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Published byLawrence Campbell Modified over 9 years ago
1 Session 2: Regional Opportunities for CEE and Turkey Strategy toward COP14 and opportunities for the region/inputs from G20 process Facilitation of climate policy in CEE and Turkey for the post 2012 period BUDAPEST, MARCH, 13 – 14 2008 Maria Kłokocka Head of Division of Climate Protection and Ecological Conventions Ministry of the Environment, POLAND
2 UNITED NATIONS FRAMEWORK CONVENTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE COP 14 - The Conference of the Parties and CMP 4 - Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol POZNAN 2008 POLAND 1 - 12 December Poznań Climate Conference UNFCCC Strategy toward COP14 and opportunities for the region/inputs from G20 process Workshop Facilitation of climate policy in CEE and Turkey for the post 2012 period Budapest, March 13-14, 2008 POLAND
3 Planning the agenda for the COP 14 and CMP 4 The main bodies COP 14 - The Conference of the Parties, CMP 4 - Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol Subsidiary bodies: SBSTA 29 - The Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) SBI 29 - The Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) Strategy toward COP14 and opportunities for the region/inputs from G20 process Workshop Facilitation of climate policy in CEE and Turkey for the post 2012 period Budapest, March 13-14, 2008 POLAND
4 Subsidiary bodies (2): AWG - KP 6 (resumed) The Ad Hoc Working Group of Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol (AWG-KP) further commitments for Annex I Parties to the Kyoto Protocol beyond 2012. AWG - LCA 3 The Ad hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention (AWG-LCA) - the aim of completing the work by 2009. The scenario for the Poznan Conference will be considered by SBI 28. Strategy toward COP14 and opportunities for the region/inputs from G20 process Workshop Facilitation of climate policy in CEE and Turkey for the post 2012 period Budapest, March 13-14, 2008 POLAND
5 Future processes/long term cooperative action under Convention “Bali Roadmap” - decision 1/CP.13, referred to as the Bali Action Plan (BAP), the Parties inter alia agreed to launch a comprehensive process to enable ‘the full, effective and sustained implementation of the Convention through long-term cooperative action, now, up to and beyond 2012’. The process shall be conducted under a subsidiary body called the ‘Ad-hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action’ under the Convention, (AWG-LCA) which is expected to reach an ‘agreed outcome’ at COP 15 in Copenhagen, Denmark. As agreed in Bali, a progress report on the work of the AWG - LCA will be submitted to COP 14. Strategy toward COP14 and opportunities for the region/inputs from G20 process Workshop Facilitation of climate policy in CEE and Turkey for the post 2012 period Budapest, March 13-14, 2008 POLAND
6 The AWG - LCA first session in Bangkok from 31 March to 4 April t o develop its work programme and adopt other measures related to its mandate. Two additional meetings simultaneously with sessions of the AWG-KP June and August/September Fourth session - in Poznan during COP 14. Strategy toward COP14 and opportunities for the region/inputs from G20 process Workshop Facilitation of climate policy in CEE and Turkey for the post 2012 period Budapest, March 13-14, 2008 POLAND
7 The role of Poznań - Demonstrate the continuing focused engagement of the global community in the Bali Roadmap process - Mark the turning point in accelerating and building momentum in the road to COP15 agreement - Parallel elaboration and implementation of buildings blocks of BAP, AWG KP work programme and KP review under art.9 as well as other ongoing issues Work to be done in brief: 1. workshops and sessions during 2008 (agreed elements in building the future commitments). 2. building blocks (all ideas can formally be introduced, clarified and discussed) 3. Sum up the key outcomes from other relevant high level climate change meetings, especially G8, Major Economies Meeting and the UN Secretary General thematic debate, for further consideration on the UNFCCC and KP forum. 4. Clarify as much as possible the structure of the 2009 agreement. Strategy toward COP14 and opportunities for the region/inputs from G20 process Workshop Facilitation of climate policy in CEE and Turkey for the post 2012 period Budapest, March 13-14, 2008 POLAND
