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MPPG – Multidisciplinary Program Planning Group Multidisciplinarity is how science is done today Dave Lohse, MPPG Chair Fall Meeting - Denver, CO 27 August.

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Presentation on theme: "MPPG – Multidisciplinary Program Planning Group Multidisciplinarity is how science is done today Dave Lohse, MPPG Chair Fall Meeting - Denver, CO 27 August."— Presentation transcript:

1 MPPG – Multidisciplinary Program Planning Group Multidisciplinarity is how science is done today Dave Lohse, MPPG Chair Fall Meeting - Denver, CO 27 August 2011

2 Chemistry of Air, Space and Water –Theme Organizer: Prof. Ron Cohen, Berkeley Chemistry of Oceans, Chemistry in the Universe, Chemistry of Surface Waters, Astrobiology, Food in Space, Sustainable Fresh Water Supply, Greenhouse Gas Emissions –Kavli Lecture: Dr. Susan Solomon, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration Thematic Programming Fall 2011 Denver

3 Thematic Programming Spring 2012 San Diego Chemistry of Life –Biomimetics, Synthetic Biology, Systems Biology, Cell Biology, Molecular Transport through Cell Membranes, Chemical Signaling in Biological Systems, Neurochemistry, Metabolomics –Theme Organizer: Dr. Peter Senter, Seattle Genetics, 21823 30th Dr. SE, Bothell, WA 98021 Contact Info: 425-527-4710 (Ph); 425-527-4711 (Fx); –Kavli Lecture: Prof. Carolyn Bertozzi, University of California - Berkeley

4 Thematic Programming Fall 2012 Philadelphia Materials for Health and Medicine –Biological Systems and Drug Discovery, Drug Delivery Vehicles, Nutrition and Health, Rational and Combinatorial Drug Design Methods, Nanomedicine, Nutrition and Health, Polymeric Materials for Medical Applications –Theme Organizer Prof. Xinqiao Jia, University of Delaware, Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering, 201 DuPont Hall, Newark, DE 19716 Contact info: 302-831-6553(ph); 302-831-4545(fax),

5 Thematic Programming Spring 2013 New Orleans Energy and Food –Surface Chemistry, Coolants, Alternate Energy Sources –Theme Organizer Prof. James N. Seiber, Department Chair, Department of Food Science and Technology, Robert Mondavi Institute, University of California, Davis, Davis, CA 95616; Contact info: (ph): 530-752-2490; (fx): 530-752-1465;

6 Thematic Programming Fall 2013 Indianapolis Chemistry in Motion –Biofuels, Material Science, Energy Requirements for Crop Protection –Theme Organizer Prof. Robert A. Weiss, Hezzleton E. Simmons Professor, Department of Polymer Engineering, Polymer Engineering Academic Center, The University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325-0301, Contact info: (ph): 330-972-2581; (fx): 330-258- 2339;

7 Choosing MPPG Chair Elect Candidates –Paul Rillema – rep from CHED, chair of Alternate Programming subcommittee –John Finley – rep from BTEC, organized themes Fall ‘07 and Fall ‘10 –Luke Achenie – rep from COMP Use prepared ballots Hand back within a few minutes Winner will be announced by end of MPPG meeting

8 ACS Network Has been a useful way for ACS members to communicate Has helped many committees work together, share information, and archive documents Now set up for MPPG Demonstration of its use –By Lisa Houston – Chair of Communications and Outreach subcommittee

9 Communications and Outreach Lisa Houston – Chair Tasks –How to best publicize the themes –Choice of design for program booklet covers –How we can use ACS Network for subcommittees’ communications / online discussions

10 Alternate Meeting Format Paul Rillema – Chair Tasks –What re the best modes to try?

11 Thematic Programming Zi-Ling (Ben) Xue – Chair Tasks –Firm up topics/synopses for 2014 themes –Suggest topics for 2015 themes

