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Bakersfield City School District

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1 Bakersfield City School District
2015/2016 Student Attendance Training

2 New Electronic Attendance in Complete School
What’s New??? FY : New Electronic Attendance in Complete School This means….. No more weekly PAR42’s required from teachers.

3 New Forms/Reports: Teacher Attendance Correction form- Stock# SUB100- Substitute Teacher Intro. Sheet Attendance Documents Verification Form Updated Document: Tardy Slip- Added SID section

4 New Daily Code: B- Partial Day Suspension New Period Codes (Middle/Junior High Only): 1 - Unverified 2 - Unexcused 3 - Excused

5 Forms removed in the new procedure:
PAR43- Period Attendance Report for Sub PAR42- Weekly Attendance Reports Teachers MyCLS01- Weekly Student Class Roster ATT21- Student Add/Drop List

6 Who to call for specific problems??

7 Call Fiscal Service for these specific problems
Errors on Total Student Count or can’t balance Total Student Count. Incorrect enter or leave dates. Student not on SCR for new month. Student on wrong SCR or on an SCR by themselves. Attendance picture incorrect or missing. Questions on teacher changes, dates to use or teacher lists. Inactivated or enrolled wrong student. Special Education students missing or in wrong class. Class size questions. School Wide Attendance Reports. Attendance for ISP students. Mass Teacher Changes.

8 Contact Information Technology at Ext Program Problems - system does not do what it is supposed to. Printer or computer problems. Questions regarding SAG. Duplicate SID #s. Demographics of homeless children. Dropping or Deleting student data in complete school.

9 Contact Student Services at Ext. 14822
Whether an absence is excused or unexcused. ISP contract dates. Expulsion and suspension dates

10 Contact Lorraine Thompson Academic Improvement & Accountability (AIA) at Ext. 14626
Bell Schedule Updates/Changes


12 What’s the difference between ELECTRONIC ATTENDANCE

ON-LINE ATTENDANCE: Attendance Personnel- verify every morning that teachers submitted attendance Teacher takes attendance Web-based Teacher Portal Teacher Portal automatically updates Attendance Personnel- gathers all attendance documents (tardy slips, doctors notes, parent notes, etc.) and update Complete School daily. Teacher- prints and sign the Weekly Period Attendance Report (PAR42) and submits to main office. Attendance documents submitted to Fiscal Services Monthly

Attendance Personnel- verify every morning that teachers submitted attendance Teacher takes attendance Web-based Teacher Portal Teacher Portal automatically updates Attendance documents submitted to Fiscal Services Monthly Attendance Personnel- gathers all attendance documents (tardy slips, doctors notes, parent notes, etc.) and update Complete School daily.

Teacher daily attendance procedure: Teacher takes attendance via “Teacher Portal” Elementary- during 0 period Middle/Junior High- during 0 – 6 period In the event that Teacher Portal is down, PAR41 is used to take attendance. SUB100 are printed for substitutes in order to access the teacher portal. Teacher are given access to the Teacher – Section Attendance Transactions Audit log- PAR51T – this log shows the section, attendance date, student’s name, student ID, attendance codes for each period and the user name associated with each change made to attendance in the teacher portal and/or Complete School.

Office Staff daily attendance procedure: Enter all PAR41’s from teachers. To take enter attendance, go to Complete School/Main Menu/Students/Attendance/Set Attendance for each student in a class. Change the date When everything is entered, make sure you click the “Mark Submitted”. This will clear the teacher’s name from PAR11 and will show your name in PAR20 as person who entered attendance.

Office staff daily attendance procedure cont.: Run the PAR11 report every period. Remind teacher’s who are on the list to take attendance via teacher portal or PAR41. When PAR11 is clear, run the PAR20, print and file. Middle/Junior High only- run the PAR22 (after 0 period) to show students who are present in one or more periods who also have unverified absences. Enter all Teacher Attendance Correction forms or s Run PAR44 and ATT09.

