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How do we get from here to there? FIA FIA National User Group Meeting March 20, 2014 Salt Lake City, UT.

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Presentation on theme: "How do we get from here to there? FIA FIA National User Group Meeting March 20, 2014 Salt Lake City, UT."— Presentation transcript:

1 How do we get from here to there? FIA FIA National User Group Meeting March 20, 2014 Salt Lake City, UT

2 What we’re supposed to do What you’ve told us (rules) Budget reality check What we’re doing Your hopes and dreams (Farm Bill +) Our hopes and dreams (Closing the GAP) FIA

3 As defined by o Enabling legislation o Blue Ribbon Panels o Farm Bill(s), FSA, others All Forestlands: collect and make available data, and report: o Consistent; local -> national; past -> future o Forest health data, TPO, Land Owners Involve local and national partners and clients Be transparent and flexible Think ahead and be ready (carbon, etc.) FIA

4 From numerous User/Client meetings - No State left behind No plot left behind Don’t change the design Shore up the base High quality data Data and Analysis available quickly FIA

5 Full Funding Target $77.6 millionGAP FY 2011 Enacted Budget $71.5 million$6.2 million FY 2012 Enacted Budget $69.2 million$8.4 million FY 2013 Enacted Budget $65.6 million$12.0 million FY 2014 Budget$66.8 million$10.9 million FIA

6 Cut costs Travel, space, Contracting Big ideas P3/P2+/EI Cycle Interior AK Remote Sensing Marketing EF&R, Urban, range FIA






12 Reduce the population Reduce intensity Reduce time ON plot Reduce time TO plot Supplement with remote sensing Continue contracting Get others to help FIA

13 Less data/info More changes Potential for bias Reduced precision Reduced relevance Impacts to Partners FIA

14 We have some good ideas Cost savings –> consequences But still more to do AND more “to do’s” FIA

15 Farm Bill* Urban Interior Alaska Biomass/carbon CORE TPO Land cover/land use Forest owners Small area estimates Other* Greater participation in Agency IM&A/planning Include nonforest wildlands (aka: range), even all non-Ag lands * NONE OF THESE ARE FREE

16 YOU get the picture YOU recognize the general options (we’ve been here before) More funding? Less product? Big changes? FIA


18 1. What are my agency/State/industry priorities? 2. Who do I need to talk to about this Program? 3. (insert: Really Big Idea #3 that will address the Farm Bill) 4. etc. FIA


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