8 Possible deliverables of Poznań cont. - Ministerial Political declaration that a framework agreement be finally reached in 2009; - Progress on key elements AWG LCA: shared vision, Mitigation, Adaptation, Technology and Finance - (draft) Agreement on long-term goal and shared vision? - Progress in AWG KP - Decision resulting from the KP review under Art. 9 Key issues for COP 14/CMP 4 in Poznań. - The transition COP between Bali and Copenhagen, - COP 14 - expected to be a milestone towards Copenhagen global agreement, - Some decisions to take on most advanced key issues - Consideration of Poznan Acion Plan? Strategy toward COP14 and opportunities for the region/inputs from G20 process Workshop Facilitation of climate policy in CEE and Turkey for the post 2012 period Budapest, March 13-14, 2008 POLAND
9 Potential objectives for Poznan four action areas at COP 14/CMP 4 (1) Mitigation The objectives are to: - Clarify options for sectoral approaches; - Reach agreement in principle on the means available to Annex I Parties to meet their mitigation targets (including changes to existing mechanisms, rules and methodologies applied); and - Develop agreement on the main policy approaches for deforestation, forest degradation and forest conservation. Strategy toward COP14 and opportunities for the region/inputs from G20 process Workshop Facilitation of climate policy in CEE and Turkey for the post 2012 period Budapest, March 13-14, 2008 POLAND
10 Potential objectives for Poznan four action areas at COP 14/CMP 4 (2) Adaptation The goals are: > Agree broad objectives and targets relating to adaptation; > Establish the basis for the modalities for national frameworks for adaptation; > Identify what support and enabling mechanisms need to be negotiated and included in the agreed outcome in Copenhagen; and > Identify ways to mobilise additional financial resources for adaptation, including innovative financing Strategy toward COP14 and opportunities for the region/inputs from G20 process Workshop Facilitation of climate policy in CEE and Turkey for the post 2012 period Budapest, March 13-14, 2008 POLAND
11 Potential objectives for Poznan four action areas at COP 14/CMP 4 ( 3) Technology The objectives are to: > Identify options for technology transfer mechanisms and assess their effectiveness; > progress in the technical work of the EGTT to inform negotiations on technology; > progress in the elaboration of the strategic programme of the GEF to scale up the level of investment on technology transfer; > Identify potential actions in the area of technology research and development; > Identify financing needs and mechanisms ; > Identify actions to accelerate deployment and diffusion of available technological solutions (e.g. technology targets, technology roadmaps); and > Mobilise the private sector and UN/IGOs in the area of technology and define specific areas Strategy toward COP14 and opportunities for the region/inputs from G20 process Workshop Facilitation of climate policy in CEE and Turkey for the post 2012 period Budapest, March 13-14, 2008 POLAND
12 Potential objectives for Poznan four action areas at COP 14/CMP 4 (4) Finance The objectives are to: > Initiate negotiations on the future of the CDM and JI and on the development of new market-based mechanisms; > Undertake the review of the Financial Mechanisms and > Develop common understanding among Parties on the financial architecture needed to sufficiently broaden the revenue base of mechanisms supporting mitigation and adaptation. Strategy toward COP14 and opportunities for the region/inputs from G20 process Workshop Facilitation of climate policy in CEE and Turkey for the post 2012 period Budapest, March 13-14, 2008 POLAND
13 On-going issues (1) ! Adaptation Negotiations on the second phase of the of the Nairobi Work Programme on Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change will commence at SBSTA 28 (in June) and will conclude at COP 14. ! Adaptation Fund Bali - decision to establish institutional arrangements to operationalize the Adaptation Fund. The first report of the Adaptation Fund Board will be made in Poznan. ! Development and transfer of technology Progress by the EGTT will be important. ! Reducing emissions from deforestation in developing countries Deforestation, forest degradation and forest conservation - the issues will continue to be part of the negotiations in Poznan. ! Fourth Review of the Financial Mechanism of the Convention COP 14 - a review of the Convention’s financial mechanism, of which the GEF is an operating entity. Strategy toward COP14 and opportunities for the region/inputs from G20 process Workshop Facilitation of climate policy in CEE and Turkey for the post 2012 period Budapest, March 13-14, 2008 POLAND
