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First 5 Kings County Evaluation Services Request for Application Bidders Teleconference – February 22, 2012 Evaluation Services Request for Application.

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Presentation on theme: "First 5 Kings County Evaluation Services Request for Application Bidders Teleconference – February 22, 2012 Evaluation Services Request for Application."— Presentation transcript:

1 First 5 Kings County Evaluation Services Request for Application Bidders Teleconference – February 22, 2012 Evaluation Services Request for Application Bidders Teleconference – February 22, 2012

2 Objectives Provide a summary of the approach First 5 Kings County has chosen to conduct Evaluation Activities Review components necessary for submission of application Answer questions from perspective applicants. Provide a summary of the approach First 5 Kings County has chosen to conduct Evaluation Activities Review components necessary for submission of application Answer questions from perspective applicants.

3 The Big Picture The First 5 Kings County Children and Families Commission is seeking qualified applicants to conduct program specific evaluation of its funding investments. The selected Evaluator will use data collected and corresponding charts established from funded programs and other information to assess the contribution of program outcomes to community- level improvements for young children. The Evaluator will be required to assess the impact of programs and services on targeted groups in Kings County and to make suggestions for program and system improvements.

4 First 5 Kings County Evaluation Approach Historical Context From it’s inception until 2009, the Commission utilized external contractors to complete local evaluation efforts. In 2009, in an effort to save money, the Commission embarked upon a process meant to establish a peer evaluation System. Historical Context From it’s inception until 2009, the Commission utilized external contractors to complete local evaluation efforts. In 2009, in an effort to save money, the Commission embarked upon a process meant to establish a peer evaluation System.

5 First 5 Kings County Evaluation Approach External Contractors Used CSU Bakersfield – the commission engaged in a multi-county endeavor for evaluation services across valley First 5 organizations. This contract ended when the lead researcher departed and established an independent research firm. Pathways and Insights – the commission hired this firm to complete formative evaluation services for Kings County. The contractual relationship ended when the partners within the firm terminated the organization. External Contractors Used CSU Bakersfield – the commission engaged in a multi-county endeavor for evaluation services across valley First 5 organizations. This contract ended when the lead researcher departed and established an independent research firm. Pathways and Insights – the commission hired this firm to complete formative evaluation services for Kings County. The contractual relationship ended when the partners within the firm terminated the organization.

6 First 5 Kings County Evaluation Approach External Contractors Used Applied Research Center – the commission hired this firm to complete evaluation services for Kings County. The contractual relationship ended when a competitive RFP was published and UCLA Center for Healthier Children, Families, and Communities was chosen as the successful proposal. UCLA’s Center for Healthier Children, Families, and Communities – the Commission maintained a relationship with this contractor for 3 years, and has as a result completed evaluations on all major Initiatives/Programs of the Commission. This contractual relationship ended in September 2009. External Contractors Used Applied Research Center – the commission hired this firm to complete evaluation services for Kings County. The contractual relationship ended when a competitive RFP was published and UCLA Center for Healthier Children, Families, and Communities was chosen as the successful proposal. UCLA’s Center for Healthier Children, Families, and Communities – the Commission maintained a relationship with this contractor for 3 years, and has as a result completed evaluations on all major Initiatives/Programs of the Commission. This contractual relationship ended in September 2009.

7 First 5 Kings County Evaluation Approach Historical Context In 2009, in an effort to save money, the Commission embarked upon a process meant to establish a peer evaluation System. Historical Context In 2009, in an effort to save money, the Commission embarked upon a process meant to establish a peer evaluation System.

8 First 5 Kings County Evaluation Approach Peer Evaluation Subcommittee Determined evaluation would occur at the programmatic level Determined only programs funded over $100,000 per year would be evaluated Determined that programs would be evaluated every other year (bi-annually). Determined that programs would be responsible for data collection and creation of all charts/tables necessary for analysis. Peer Evaluation Subcommittee Determined evaluation would occur at the programmatic level Determined only programs funded over $100,000 per year would be evaluated Determined that programs would be evaluated every other year (bi-annually). Determined that programs would be responsible for data collection and creation of all charts/tables necessary for analysis.

9 First 5 Kings County Evaluation Approach Peer Evaluation Subcommittee Utilized a significant portion of the existing evaluation framework (as established by UCLA) to develop a plan for future efforts. Worked with contracted providers to determine what data could be reasonably collected/managed given diminished resourced Established funding threshold which would trigger evaluation, and timeframe of each evaluation effort. Peer Evaluation Subcommittee Utilized a significant portion of the existing evaluation framework (as established by UCLA) to develop a plan for future efforts. Worked with contracted providers to determine what data could be reasonably collected/managed given diminished resourced Established funding threshold which would trigger evaluation, and timeframe of each evaluation effort.

