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Polish Presidency and FP7 undertakings for research&innovation – facing Horizon 2020 Anna Pytko National Contact Point in Poland Institut of Fundamental.

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Presentation on theme: "Polish Presidency and FP7 undertakings for research&innovation – facing Horizon 2020 Anna Pytko National Contact Point in Poland Institut of Fundamental."— Presentation transcript:

1 Polish Presidency and FP7 undertakings for research&innovation – facing Horizon 2020 Anna Pytko National Contact Point in Poland Institut of Fundamental Technological Research Polish Academy of Sciences Tallin, 2nd December 2011

2 Motto of the Presidency The Ministry of Science and Higher Education: Full use of Europe ʼ s intellectual capital as a main factor of EU economic growth and competitiveness

3 Polish Presidency of the EU Council 1.07-31.12.2011 Achievement of economic growth which is intelligent, balanced and fostering social inclusion will be possible only by making good use of all social and economic opportunities that are inherent in the individual Member States, in particular, good use of intellectual capital.

4 Intelectual capital Human Structural (NMS - Structural Funds and Cohesion Funds) Relational Social

5 Benefits for the EU „…of good use of intelectual capital” More synergy (at European and national levels) between policies related to human capital, structural capital, social capital and relational capital Identification of areas in which the EU’s potential has not been yet fully utilized and in which the EU could achieve better results in the future Reinforcing the social, economic and political cohesion for more dynamic and inclusive EU growth policy

6 Research related priorities  Simpler and more harmonised next Framework Programme for research and innovation (Horizon 2020,Euratom)  More synergy between EU cohesion policy and the next Framework Programme for research and innovation (European clusters, development of regional research infrastructure) Priorities in the field of higher education  Modernization of higher education (communication on modernization of higher education in Sep 2011)  Mobility, in particular young researchers (mid-term review of the community programmes, Eastern Partnership) Presidency priorities

7 Simpler and more harmonised next Framework Programme for research and innovation (Horizon 2020) More synergy between EU cohesion policy and the next Framework Programme for research and innovation (European clusters, development of regional research infrastructure) Research-related priorities

8 Objectives: next Framework Programme more accessible for small scientific teams as well as SMEs simplification of administrative and financial rules relating to the participation in Framework Programme Polish Presidency Working Group on Simplification The Informal Ministerial Expert Group on Simplification was appointed on 12 Oct 2010 in order to monitor the actions taken by the Commission on simplification Simpler and more harmonised next FP for research and innovation

9 Objectives: supporting necessary structural reforms and striving to raise the excellence through appropriate orientation of cohesion policy introduction of similar rules of participation and implementation of research and innovation projects funded under the Framework Programmes and the cohesion policy use of the cohesion policy funds to increase the participation in the European research programmes More synergy between EU cohesion policy and the next FP

10 Full use of Europe ʼ s intellectual capital Integration as the Source of Growth Secure Europe – Food, Energy, Defence Europe Benefiting from Openness Internal market Multiannual Financial Frammework (2014-2020) Presidency priorities

11 Conferences supporting Polish Presidency priorities - CSA FP7 projects 05.09.2011 Gdansk – Environmental (BIO) Technologies Brokerage event 08.09.2011 Warsaw – Food and Nutrition in 21 st century 20.09.2011 Warsaw – Security Research Conference (SRC’11) 22.09.2011 Warsaw – FUMAT 2011 Future Materials for White Paper grand challenges of our time 26-27.09.2011 Warsaw – The scientific symposium on science promotion dedicated to Marie Curie fellows 24-25.10.2011 Wroclaw – MANUFUTURE 2011 West and East Europe in global High Added Value manufacturing. Presidency priorities – NCP effort

12 10-11.10.2011 Warsaw - European Innovation Summit 19-20.10.2011 Warsaw - EU integRATIO 15-16.11.2011 Warsaw - EU-EECA Cooperation in Research Policy Stakeholders Conferences and Innovation: The way towards 2020 22-23.11.2011 Warsaw - Strategic Energy Technology Plan Warsaw Declaration SET Plan Presidency priorities – NCP effort

13 NON PAPER Simplification of Rules and Procedures in European Research and Innovation Programmes Final report Prepared by the Informal Ministerial Expert Group on Simplification Submitted to the Competitiveness Council (5-6 December 2011) NCP - CSF

14 Integration of instruments and programmes Harmonisation and simplification of the CSF’s instruments (unified administrative, financial, structural and informational procedures) More balanced and harmonized development of ERA (research centres, networks, clusters, partnerships) Synergy and complementarity with structural funds Integrated system of multinational research – „ERA- research” (ERA-Net, Art. 185, JPI) Open Cross-Border Research NCP - CSF

15 Career development – ERC, Marie Curie Fixed rates in personnel costs – „MC-like”; VAT Strengthening financial instruments (to stimulate the innovation; RSFF) Large European and regional infrastructure NCP - CSF

16 Polish participation in EU research E-corda 9.0, after 294 calls,

17 Polish participation in EU research

18 SME - % in budget

19 Some statistics (274 calls; e-corda)

20 Tel. +48 22 828 74 83 National Contact Point for European Research Programmes Warsaw, Poland

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