12 Thematic Programming 2014 – Proposed Themes Spring 2014 - Dallas –Chemistry of Energy/Advanced Materials for New Opportunities Fall 2014 - San Francisco –Chemistry and Stewardship of the World Today’s Task –Firm up topics and outline synopses, discuss possible organizers

13 Thematic Programming 2015 & beyond Spring 2015 - Denver Fall 2015 - Boston Spring 2016 – San Diego Fall 2016 - Philadelphia Spring 2017 – San Francisco Fall 2017 – St. Louis Today – Begin considering topics for 2015

14 Discussion Question How do we assure new division officers are aware of and are encouraging participation in MPPG?

15 ExecutiveCommittee Current Slate for 2011 –Dave Lohse (PMSE) - Chair –Guenter Grethe (CINF) – Past Chair –Mark DiStefano (ORGN) – Chair-Elect –Lisa Houston (PETR) – Chair, Communications and Outreach Subcommittee –Paul Rillema (CHED) – Chair, Alternate Meeting Format Subcommittee –Zi-Ling (Ben) Xue (INOR) – Chair, Thematic Programming Subcommittee Staff Support from the Office of Division Advancement, ACS –Richard Love –Chris McCarthy –John Katz

16 MPPG is your committee and needs your help! If your division has a member (members) that you feel would be a candidate for thematic chair, or would like to work with the thematic chair for a specific national meeting, please contact myself, Guenter Grethe, or Mark DiStefano

17 Backup Slides

18 What is MPPG? Mission: Provide the infrastructure that enables national meeting programming groups to develop collaborative thematic programs and to explore alternative meeting formats Composition: Representatives of all technical divisions and council committees (DAC, ComSci, M&E,CEI, IAC) impacted by national meeting technical programming

19 How does MPPG operate? Division chairs appoint members (substitutes allowed) MPPG meets during at least one national meeting/yr –Practice has been to meet at each national meeting for the past several years – Saturday afternoon Executive committee provides focus; meets at national meetings and via teleconference during the year MPPG operates as a DAC subcommittee but may become an independent group at some time in the future MPPG seeks theme ideas, organizers broadly from divisions, the Society, and beyond MPPG seeks to coordinate with Presidential themes

20 How can my division participate? Make sure you have a representative on MPPG. Participate actively through your rep in selecting themes, theme chairs, programming within themes. Participate actively in improving national meetings; propose ideas & experiments. Collaborate with other divisions within and outside of thematic programs.

21 Organization Executive committee composed of subcommittee chairs, vice chair, chair and past chair. Chair is elected at the fall meeting of the full MPPG. Call for nominations takes place prior to the meeting. Three subcommittees: –Thematic Programming –Alternate Meeting Format –Communications and Outreach Themes are vetted by the divisions through the thematic subcommittee. Past chair is contact for organizers of upcoming themes to provide them help & experience

22 MPPG continues to be a work in progress, which has and will continue to evolve. We will need your input, help, and support in order to assure ACS is the preeminent source for technical content and scientific networking.

23 Thematic Programming 2006 - 2008 Fall 2006 San Francisco –Collaboration in Chemistry: Recovery from and Prevention of Natural Disasters –Thematic Organizer: Ruth Hathaway Spring 2007 Chicago –Sustainability of Energy, Food, and Water –Thematic Organizers: Catherine Hunt, Ken Anderson, Sharon Shoemaker, Benito Mariñas Fall 2007 Boston –Biotechnology of Health and Wellness –Thematic Organizers: Han Shen, Les McQuire, John Finley Spring 2008 New Orleans –Energy and the Environment –Thematic Organizers: Mike Morello, Mercedes Maroto-Valer, Andrew Jackson, Eberhard Morgenroth Fall 2008 Philadelphia –Chemistry for Health: Catalyzing Translational Research –Thematic Organizer: Kinam Park

