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Presentation on theme: "USPS : PAYROLLPROCESS 1. ITC BEGINNING PAYROLL TRAINING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2012 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2012 2."— Presentation transcript:



3 UPDCAL_FUT UPDCAL_FUT : Enter Exceptions Enter any time slips or exceptions. REMEMBER: Use an ‘Effective date’ within the Period Beginning and Period Ending dates. If the ‘Effective date’ is blank, the information will automatically be included in the next payroll process. 3

4 FUTPAY FUTPAY: Future Pay Report Run FUTPAY report FUTPAY.TXT is created Allows you to balance a tape total to the exceptions entered in UPDCAL_FUT. 4

5 INICAL INICAL: Initialize Payroll Run First program to be run in the payroll process. Initializes all active status employee records for the pay groups and pay dates specified in the program. Criteria that must be meet in order for a job to be automatically included in the payroll process: 5

6 INICAL: INICAL: Initialize Payroll Run Job status must be set to active in JOBSCN Pay plan must be the same as the pay plan selected for the payroll. Contract start and stop dates must allow inclusion in the payroll. Number of pays paid must be less than the number of pays in contract. 6

7 INICAL: INICAL: Initialize Payroll Run For a non-stretch pay job, the days worked must be less than the work days in contract. Pay account percentage amounts must total 100 percent. Contract Obligation must be greater than zero. Contract obligation also cannot be less than the contract amount paid plus current gross amount-for contracted employees. 7

8 INICAL: INICAL: Initialize Payroll Run Must be a job calendar which covers the payroll period. Reports produced: INICAL.TXT INICALERR.TXT (If errors during processing) 8

9 INICAL: INICAL: Initialize Payroll Run Balance ‘Gross pay for Active jobs’ total. If using UPDCAL_FUT, balance ‘Total gross pay from future data’ amount with FUTPAY total. 9

10 USPSCN/ UPDCAL_CUR USPSCN/ UPDCAL_CUR: Current Payroll Data Maintenance Used to add payroll information for employees not included in the regular payroll (during initialization) or to modify or delete payroll information for employees already included in the current payroll. 10

11 USPRPT/ PAYSUM: USPRPT/ PAYSUM: Pay Account Summary Report Produces a report that summarizes the pay type, number of units, and the pay amount by job for each active employee in the pay period. INICAL Totals + UPDCAL_CUR exceptions -------------------- PAYSUM Totals 11

12 CURPAY The Current Pay Amount Summary Report contains the information entered in UPDCAL_CUR either manually or through INICAL. This report can be generated only during the payroll process, between INICAL and CHKUPD. 12

13 SAMPLE CURPAY.TXT REPORT DATE: 05/14/10 SAMPLE CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT PAGE: 1 TIME: 9:00 am Current Pay Amount Summary Report (CURPAY) Pay Date:09/22/2010 Pay Unit Total Pay Pay Tax Ret Ret Brd Lv Amount Job Type Units Amount Amount Description Opt Opt Hrs Account Dist Proj Charged 212121212 JONES, JOHN J. 01 REG 10.00 95.785 957.85 ADMIN 80.00 Regular Pay Account 957.85 01 ACC.00.000 31.92 ADV.00 Regular Pay Account 31.92 01 NC3 1.00 500.000 500.00 Tax. ben.00.00 TOTAL FOR Pay Group A. 989.77 222212121 ROYAL, BLUE E. 01 REG 10.00 131.147 1311.47 SUB 30.00 Regular Pay Account 1311.47 TOTAL FOR Pay Group M. 1311.47 021226111 STORM, WINTER B. 02 REG 75.00 10.928 819.60 Teach 75.00 Regular Pay Account 819.60 02 MIS 2.00 10.928 21.86 BUS 2 Y 02.00 001 2820 142 0000 000000 000 000 21.86 TOTAL FOR Pay Group T: 841.46 222222232 WINGS, CHICKEN A. 01 REG 10.00 288.462 2884.62 SUPER 80.00 Regular Pay Account 2884.62 01 ACC.00.000 384.61 SUPER.00 Regular Pay Account 384.61 TOTAL FOR Pay Group Z. Name WINGS, CHICKEN A.: 3269.23 GRAND TOTALS: 9845.48 13

14 SAMPLE CURPAY.TXT REPORT (CONTINUED) DATE: 05/14/04 SAMPLE CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT PAGE: 2 TIME: 9:00 am Current Pay Amount Summary Report (CURPAY) Pay Date: 05/22/2004 Pay Unit Total Pay Pay Tax Ret Ret Brd Lv Amount Job Type Units Amount Amount Description Opt Opt Hrs Account Dist Proj Charged GRAND TOTAL BY PAY GROUP A 989.77 M 1311.47 T 841.46 Z 3269.23 DATE: 05/14/04 SAMPLE CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT PAGE: 3 TIME: 9:00 am Current Pay Amount Summary Report (CURPAY) Pay Date: 05/22/2004 Pay Unit Total Pay Pay Tax Ret Ret Brd Lv Amount Job Type Units Amount Amount Description Opt Opt Hrs Account Dist Proj Charged GRAND TOTAL BY PAY TYPES REG 5,973.54 ACC 416.53 MIS 21.86 OT.00 DCK.00 BCK.00 IRR.00 OTH 14

