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Shuaib Lwasa Department of Environmental Management Makerere University UNEP / Cities Alliance / IIED.

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Presentation on theme: "Shuaib Lwasa Department of Environmental Management Makerere University UNEP / Cities Alliance / IIED."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shuaib Lwasa Department of Environmental Management Makerere University Email: UNEP / Cities Alliance / IIED Mainstreaming environmental concerns into City Development Strategies Kampala Workshop, 24-25 th July 2012

2  Environment and Development in Uganda  Context of mainstreaming  CDS cases  Approaches  Institutional Readiness

3 Is Urban Livability possible in view of changing environment? RURAL 53% URBAN 47% UN-Habitat 2002

4  Managing the environment in Uganda for sustainable development  focus largely remains protection and or sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, air quality and wild life  Urbanization poses challenges  Urban environmental degeneration continues  Inequality, poverty  The linkage between poverty and natural resource use or degradation  Urban environmental conditions remain deplorable in many neighborhoods especially the urban poor

5  Environment-development debate in Uganda has continued for long  1980’s vibrant CSO community emerged  Focus remained largely on air, water, forest conservation  Several conventions, laws and institutionalization

6 1. Kampala  CDS for Kampala with a time horizon of five years between 2004 and 2009  goal number 3 in the strategy is “Improving the environmental living conditions”  District (in this case City) Environment Action Plan (DEAP)  A series of projects 2. Jinja ▪ CDS 2007 – 2012 revitalizing industrial economy, equitable access to services ▪ CDS focuses on Local Economic Development ▪ A participatory approach with a LED committee

7  Institutional set up, NEMA, District Environmental officers  Project-based implementation; KIEMP, CDM, KUSP  Program-based mainstreaming; TSUPU, Slum Upgrading, Housing Policy??, LGDP-LGMSDP

8  Mainstreaming challenge  A common approach!  Long-range planning and mainstreaming!!!! Policy & Solution Crisis Management Action as a Fix Assessment or Pseudo? Report Stored On shelf NextCrisis Forgetting

9  Levers for Uganda  NDP ▪ Municipal Development Plans  DEAP or Municipal Environment Action Plans  Framework on which projects need to relate, CDS/MDS?

10  There are lessons in regard to existing tools and knowledge- project specific  The broader institutional issues specifically the Legal enabled- legal-disabled continuum creates a lock-in  Processes  Urban environment-definition, beyond water, air, soils and fauna  Planning with nature  Poor settlements, does EM ‘improve urban life’?  What about ‘ urban livelihoods’?  NUF, MUF, LUKA

11  In general, tools are a set of guides, steps and practical means that enable different stakeholders in reaching a desired goal of improving understanding and management of the urban environment.  Policy tools  NDP, DEAP  3 Year development Plans  Legislative tools  NEA  Municipal Environmental regulations

12  Programs and Projects  Knowledge management and engagement tools  EPM

13  Are municipalities for mainstreaming urban environmental?  Institutional adaptation; from ‘projectization’ to programs  Resource allocation  Capacity Development?/Capacity Building  Home-grown CDS or internally driven processes of mainstreaming  Experiential learning

14  Thank you!

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