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Social Dialogue in Poland AD 2012 Dr Mariusz Maszkiewicz (Poland) DG – TUNED Meeting, Nicosia, Cyprus 5-6 Dec. 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Dialogue in Poland AD 2012 Dr Mariusz Maszkiewicz (Poland) DG – TUNED Meeting, Nicosia, Cyprus 5-6 Dec. 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Dialogue in Poland AD 2012 Dr Mariusz Maszkiewicz (Poland) DG – TUNED Meeting, Nicosia, Cyprus 5-6 Dec. 2012

2 “SOLIDARITY” AND IT’S IMPACT TO THE DEMOCRATIZATION WITHIN POLAND HAS STARTED HARDLY IN FALL 1980 AND WAS HARMFULLY INTERRUPTED FOR DECADE. Social dialogue is the fundament and the pilar of european system of values and law (Lisbon Treaty, art.152). Refers more to the civil dialogue what is extremely important for Polish trade unions

3 MANY OF ACADEMIC EXPERTS EXPRESS OPINIONS LAST MONTHS THAT FOR A PROSPEROUS DEVELOPMENT OF DIALOGUE THERE IS NOT ENOUGH EVEN IMPRESSIVELY EXPANDED INFRASTRUCTURE, BUT IS NECESSARY THE CULTURE OF DIALOGUE COMPOSED OF, INTER ALIA, A CLIMATE OF TRUST, KEEPING ONE’S SIDE OF BARGAIN AND KEEPING ONE’S WORD AS WELL AS DEPARTING FROM LEVELLING OF NEGOTIATIONS TO BIDDING OF FORCE. In Poland, in fact, there is no such a dialogue. One of the reasons is that substantial part of personnel in the private enterprises situates beyond the scope of trade unions’ activity, moreover, is deprived of elementary informative-consultative subjectivity because the relevant bill fulfilling Directive 2002/14/We of the European Parliament and Council was not passed by the Diet of the IVth term.


5 SINCE THAT TIME WE HAD SERIOUS DEMONSTRATIONS OF “SOLIDARITY” CAUSED BY BREAK IN THE SOCIAL DIALOGUE. PRESIDENT OF “SOLIDARITY” TRADE UNIONS PIOTR DUDA INDICATES LATELY THAT THE GOVERNMENT HOLDS A DIALOGUE WITH ITSELF. Significant fact is that Since december 2011 Deputy Prime Minister Waldemar Pawlak (coalition “Peasant Party” partner of ruling “Civic Platform”) has withdrawn himself from Tripartite Commission. Pawlak asked Prime Minister Donald Tusk to indicate and delegate Minister of Finance Jacek Rostowski, since most of decisions concerning payments and key financial problems for employees. Pawlak couldn’t find consensus in these matters with his government partners while the Tripartite Commission was established among other to redefine minimal wage.

6 DISMISSED „SOLIDARITY” ACTIVISTS 1. Tomasz Ludwiński, 2. Jacek Cichy 3. Andrzej Moskal 4. Grażyna Welon


8 Head of “Solidarity’s” Public Service Secretary Mr Jerzy Wielgus submitted a petition to the Prime Minister to intervene particularly in case of four dismissed Tax Chambers/ Treasury employees. The other side of social dialogue remains silent, unfortunately.

9 Unfortunately we have in Poland serious problems with it

10 THANK YOU FOR ATTENTION Public Servises’ Secretariat of NSZZ „Solidarność” / Brand Section of NSZZ „Solidarność” for Workers Employed in Public and Governmental Offices /the Section coordinates action with Public Servises’ Secretariat/

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