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E MPLOYEE TESTING AND SELECTION Dr. Zanete Garanti Faculty of Business Administration.

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1 E MPLOYEE TESTING AND SELECTION Dr. Zanete Garanti Faculty of Business Administration

2 D IFFERENCES BETWEEN RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION Recruitment is the process of identifying that the organization needs to employ someone up to the point at which application forms for the post have arrived at the organization Selection then consists of the processes involved in choosing from applicants a suitable candidate to fill a post

3 Attracting the right candidates to apply for a job can be an expensive process It is even more expensive when done badly because when unsuitable candidates apply for a job, then the post may need to be re-advertised so it is best to get it right first time! The starting point is to carry out job analysis (planning) to identify the sorts of skills, knowledge and essential requirements that someone needs to have to carry out a job

4 R ECRUITMENT DEFINITIONS The process or art of finding candidates for a post in an organization Refers to the process of attracting, screening, and selecting qualified people for a job at an organization or firm Recruitment can focus on the internal labor market (pursuing staff already employed by the organization) or the external labor market (pursuing applicants from outside the organization)

5 I NTERNAL RECRUITMENT This refers to the filling of job vacancies from within the business where existing employees are selected rather than employing someone from outside A business might decide that it already has the right people with the right skills to do the job, particularly if its training and development program has been effective

6 H OW TO DO INTERNAL R ECRUITMENT ? Internal vacancies are usually advertised within the business via a variety of media: Job offer to particular employee as a result of individual assessment Internal database Staff notice boards Intranets In-house magazines / newsletters Staff meetings

7 I NTERNAL R ECRUITMENT : SUMMARY AdvantagesDisadvantages Knowledge of how a business operates will need shorter periods of training and time for 'fitting in’ Replacement of the person who has been promoted Person is used to working with others in the organization An insider may be less likely to make the essential criticisms required to get the company working more effectively Internal promotion acts as an incentive to all staff to work harder within the organization Promotion of one person in a company may upset someone else The strengths and weaknesses of an insider known. Avoid an outsider who may only be a success 'on paper’

8 E XTERNAL R ECRUITMENT External recruitment is the process of searching outside of the current employee pool to fill open positions in an organization It can cost more than hiring from within, but it also provides an opportunity for a fresh outlook on the industry that a company may need to stay competitive

9 S UCCESSFUL EXTERNAL RECRUITMENT The HRM function has to take initiatives in four important areas to make the external recruitment efficient, quick and bringing the right quality of candidates: Organization Brand Name ( desired-employers-from-google-to-loreal/) Correct Positioning of Job Posting Channels used to promote the job vacancy Speed of the Recruitment Process

10 E XTERNAL R ECRUITMENT : S UMMARY AdvantagesDisadvantages Provides new ideas and new insightLoss of time due to adjustment Allows employee to make changes without having to please constituent groups Destroys incentive of present employees to strive for promotions Does not change the present organizational hierarchy as much No information is available about the individual’s ability to fit with the rest of organization

11 R ECRUITMENT CHANNELS : JOB ADVERTISEMENTS IN MEDIA Advertisements are the most common form of external recruitment. They can be found in many places: local and national newspapers, notice boards, recruitment fairs. It allows to attract wide range of applicants, but can be costly and time consuming process.

12 Job centers are paid by the government and are responsible for helping the unemployed find jobs or get training. They also provide a service for businesses needing to advertise a vacancy and are generally free to use What could be advantages and disadvantages using job centers? R ECRUITMENT CHANNELS : JOB CENTERS

13 Recruitment agency provides employers with details of suitable candidates for a vacancy and can sometimes be referred to as ‘head-hunters’. They often specialize in particular employment areas e.g. nursing, financial services, teacher recruitment etc. They work for fee, that can be up to 20% of candidates’ salary What could be advantages and disadvantages using job centers? R ECRUITMENT CHANNELS : RECRUITMENT AGENCY

14 H EAD HUNTING Headhunting refers to the approach of finding and attracting the best experienced person with the required skill set Headhunting is also a recruitment process that involves convincing the person to join your organization

15 Often referred to as ‘word of mouth’ and can be a recommendation from a employee, colleague at work, business partner etc.. A full assessment of the candidate is still needed however but potentially it saves on advertising cost. What could be advantages and disadvantages using personal recommendations? R ECRUITMENT CHANNELS : PERSONAL RECOMMENDATION

16 R ECRUITMENT CHANNELS : I NTERNET Modern, fast and popular way to attract attention. Advertisements can be placed in: Site of company: people who are interested in your company will find you! Job advertisement site, Recruitment agency site, Other opportunities (banners, social networking sites etc.)

