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(from Page, 1986) Paleoclimate and Flooding Histories of the San Joaquin Valley: An NSF-sponsored cooperative project with the CSUB Geology Program and.

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Presentation on theme: "(from Page, 1986) Paleoclimate and Flooding Histories of the San Joaquin Valley: An NSF-sponsored cooperative project with the CSUB Geology Program and."— Presentation transcript:

1 (from Page, 1986) Paleoclimate and Flooding Histories of the San Joaquin Valley: An NSF-sponsored cooperative project with the CSUB Geology Program and the Kern High School District ICP-MS and Sedigraph Analysis Giddings Coring Rig Lake Core Buena Vista Lake Kern Lake

2 Pleoclimate and Flooding History in the Southern San Joaquin Valley Community-Centered Research for Improving Minority Participation in the Geosciences: Provides training for in-service K-12 teachers, and provide summer research opportunities and scholarships for high school and CSUB geology students The project centers around a locally relevant research topic that provides handson learning opportunities for teachers and students Funded by NSF

3 California Science Project CSUB faculty and Bakersfield school teachers have participated in workshops at the Central Coast CSP site (Cal Poly SLO) We are presently working with Bakersfield City School District to establish a CSP site for Kern County and adjoining regions not covered by CSP. The CSP is a statewide, university-based professional development network for science teachers.

4 The California Science Project provides opportunities for teachers to: develop and enhance their science content knowledge and pedagogical skills necessary to implement the State Board of Education science standards identify exemplary teaching practices in science classrooms and provide a forum for communicating them to teachers statewide maintain and support intellectually vibrant and mutually supportive professional communities for teachers of science develop school-based leadership teams of teachers and K-12 administrators committed to improving science programs develop formal partnerships with schools to improve student learning provide contracted services to schools and districts examine and develop research on learning, knowledge and educational materials.

5 CSUB GeoTechnology Training Center (GTTC) A Center for Training and Research Using GeoTechnology Software Lake Embayment? Bakersfield Arch Geographix™ Landmark™ Petra™ Neuralog™

6 The California Well Sample Repository Non-profit service to the academic community and the oil industry Located on the campus of Cal State - Bakersfield Only facility of its kind in California open to the public

7 THE CALIFORNIA WELL SAMPLE REPOSITORY The California Well Sample Repository is California’s only facility for permanent storage and public use of cores, sidewall samples, drill cuttings, outcrop samples, microfaunal slides, foundation borings, and mineral suites. The repository, founded in 1975, consists of two buildings of 6,000 square feet each located on the campus of California State University, Bakersfield.

8 California Well Sample Repository Collection Cores, ditch samples, and sidewall samples from more than 4,000 oil and gas wells located throughout onshore and offshore CaliforniaCores, ditch samples, and sidewall samples from more than 4,000 oil and gas wells located throughout onshore and offshore California Well histories, core descriptions, photos, analyses, and electric logs for many of the wellsWell histories, core descriptions, photos, analyses, and electric logs for many of the wells Microscope slides processed for microfauna from over 2,000 wells and outcrop localities.Microscope slides processed for microfauna from over 2,000 wells and outcrop localities. Foundation boring samples, ocean bottom sediments from water quality control studies, and rock sample suites from mining districts and geothermal areas.Foundation boring samples, ocean bottom sediments from water quality control studies, and rock sample suites from mining districts and geothermal areas.


10 Well File Collection 128 file cabinets, organized by T-R-S


12 How can you help the CWSR ? Provide formation tops on cored wells Point out errors in databases Volunteer - spend your lunchtime filing Organize a weekend work-party Use the facility and tell others about it Provide financial support - The CWSR’s current annual budget is equivalent to less than a nickel for every barrel produced in the state in one day

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