Verify all A’s from PAR44 and ATT09 using the following attendance documents: Tardy slips, sign-out&sign-in sheets, verification logs, dr’s. notes, parent/guardian notes and documentation to support religious absence. Document Codes: A- Absence/Call-In/Verification Log D- Doctor’s Note P- Parent/Guardian Note R- Religious Waiver S- Sign Out & Sign-In Sheet T-Tardy Slip I- ISP U- PAR22

19 Daily Codes (Entered by Attendance Personnel):
E- Excused U- Unexcused L- 30 minutes and less (Unexcused) C- Full Day Dental M- 31 minutes and more (Unexcused) D- Partial Day Dental O- 30 minutes and less (Excused) F- Full Day Flu V- 31 minutes and more (Excused) I- Partial Day Flu R- Head Lice (Excused) T- Full Day Asthma Q- Head Lice (Unexcused excess of one day) X- Partial Day Asthma Daily Codes (Entered by other Complete School Users) G- Pending J, K and Y – ISP Daily Codes entered S- Suspension by Student Services only B- Partial Day Suspension A- Unverified Absence H- Holiday N- Not Enrolled These are daily codes entered by attendance personnel’s only Daily codes for ISP’s such as J, K and Y,

Elementary schools will update daily attendance codes and zero period attendance (advisory) Tip: Daily and Period codes are the same Daily Code Period Code

Middle/Junior high schools will update daily attendance codes and all period attendance (0-6 period). Daily Codes: L, M, E, U, O, V, etc. Period Codes: 1- Unverified, 2- Unexcused and 3- Excused Daily Code Period Code

22 Weekly Attendance: Clerk:
Verify that all PAR41’s are submitted, signed and dated by the teachers, then file by month. Run ATT09 and PAR44 to show unverified absences and clear them in Complete School. Run ALL My Edit reports: 101, 103, 105 & 106 Run MyCLS01 (weekly) and tie it with PAR42. If there are any discrepancies, research and make changes in Complete School if necessary.

23 Monthly Attendance: Print MyATT20- verify and tie with your beginning of the months MyATT20. Run ALL My Edit Reports: 101, 103, 105 and 106. This reports MUST be cleared prior to submitting attendance to Fiscal Services. Run ATT09 and PAR44 to show unverified absences and clear them in Complete School. Print School Wide Attendance Report- ATT05. Verify and correct if necessary. Once finalized, clerk and Principal must sign the front page of ATT05 for certification. ALL reports must be balances by Friday of the week after the attendance month.

24 Cont. Monthly Attendance:
By Friday of the week after the attendance month, submit the following attendance documents to Fiscal Services at 4:00 pm on the same day: Absence/Call-In/Verification log Sign-Out&Sign-In sheets Tardy Slips Parents/Guardian/Doctors Notes Religious Waivers Teacher Attendance Correction Forms/ s Daily PAR11 Daily PAR20 Attendance Documents Verification Form ATT09 and PAR44- no Errors MyATT20 ATT05 My Edit Reports: 101, 103, 105 & 106 (without errors) Make a note that the PAR44 was not included in the list, but MUST be submitted as well.

25 Student Attendance Reporting Duties
The classified personnel assigned the task of completing student attendance reporting at any particular school site, is responsible for one of the most important office duties. Daily attendance procedures need to be followed in order to complete accurate reports and timely maintenance of attendance records. The classified personnel must be knowledgeable of the rules and regulations that apply to excused absences notes, telephone logs, definition of absences, and compulsory education law (truant, excused and unexcused absences). The following duties are the responsibility of the secretary or clerk assigned to attendance reporting: Daily tracking of teachers submitting attendance Daily verification and update of absences in Complete School Daily completion of computer enrollment and inactivation Monthly completion of the Total Student Count (MyATT20) Verification of School-Wide Attendance Report (ATT05)

26 First Day of school: Run the PAR41 -Blank Weekly Attendance Report
Start the MIS List- Run ATT09 to get the list of students who are not present on the first day of school. Enter the students from the ATT09 list to the MIS list.

27 First Day of school cont.:
Quick No Show a student – this option is only available on the first day of school. Note: If you no showed in error, contact Attendance office to clean-up student history.

Run the MySTU106 - this will list students who were on the MIS List but have other codes aside from ‘A’ or students who have an ‘A’ but are not on the MIS List. If a student on the MIS list attends school on the 2nd day or thereafter, you must update the “Date of First Attendance” on the MIS list

29 Date of First Attendance table:
8/20/15 8/27/15

30 WARM BODY COUNTS Fax/ your Warm Body Count Forms to Attendance on these days: Wednesday- 8/19/15 Thursday- 8/20/15 Friday- 8/21/15 Monday- 8/24/15 START OF SCHOOL WEEK: RUN the PAR41 Report and SAVE in your local drive.

Teacher will log onto the Teacher Portal to take attendance within the first 10 minutes of the each period. If a teacher makes a mistake and the attendance has already been submitted, a signed Teacher Attendance Correction Form or to the office is required before the attendance.