17 Using connection with schools and universities to find new professionals. Employee Leasing- arrangement in which a firm (called subscribing firm) transfers its employees to another firm (called leasing firm). The subscribing firm leases its employees back as employees of the leasing firm and usually pays more for their services than their salaries at the time of transfer. This way the payroll and associated expenses and taxes of the leased employees become the leasing firm’s liabilities. Employee Outsourcing- company provides employees either on a short or long-term contract basis. R ECRUITMENT CHANNELS : DIFFERENT CONNECTIONS, EMPLOYEE LEASING, EMPLOYEE OURSOURCING ETC.

18 SELECTION Is the process of discovering the qualifications and characteristics of the job applicant in order to establish their likely suitability for the job position. A good selection requires a methodical approach to the problem of finding the best matched person for the job. Selecting the right candidate Rejecting the wrong candidate Positive outcome Selecting the wrong candidate Rejecting the correct candidate Negative outcome

19 SELECTION PROCESS Resumes/ CVs ReviewInitial Screening InterviewAnalyze the Application BlankConducting Tests and Evaluating performancePreliminary InterviewCore and Departmental InterviewsReference checksJob offerMedical Evaluation

20 S ELECTION TECHNIQUES AND THE F REQUENCY OF USE TechniquePercentage of firms reporting to use (USA) Reference checking96 Interviews94 Application forms87 Ability tests78 Medical examinations50 Mental ability31 Drug tests26 Personality inventory17 Weighted application forms11 Honesty tests7 Lie detector tests5

21 A PPLICATION FORMS Contains: Personal information Education, qualifications Work experience, salary Personality items References Evaluation of application forms: 1. Clinical method In this method, all the information furnished by the applicant in the form is analyzed and inferences are made about applicant’s personality 2. Weighted method In this method, certain points or weights are assigned to each item in the application form

22 S ELECTION TESTS Intelligence Interest Aptitude Personality Achievements Situational Graphology Others See the test examples: C005E4964/$FILE/Pre-Employment%20Math%20Morristown.pdf C005E4964/$FILE/Pre-Employment%20Math%20Morristown.pdf

23 Interviews Preliminary interview Selection interview Decision making interview Unstructured Formal and structured Stress Group PanelIn- depth

24 N EXT CLASS : JOB INTERVIEW We are going to have a job interview role play on Tuesday, March 24. Here is the situation: You are a graduate of UMK, Faculty of Business. You applied to work in a KOOP bank as a bank clerk. Prepare yourself for a job interview as both interviewer and an applicant. You will be assested on ability to carry out both roles (it will count as your first quiz). Attendace is compulsory! Find examples of the job interview questions and prepare both to ask them and to answer them:

25 I NDUCTION Induction is a structured and standardized means of communicating corporate goals, policies, procedures and standards to new staff. It assists with their socialization into organizational values and culture. It is a supportive process that includes mentoring, coaching and the provision of information and learning materials that address technical and professional aspects of the job. It is primarily work-based and, as such, is the responsibility of the department and supervisor. Induction is an opportunity to discuss what systems are in place for managing and supporting staff, including their career development, training, and performance management.

26 A PROPERLY CONDUCTED INDUCTION SHOULD : Reinforce the staff member’s decision to join the organization, Enable staff to quickly commence work in an effective manner, Clarify expectations and reduce anxiety, Increase the predictability of a staff member’s behavior, i.e. that he or she will act in accordance with their terms and conditions of employment and in the interest of the organization, Promote enthusiasm and excitement about the staff member’s role, Link the new staff member to the organization’s work and collegial networking structures, Provide information about staff member’s rights and obligations.

27 A PPLICATION HOMEWORK Chapter 6 of Dessler HRM book: 170/pdf/Dessler2_When_On_Your_Own.pdf

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