14 On-going issues (2) ! Second review of the Kyoto Protocol pursuant to its Article 9 Decision 7/CMP.2. The second review of the Kyoto Protocol at CMP 4 in Poznan and s hould focus on: 1. Implementation by Parties included in Annex I to the Convention (Annex I Parties) of their commitments under the Kyoto Protocol. 2. Architectural aspects of the Protocol. Strategy toward COP14 and opportunities for the region/inputs from G20 process Workshop Facilitation of climate policy in CEE and Turkey for the post 2012 period Budapest, March 13-14, 2008 POLAND
15 ad 1 - Implementation by Annex I Parties to the Convention of their commitments under the Kyoto Protocol. (a) Effectiveness in reducing GHG to date, in particular to achieve emissions limitation or reduction commitments; (b) Effectiveness of the flexibility mechanism in the meeting targets of Annex I Parties, in particular regarding the clean development mechanism (CDM); (c) The provision of financial resources; (d) Capacity-building; (e) Technology transfer. Strategy toward COP14 and opportunities for the region/inputs from G20 process Workshop Facilitation of climate policy in CEE and Turkey for the post 2012 period Budapest, March 13-14, 2008 POLAND
16 Ad 2 - Architectural aspects of the Protocol. The role of the Kyoto Protocol In meeting the ultimate objective of the Convention; The nature of commitments under the Kyoto Protocol including alternatives for their formulation; The scope of Annex A to the Kyoto Protocol, including the treatment of emission from international aviation and maritime transport; The rules that govern the treatment of LULUCF, noting that related provisions have been agreed only for the first commitment period of the Protocol; Existing annexes and procedures for amending these, including the simplification of procedures for Parties to be included in Annex B to the Kyoto Protocol; The scope for, and effectiveness of, the flexibility mechanisms (CDM, JI and emission trading), with the view to their enhancement, strengthening and scale up; Provision on adaptation with a view to securing adequate and predictable resources to enhance the capacity of developing countries, in particular the most vulnerable, to adapt to climate change; Privileges and immunities with a view to ensuring that members of constituted bodies are adequately protected from claims before national courts in relation to the exercise of their official functions. Strategy toward COP14 and opportunities for the region/inputs from G20 process Workshop Facilitation of climate policy in CEE and Turkey for the post 2012 period Budapest, March 13-14, 2008 POLAND
17 On-going issues (3) ! Capacity Building Decision 2/CP.7 - comprehensive review of the implementation of the framework for capacity building in developing countries. The next review - in Copenhagen. Need for its closer linkage to the AWG-LCA process. It will be important politically to have a positive outcome from the review of the CB framework in Poznan (if so decided) Strategy toward COP14 and opportunities for the region/inputs from G20 process Workshop Facilitation of climate policy in CEE and Turkey for the post 2012 period Budapest, March 13-14, 2008 POLAND
18 Decision 3/CP.7 “Framework for capacity building in EITs, including scope of activities” Objective: To build the capacity of EIT Parties to enable them to effectively implement the objective of the Convention and for their participation in the Kyoto Protocol Capacity building must be country-driven, be consistent with their national sustainable development strategies, reflect national initiatives and national priorities Must be primarily undertaken by and in EIT Parties in partnership with others Should contribute to the effective implementation of the Convention by EIT Parties and the Kyoto Protocol Should be results-oriented and implemented in an integrated and programmatic manner to facilitate its monitoring and evaluation, cost-effectiveness and efficiency; Strategy toward COP14 and opportunities for the region/inputs from G20 process Workshop Facilitation of climate policy in CEE and Turkey for the post 2012 period Budapest, March 13-14, 2008 POLAND
19 Scope and Priority List of Activities from decision 3/CP.7 - National greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories; - Projections of GHG emissions; - Policies and measures, and the estimation of their effects; - Impact assessment and adaptation; - Research and systematic observation; - Education, training and public awareness; - Transfer of environmentally sound technologies; - National communications and national climate action plans; - National systems for estimation of GHG emissions; - Modalities for accounting relating to targets, timetables and national registries; - Reporting obligations; - Joint implementation projects and emissions trading. Strategy toward COP14 and opportunities for the region/inputs from G20 process Workshop Facilitation of climate policy in CEE and Turkey for the post 2012 period Budapest, March 13-14, 2008 POLAND