Run the Substitute teacher Introduction Sheet- SUB100 report- This report will generate the substitute User ID and Password. Go to Complete School/MainMenu/Reports/Teachers/SUB100

Run PAR11 until it’s cleared Run PAR20 to show the list of teachers that took attendance for the day then file. (Middle/Junior High Only) Print the Daily Cuts Report (PAR22) Enter all Teacher Attendance Correction forms or s in Complete School. Run PAR44 and ATT09- clear all unverified absences.

Verification can only be performed by certain District employees: School or Public Health Nurse Attendance Supervisor A Physician A Principal A Teacher Any other qualified district employees assigned to make such verifications.

35 Excused Absences (Ed Code 48205):
Due to his/her illness Quarantine under the direction of a county or city health officer For the purposes of having medical, dental, optometric or chiropractic services rendered For the purposes of attending the funeral services of a member of his/her immediate family; not more than one day if service is in California and not more than 3 days if service is conducted outside of California. (Immediate family members include: mother, father, brother, sister, grandparent, grandchild, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, or any relative living in the house). For the purpose of jury duty in the manner provided for by law Due to the illness or medical appointment during school hours of a child of whom the pupil is the custodial parent Exclusion for failure to present evidence of immunization (Educational Code 48216). Exclusion from school because student is either the carrier of a contagious disease or not immunized for a contagious disease (Educational Code 48213). Pupils in grades 7-12 who leave school (with prior approval of the Principal or his/her designee) to obtain confidential; medical services. The pupil should return a copy of the medical professional’s appointment verification form. Time for a student to spend time with a family member who is being deployed or returning from deployment. Justifiable personal reasons including but not limited to appearance in court, attendance at a funeral service, observance of a holiday or ceremony of his/her religion, attendance at religious retreats not to exceed four hours per school month, or attendance at an employment conference when the pupil’s absence has been requested in writing by the parent or guardian and approved by the principal or designated representative pursuant to uniform standards established by the governing board. For the purpose of serving as a member of a precinct board for an election pursuant to Section of the Elections Code.

36 Unexcused Absences (Ed Code 48260-48273):
Truancies and all absences for causes not specifically noted in E.C are considered unexcused absences. Head Lice: Students who are absent because of head lice are counted ‘Excused’ only for one day, daily code ‘R’ in CS. Any days after one day are counter ‘Unexcused’, daily code ‘Q’ in CS. Student ”Accident”: Per Student Services, if a student had an “accident” and parents took them home to change, the first time it happens is considered ‘Excused’. If it becomes a recurring issue, contact Student Services and they can verify the absences.

37 Take your child to work day:
If a student is absent for the entire day in order to go to work with their parent, the absence is ‘Unexcused’. Combination of Excused and Unexcused absence: If a student has a combination of an excused and unexcused absence in the same day, the higher minutes of absence shall take precedence. Fog Delay: Two-hour fog delay refers to the school bus pick-up time. All students who do not ride the bus are expected to arrive at school on schedule unless their parents or guardians feel conditions are unsafe. Do not take attendance until the fog delay ends. When a fog delay is called, walk-in students report to their regular classrooms at regular time if they are on campus, others report as they arrive. Any student who comes in after the fog delay period are considered late.


39 Sign-Out & Sign-In Sheet
Any student who is signed in or out of your school must be entered in the Sign-out / Sign-in binder. If a student goes home because of illness please indicate “Sick” not “home” on the log. There are several reasons why the completeness of the Sign-In& Out binder is important: We are responsible for students who leave the campus and ensuring that the adult removing them is authorized to do so. In matters of custody, interested parties want to know who and why a child was taken from school. The Sign-In & Out sheet is a CDE approved form. The form cannot be modified without an approval from CDE. Store Stock #


41 Tardy Slip All students who do not arrive to school on time must be recorded on the Tardy Slip. The Tardy Slip is a CDE approved form. The form cannot be modified without an approval from CDE. Store Stock #

42 Teacher Attendance Correction Form
This is used by teachers to request a change of student attendance after they submit the attendance in Teacher Portal. This is a CDE approved form. Stock #

43 Absence/Call-In/Verification Log
This log is used by the front office to record the absence verification information provided by the parent/guardian by phone call or voice message. This is a CDE Approved Form Stock #

44 Request to Change Attendance Records
Corrections may be made to prior month attendance and enrollment records by submitting a Request To Change Attendance Records form to Fiscal Services.

45 Attendance Documents Verification Form
This form is signed by school clerk/secretary to verify that all attendance documents/reports are in the attendance folder submitted to Fiscal Services at the end of each attendance months.

46 Questions?

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