10 First 5 Kings County Evaluation Approach Current Approach Commission identified the need to utilize an external evaluator to conduct actual analysis and produce evaluation reports. Current Approach Commission identified the need to utilize an external evaluator to conduct actual analysis and produce evaluation reports.

11 First 5 Kings County Evaluation Approach Expectations for Evaluation Services: Conduct evaluation methodologies that are based upon goals, results, performance measures and indicators as outlined in the First 5 Kings County Evaluation Plan (Appendix 4). Act as the Evaluation liaison with funded programs, gathering all necessary information on program implementation and program impact to enable recipients to demonstrate the effectiveness, efficiency, and systemic collaboration of the program to the First 5 Kings County Commission. Expectations for Evaluation Services: Conduct evaluation methodologies that are based upon goals, results, performance measures and indicators as outlined in the First 5 Kings County Evaluation Plan (Appendix 4). Act as the Evaluation liaison with funded programs, gathering all necessary information on program implementation and program impact to enable recipients to demonstrate the effectiveness, efficiency, and systemic collaboration of the program to the First 5 Kings County Commission.

12 First 5 Kings County Evaluation Approach Expectations for Evaluation Services: Measure program and service performance, producing an annual evaluation report which includes (but is not limited to) the following: Outcomes-based accountability that range from formative program evaluation and process improvement, to summative profiles of intended versus actual performance, and result and impact studies. Provides program costs and benefit measurements with like programs as designated. Produce at least quarterly progress reports to program personnel and key decision makers. Expectations for Evaluation Services: Measure program and service performance, producing an annual evaluation report which includes (but is not limited to) the following: Outcomes-based accountability that range from formative program evaluation and process improvement, to summative profiles of intended versus actual performance, and result and impact studies. Provides program costs and benefit measurements with like programs as designated. Produce at least quarterly progress reports to program personnel and key decision makers.

13 First 5 Kings County Evaluation Approach Compensation for Evaluation Services: $25,000 per year for a total of 2 years Maximum amount of funding available not to exceed $50,000. Compensation for Evaluation Services: $25,000 per year for a total of 2 years Maximum amount of funding available not to exceed $50,000.

14 Application Components Preparing an Application Applications must be typewritten in a 12 point font on 8 ½ by 11 paper. In order for your application to be considered, it must supply all of the information requested, in the order requested, in the RFA. Application Due Date: March 9, 2009 4:00 p.m. Preparing an Application Applications must be typewritten in a 12 point font on 8 ½ by 11 paper. In order for your application to be considered, it must supply all of the information requested, in the order requested, in the RFA. Application Due Date: March 9, 2009 4:00 p.m.

15 Application Components Cover Letter Executive Summary Narrative References Sample of Previous Evaluation Work Product Cover Letter Executive Summary Narrative References Sample of Previous Evaluation Work Product

16 Application Components Cover Letter Please utilize the format presented in Appendix B of the RFA document. Cover Letter Please utilize the format presented in Appendix B of the RFA document.

17 Application Components Executive Summary Provide a one page summary of the application. Executive Summary Provide a one page summary of the application.

18 Application Components Narrative Can be no longer than 10 pages Must address each question posed in the RFA in the order requested. Applicant/Organizational Capacity Evaluation Experience Staffing Can include additional information, but must be contained within the 10 page limitation. Narrative Can be no longer than 10 pages Must address each question posed in the RFA in the order requested. Applicant/Organizational Capacity Evaluation Experience Staffing Can include additional information, but must be contained within the 10 page limitation.

19 Application Components References Please provide three references, include name and telephone number. References Please provide three references, include name and telephone number.

20 Application Components Sample Work Product Please provide written evaluation report(s) the applicant/organization has completed Sample Work Product Please provide written evaluation report(s) the applicant/organization has completed

21 Selection Process Complete applications will be scored by a group of two or more readers. Applications scoring 70% or higher will be considered for the interview panel. Complete applications will be scored by a group of two or more readers. Applications scoring 70% or higher will be considered for the interview panel.

22 Selection Process Application Review Criteria Applicant/Organization Capacity (25%) Evaluation Experience (50%) Staffing (25%) Application Review Criteria Applicant/Organization Capacity (25%) Evaluation Experience (50%) Staffing (25%)

23 Selection Process Application Interview Panel An Interview Panel, which may be comprised of First 5 Kings County Commissioners and/or other panel members as designated, will interview the applicant’s who have met the scoring requirement. A formal recommendation will be made by the interview panel to the full Commission on April 3, 2012 Application Interview Panel An Interview Panel, which may be comprised of First 5 Kings County Commissioners and/or other panel members as designated, will interview the applicant’s who have met the scoring requirement. A formal recommendation will be made by the interview panel to the full Commission on April 3, 2012

24 Selection Process Contract/Evaluation Activities Begin: Contract to be negotiated in April Activities to begin July 1, 2012 Contract/Evaluation Activities Begin: Contract to be negotiated in April Activities to begin July 1, 2012

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