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Luigi Rossi di Montelera Vice – President of CIAA – Confederation of the Food & Drink Industries of the EU Past – President FEDERALIMENTARE.

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Presentation on theme: "Luigi Rossi di Montelera Vice – President of CIAA – Confederation of the Food & Drink Industries of the EU Past – President FEDERALIMENTARE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Luigi Rossi di Montelera Vice – President of CIAA – Confederation of the Food & Drink Industries of the EU Past – President FEDERALIMENTARE Silvio Ferrari Managing Director CARGILL President ASSALZOO Steering FEDERALIMENTARE Rome, 14 April 2007 1st “Food for Life” National Platforms meeting

2 The European Agro-Food Industry in figures Turnover € 836 billion (2,6%) Largest manufacturing sector in the EU (13.6%), ahead of the automobile and chemical industries Value added as a share of GDP 1.8% Employment 4.0 million people Leading employer in the EU manufacturing industry (13%), ahead of the fabricated metal and machinery & equipment industries 282,600 companies Fragmented industry Formal R&D as a % of food and drink output 0.24% in 2004 Still insufficient formal R&D expenditure, but informal 1,6% in 2004 Exports € 48 billion (+5.3% compared to 2004) Imports € 43 billion (+5.5% compared to 2004) Trade balance €4.5 billion Net exporter of food and drink products EU market share of global export market 20% (24% in 1997) Shrinking share of EU exports in global markets Rome, 14 April 2007

3 For CIAA and for Food & Drink Industry National Federations competitiveness of the food & drink Industry sector is expressed in terms of its ability to achieve sustained growth and market share on both EU and third country markets. Rome, 14 April 2007

4 The Food & Drink Industry: competitiveness is at risk. CIAA in its 2006 Benchmarking Report on food and drink industry competitiveness identifies: slow growth in total production value - European growth over the last 10 years was similar to that of the US but lower than many of its competitors, especially Brazil, constant growth in value addition - Europe performs slightly better than US but worse than Australia, Canada and Brazil, slower growth of labour productivity – since 2002 European productivity has slowed and the gap with the US has widened; between 200 and 2004, European productivity increased by 16% compared with 27% in Brazil. Rome, 14 April 2007

5 The European Paradox Whilst the quality and quantity of Europe’s research community matches those of North America and the Pacific Rim, the wider impact of this research is lower than that of these trading competitors because of the less effective transfer of this knowledge to industry. To address this so-called European Paradox and strengthen the European-wide innovation process, the EC has introduced the concept of Technology Platforms whereby relevant stakeholders in key economic sectors commit themselves to working together to identify the innovation challenge, develop the necessary research programme and implement the results. Rome, 14 April 2007

6 Innovation is a major key to success One key asset of the EU food & drink Industry is its cultural diversity and its longstanding food traditions. Innovation is essential when responding to consumer needs with respect to quality, health, diversity, and convenience at the best possible price. The recipe, the manufacturing process, the packaging or the services provided to consumers, can determine the innovative character of a product. Obstacles to higher research and development activities must be overcome. Better performances in innovation require concerted action from both the food & drink industry and public authorities. Rome, 14 April 2007

7 One of the answers is Food for Life Food for Life brings together key stakeholders of the agro-food sector (the food industry, farmers’ representatives, agrochemical and breeding companies, retailers, researchers, processors, consumer organisations, regulatory bodies, policymakers and governments) to enhance investment in research and development and stimulate innovation in this area across Europe. Rome, 14 April 2007

8 Food for Life: key dates 5 th July 2005: Platform launch in Brussels April 2006: Publication of the draft Strategic Research Agenda April – December 2006: Consultation process on the Strategic Research Agenda April 2007: Publication of the final Strategic Research Agenda Rome, 14 April 2007

9 Food for Life: the Vision An effective integration of strategically-focussed, trans-national, concerted research in the nutritional-, food- and consumer sciences and food chain management will deliver innovative, novel and improved food products for, and to, national, regional and global markets in line with consumer needs and expectations. These products, together with recommended changes in dietary regimes and lifestyles, will have a positive impact on public health and overall quality of life (‘adding life to years’). Such targeted activities will support a successful and competitive pan- European agro-food industry having global business leadership securely based on economic growth, technology transfer, sustainable food production and consumer confidence. Rome, 14 April 2007

10 Food for Life has identified 7 major challenges: - Food Quality & Manu- facturing Food & Health Food Safety Sustainable Food Production Food & Consumer Communication, Training & Technology Transfer Food Chain Management Rome, 14 April 2007

11 Yes the ETP Food for Life will Drive European competitiveness based on the F&D sector sheer size and the transition foreseen to high value added product portfolio (incl. services) with a major impact on well-being and welfare Impact positively on Community policies (research integration, increased R&D expenditure, greater involvement of SMEs) Boost research performance to effect the transition to high added- value products Sustain career-development in food R&D in Europe and promote entrepreneurial activity Prevent fragmentation by creating a shared Common Vision and managing an effective Implementation Plan for a Strategic Research Agenda The complexity at both the subject level as well as at the stakeholders end (including the high level of SMEs) make substantial European funding essential. Rome, 14 April 2007

12 Italian Food For Life Technology Platform: the key dates Launch of the National Technology Platform of the Italian Food & Drink Industry (Rome, July 5 th 2006). Final presentation of the Italian Food for Life Technology Platform (Bologna, November 27th 2006). Rome, 14 April 2007

13 Will stimulate research and technological innovation in the agro-food sector at a national level. Will strengthen the scientific and technological basis of our food and drink industry. Will encourage the development and international competition, especially to help the Small and Medium Enterprises. Italian Food for Life The technology Platform “Italian Food for life” is a unique opportunity not only to promote the coordination of the research activity of primary products and nutrition, assuring whether the direction, whether enough critical mass, but also to guarantee transfer of know-how to the companies. Rome, 14 April 2007

14 The SPES GEIE Grouping SPES GEIE – Spread European Safety EEIG is a European Economic Interest Grouping created on April 11th 2003 and composed by 11 European Food & Drink Federations (adhering to CIAA) representing a total of 35.000 European small and medium sized enterprises : ANIA – Association Nationale des Industries Alimentaires (France) ANIA FEDERALIMENTARE – Federazione Italiana dell’Industria Alimentare (Italy) FEDERALIMENTARE FEVIA – Fédération de l’Industrie Alimentaire (Belgium) FEVIA FFDI – Federation of the Food and Drink Industries (Czech Republic) FFDI FHFI – Federation of Hungarian Food Industries (Hungary) FHFI FI – Foedevareindustrien (Denmark) FI FIAA / LVA – Fachverband Lebensmittelindustrie/Lebensmittelversuchsanstalt (Austria) FIAALVA FIAB – Federación Española de la Alimentación y Bebidas (Spain) FIAB FIPA – Federaçâo das Indústrias Portuguesas Agro-Alimentares (Portugal) FIPA SETBIR – Union of Dairy, Meat, Food Industrialists and Manufacturers (Turkey) SETBIR SEVT – Federation of Hellenic Food Industries (Greece) SEVT Rome, 14 April 2007

15 Main results achieved so far SMEs – NET “SMEs Networking European Food Quality and Safety Stakeholders”. ENFFI “European Networking for Financing Food Innovation”. TRUEFOOD “Improving quality and fostering innovation of European Food Production Systems”. Rome, 14 April 2007

16 Thanks for the attention Rome, 14 April 2007

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