15 CALCPAY: CALCPAY: Calculation of Employee’s Earnings, Deductions, and Accounts Calculates employee’s earnings, deductions, net pay, and tax calculations. Reports created: PAYRPT.TXT CALCERR.TXT (If there are any errors) BUDDET.TXT BUDPRO.TXT DEDDET.TXT DEDTOT.TXT 15

16 PAYRPT: It is suggested that the PAYRPT be used to check for correct SERS Hours. 16

17 SAMPLE PAYRPT ! ! UNIT RATE TOTAL ! ABREV AMOUNT BD AMOUNT ! JB FND FUNC OBJ SPCC SUBJCT OPU IL JOB CHG AMT ID: 231865435 BLDDEP: 003301 CK DIST: STRS DAYS: 000 SERS DAYS: 010 NAME: BUNNY, BUGS. JOB: 01 PAY GROUP: A WORK DAYS: 10 ! FED. ADD 72.00 ! 01 001 2421 141 0000 000000 300 00 000 1,312.50 Regular wages 10.000 131.250 1,312.50 ! OHIO TAX 27.10 0.00 ! 02 001 4100 143 0000 000000 000 00 024 22.69 ! CITY TAX 18.31 0.00 ! JOB: 02 PAY GROUP: A WORK DAYS: 10 ! SERS/BRD 0.00 186.93 ! Ticket 10.000 2.269 22.69 ! GALIC 30.00 0.00 ! ! AFMedRei 62.50 0.00 ! ! SERS 133.52 0.00 ! ! DENTAL 6.45 0.00 ! ! HEALTH 45.67 0.00 ! ! DENT./CL 0.00 51.66 ! ! LIFE/CL 0.00 7.90 ! ! MEDICARE 17.70 17.70 ! ! DIRDEP-1 921.94 0.00 ! ----------------- ------------ ! ------------------- ! ----------- *TOT GROSS* 1,335.19 ! *TOTAL* 413.25 ! *TOTAL CHARGED* 1,335.19 *NET* 921.94 *ADJ GROSS* 1,057.05 ! *TOTANN* 278.14 ! *SERS HRS* 75.00 *SERS HRS* 75.00 *STRS HRS* 0.00 17

18 CHKPRT: CHKPRT: Check Print Used to generate printable check forms for both physical paychecks as well as direct deposit forms. Standard or customized form files may be use: CHKFORM.TXT DIRFORM.TXT CHKPRT.DAT DIRCHK.DAT 18

19 CHKUPD CHKUPD: Check Update Updates job, pay account, and deduction amounts. Creates a posting file used by a USAS program (AUTOPOST). ******POINT OF NO RETURN***** Creates reports : PAYERR.TXT DISDET.TXT DISDET.CSV BUDDIS.TXT BUDDIS.CSV USPS_PAYROLL20090306.BATCH 19

20 PAYDIR: PAYDIR: Pay Direct Deposit Creates a file which is sent to the bank on magnetic tape or a diskette for direct deposit purposes. Includes employee name, transit routing numbers, account numbers, and pay amounts for all direct deposit employees. Produces: ACHTAP.SEQ PAYDIR.TXT 20

21 PAYDED: PAYDED: Paying of Deductions Three options available for deduction check payment Option A- pay total on deduction accumulator To produce a report listing all NON-ZERO deductions, this payment option must be selected leaving the cycle and deduction code selections empty. To pay deductions using this payment option, deductions must be selected using the cycle and/or deduction codes. Option N -pay N times deducted amount, must enter a 'Times' value to be used to calculate the deduction amount. Applies to fixed rate deductions only. Option F - pay fixed amount, must enter the fixed employee and/or board amount to be paid. Can not be used for taxes (except Medicare/FICA), direct deposit, and child support deductions. Until the Actual option is run, checks are not created. 21

22 PAYDED: PAYDED: Paying of Deductions To include deductions based on payment cycle, enter payment cycle code: P = Every payroll M = Monthly Q = Quarterly A = Annually 1-9 = User defined cycles 22

23 PAYDED: PAYDED: Paying of Deductions ●Produces a report listing the deduction amounts that should be paid for the current payroll processing period-using the Projection option. ●Projection is used for verification purposes and may be run as many times as necessary. ●Output files produced: DEDRPT.TXT DEDSUM.TXT 23

24 PAYDED: Actual Option: Provides a report listing check number, the payee, and check amount. Offers a text file to print deduction checks. Out put file names: DEDRPT.TXT DEDSUM.TXT PAYDED.TXT PAYFORM.TXT PAYDED.DAT 24


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