20 For EITs, decision 3/CP.10 acknowledged following key challenges: - Insufficient financial and human resources; - Need for capacity to be sustainable; - Lack of active stakeholder participation; - Need for increasing support from key decision makers; and - Integration of climate change policy into national/sectoral policies. Strategy toward COP14 and opportunities for the region/inputs from G20 process Workshop Facilitation of climate policy in CEE and Turkey for the post 2012 period Budapest, March 13-14, 2008 POLAND
21 ! Capacity Building for technology transfer - Establishment and and development of in-country networking dialogue on technology needs and capacity gaps; - Establishment of Technology Information Network to enable access to, and discussion of, adaptation and other environmentally sound technologies including mitigation; - Establishment of academic programmes in relevant and regional institutions; - Institutional strengthening, training and education - Cooperation in region Strategy toward COP14 and opportunities for the region/inputs from G20 process Workshop Facilitation of climate policy in CEE and Turkey for the post 2012 period Budapest, March 13-14, 2008 POLAND
22 ! Capacity Building for adaptation - More researches on better climate scenario, - Dissemination of study reports; - Development of adaptation project guidelines; - Capacity - enhancement to address the impact of and adaptation to climate change; - Establishment of academic programmes in relevant and regional institutions; - Identification and promotion of traditional knowledge, skills and practices which enhance adaptation; - Institutional strengthening, training and education - Cooperation in region Strategy toward COP14 and opportunities for the region/inputs from G20 process Workshop Facilitation of climate policy in CEE and Turkey for the post 2012 period Budapest, March 13-14, 2008 POLAND
23 ! Education, training and public awareness raising on climate change - Development toolkits for all levels (youths, comunities, project managers, policy makers); - Development of public awareness programmes; - Learning from others; best practices, solutions, lessons etc. - In-country networking dialogue on public awareness raising on climate change - Cooperation in region Strategy toward COP14 and opportunities for the region/inputs from G20 process Workshop Facilitation of climate policy in CEE and Turkey for the post 2012 period Budapest, March 13-14, 2008 POLAND
24 Key factors: - Enhance enabling environments; - Improve information sharing; - Enhance training, education& public awareness; - Enhance national coordination and institutional capacities; - Improve negotiating effectiveness in the Convention as well as KP; - Cooperation in region; Strategy toward COP14 and opportunities for the region/inputs from G20 process Workshop Facilitation of climate policy in CEE and Turkey for the post 2012 period Budapest, March 13-14, 2008 POLAND
25 REGIONAL PROBLEMS - Awareness by decision makers; - Assessment and use of potential of emission reduction GHG; - Decoupling economic growth from emission growth (limits for economic development ?); - Approaches to future obligations (national circumstances and capacities); - Long term emission reduction strategies; - Problems with institutional arrangements; - Limited resources and capacity; - Communication barriers, data gaps; Strategy toward COP14 and opportunities for the region/inputs from G20 process Workshop Facilitation of climate policy in CEE and Turkey for the post 2012 period Budapest, March 13-14, 2008 POLAND
26 WHAT CAN WE DO ? - Strengthen institutional arrangements; - Stakeholders participation; - Best practices; - Regional website role enhancement; - Cooperation between regional experts; - Development of climate change awareness campaignes Strategy toward COP14 and opportunities for the region/inputs from G20 process Workshop Facilitation of climate policy in CEE and Turkey for the post 2012 period Budapest, March 13-14, 2008 POLAND
27 THANK YOU for your attention More information: Ministry of the Environment Department of Global Environmental Issues and Climate Change POLAND tel.: (+48 22) 5792 761 E-mail: Strategy toward COP14 and opportunities for the region/inputs from G20 process Workshop Facilitation of climate policy in CEE and Turkey for the post 2012 period Budapest, March 13-14, 2008 POLAND
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