will be archived for 7 years and a copy will be sent to CAC for entry into the database

10 Accessing the CAC Database DCDCs are permitted to access the CAC database Access is a privilege as the DCDC will have access to personal information of all the coaches in Canada It is absolutely imperative that the login/passwords provided to the DCDCs remain confidential

11 Accessing the CAC Database (cont) From the main CAC web page click on “Check Certification”

12 Accessing the CAC Database (cont) Now enter your username and password Once they are entered do not press return - use your mouse to click on Login

13 Accessing the CAC Database (cont) You are now logged in and have access to the database

14 Editing/Updating Coach Information Click on “Edit Coach”

15 Editing/Updating Coach Information (cont) Search for your desired coach by adding in known information

16 Editing/Updating Coach Information (cont) On this screen you can edit/update all the coach’s information This is important as normally coaching information is only updated when a coach takes a new course Primary concerns are maintaining up-to-date phone and email addresses Remember to save!

17 Downloading Provincial/Territorial Coaching Reports DCDCs can use the reports to generate lists of coaches, course conductors, and learning facilitators Click on Administrative Reports

18 Downloading Provincial/Territorial Coaching Reports (cont) Click on NSO Reports

19 Downloading Provincial/Territorial Coaching Reports (cont) Many different reports can be generated Because we are currently using both the new and old NCCP you may have to run multiple reports to get the information you need

20 Downloading Provincial/Territorial Coaching Reports (cont) Refine your report by selecting the sport and province If you are looking for National information (which will generate very long reports) you can separate the results by province, otherwise the report is sorted by name

21 Downloading Provincial/Territorial Coaching Reports (cont) Reports are generated as.csv files that open in Excel and most other spread sheet programs Click on the report link to download the file It will not open in your browser - you’ll have to find the download location on your computer an open it from there

22 Downloading Provincial/Territorial Coaching Reports (cont) Example of a coaching report appearing in the “Downloads” folder on a computer

23 Downloading Provincial/Territorial Coaching Reports (cont) Please remember that personal information needs to be protected. Never publish or release phone numbers, emails, addresses, or dates of birth without express written permission

24 Other Materials of interest Current Coaching Development Model (BiaCan web site) Current coaching assignments available with the National Team (BiaCan web site) Level 4/5 Tasks (BiaCan web site) Biathlon Canada’s LTADM (available for purchase from BiaCan) Biathlon Bears CD (most current version; available for purchase from BiaCan) Privacy Act 2004 (

25 End

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