24 Thematic Programming 2009 - 2010 Spring 2009 Salt Lake City –Nanoscience: Challenges for the Future –Thematic Organizer: Paul Weiss Fall 2009 Washington DC –Chemistry and Global Security: Challenges and Opportunities –Thematic Organizer: Sadiq Shah Spring 2010 San Francisco –Chemistry for a Sustainable World –Thematic Organizer: Laura Pence Fall 2010 Boston –Chemistry for Combating and Preventing Disease –Thematic Organizers: Kenneth Jacobson and John Finley

25 Responsibilities of Theme Organizers Select sub-themes and corresponding organizers Plan a plenary/showcase/Presidential event Coordinate divisional programming within the theme Organize special thematic symposia Promote the theme, with ACS marketing

26 Critical Skills for Theme Organizers Know the field of the theme well, and is a respected member of that community Have organized symposia at ACS in the past and is well acquainted with the ACS system of programming Have the dedication, energy, and people skills to coordinate the programming among many divisions and other programming entities (COMSCI, PRES, etc.)

27 Time Relative to Meeting Date Action/Event 36 months beforeMPPG selects theme 24 months beforeMPPG Steering Committee appoints overall theme organizer 24 months beforeMPPG Chair communicates theme & organizer to MPPG representatives, division chairs, chair- elects, councilors, program chairs, webmasters, newsletter editors, etc. 24 months beforePost themes and theme organizers to MPPG website 21 months beforeOrganizer selects sub-themes, including organizers 20 months beforeDivisions tell organizer of their plans for theme

28 18 months beforeSend update to division webmasters 18 months beforeOrganizer makes plans for plenary/showcase event in conjunction with President for year of theme (timing will depend on when President–elect is chosen) 18 months beforeOrganizer reports back to MPPG and divisions with first draft of structure of theme program – symposia from divisions, special thematic symposia, showcase event, other activities 18 months beforeInformational communication to local sections contiguous to National Meeting, other societies of interest 18 months beforeRequest help from host local section in contacting other avenues of outreach: museums, student affiliates, educational, local WCC-YCC, etc.

29 16 months beforeOrganizer talks with ACS staff about special needs for theme at meeting site – venue for showcase/Presidential event, locations of theme symposia, connections with other societies, non- programming events (e. g., with local community) 15 months beforeShort announcement of theme to be included in listings of up coming meetings 13 months before (must precede same season annual meeting) Promotional materials available and forwarded to all divisions for display at the national meeting. (i.e., Spring 2011 promotional materials ready for Spring 2010 meeting) 13 months beforePDF file of promotional information posted to MPPG web site and available to download.

30 12 months beforeOrganizer reports back to MPPG and divisions with second draft of structure of theme program – symposia from divisions, special thematic symposia, showcase event, other activities; this should be close to the final version 12 months beforePresidential office and organizer finalize plans for showcase event and begin process to line up speakers and make other arrangements 12 months beforeAdvise all speakers of financial arrangements for their symposia 12 months beforeACS staff and organizer begin plans for promotion of theme through both internal (ACS) and external venues

31 12 months beforeDetails of thematic programming to host local section 12 months beforePromotional materials forwarded to Regional Meetings for display 8 months beforeOrganizer reports back to MPPG and divisions with final draft of structure of theme program – symposia from divisions, special thematic symposia, showcase event, other activities 6 months beforeOrganizer and subtheme organizers oversee submission of symposia abstracts and other information into OASYS 6 months beforeTie into local media with informational flier and update MPPG website and division webmasters

32 4 months beforeOrganizer and ACS staff finalize plans for locations of events and symposia at meeting site One month beforeAssure symposium organizers – media office are aligned on significant presentations: press conferences etc. At meetingOrganizer and ACS staff work on site to make sure thematic programming and other events proceed flawlessly Post meetingTrack news generated by the theme 2 months afterOrganizer and ACS staff report back to MPPG on how well theme process worked and how to improve this in the future


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