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6th GSDI Conference FROM GLOBAL TO LOCAL Budapest, September 16-19th 2002 r. Ewa Wysocka Institute of Geodesy and Cartography Poland, Warszawa, ul. Jasna.

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Presentation on theme: "6th GSDI Conference FROM GLOBAL TO LOCAL Budapest, September 16-19th 2002 r. Ewa Wysocka Institute of Geodesy and Cartography Poland, Warszawa, ul. Jasna."— Presentation transcript:

1 6th GSDI Conference FROM GLOBAL TO LOCAL Budapest, September 16-19th 2002 r. Ewa Wysocka Institute of Geodesy and Cartography Poland, Warszawa, ul. Jasna 2/4 From Global to Local and from Local to Global. Can we meet ?

2 NSDI – Poland Beginnings 80’s80’s Land information system (Land) Multipurpose cadastre early 90’searly 90’s Concept of a land information system (pilot project in Lodz) 1994-19951994-1995 the NSDI Programme Council worked out guidelines for conception, diagnostic and prognosis of the future NSDI 2

3 NSDI - Poland The research project "Concept of the Polish Spatial Information System”, commissioned by the Ministry of the Interior and Administration and financed by the State Committee for Scientific Research were conducted by the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography in Warsaw July 1998 - March 2001 The project has been implemented in cooperation with Warsaw University of Technology, Academy of Mining and Metallurgy in Cracow, Warmia-Mazury University in Olsztyn, Silesian University as well as other units and individual experts and consultants 3

4 NSDI - Poland The main aim of the project was to propose a general concept of the national spatial information system (SIS=NSDI), which would function as an integrated system, based on existing and future geographic information systems One of the element of the governmental infrastructure necessary for the government proper functioning The main user: governmental and local administration Then: other organisations inc. private companies, and citizens 4

5 NSDI - Poland The works were conducted in the thematic blocks, comprising the following tasks: NSDI users and their needsNSDI users and their needs informational and legal aspects of NSDIinformational and legal aspects of NSDI technical and functional aspects of NSDItechnical and functional aspects of NSDI a conceptual model of NSDIa conceptual model of NSDI an economic model of NSDIan economic model of NSDI a final conceptual version of the Polish NSDIa final conceptual version of the Polish NSDI 5

6 NSDI - Poland Architecture of NSDI DISTRICT WAREHOUSES REGIONAL WAREHOUSES CENTRAL WAREHOUSE Branch thematic systems Regional systems Local systems 6

7 NSDI - Poland NSDI - Poland 3 level, hierarchical, modular system architecture Integrated data collected in Data Warehouses, located in NSDI Centres: ~380 districts („powiat”) NSDI Centres 16 provinces (voivodship) NSDI Centres 1 Central NSDI Centre Metadata system Open system with access regulations Distributed configuration Object – relational database Different data models on different levels 7

8 NSDI - Poland Local Level (communities, districts) Scales: 1:500, 1:1000, 1:2000, 1:5000 Thematic Layers (selected examples) Geodetic ground control horizontal and vertical Administrative division 18 Cadastre44 Land use and Land cover 45 Environmental protection Technical Facilities Social Facilities Statistical Data 454432 3 groups 8

9 NSDI - NSDI - Poland Local level 9

10 NSDI - Poland Regional Level (voivodships) Scales: 1:10 000, 1:50 000 Thematic Layers (selected examples) Geodetic ground control horizontal and vertical Administrative division 15 Topographical Data Base (1:10 000) 271 Land use and Land cover 44 Environmental protection Technical Facilities Social Facilities Statistical Data 332320 1800 items (52 groups) 10

11 NSDI - Poland Central Level (national) Scales: 1:100 000, 1:250 000 (aggregated and generalised data) National Geographic Database Thematic Layers (selected examples) Basic Informational Data 10 Natural Environment 48 SocietyEconomy5150 11

12 NSDI - Poland NSDI - Poland Central level Central NSDI Centre IBL, GDLP Natoinal Forests System PIOŚ, IOŚ, IMGW Environmetal Protection Systems IMGW Meteorological and Hydrlogical Systems PIG Geological System GDDP, COBD ABiEA Transportation Systems IUNG, IMUZ Soil and Agricultural Systems IGiPZ PAN Social and Spatial Planning Systems Central Statistics Office Utility Companies Interministerial NSDI Council National LIS Centre Central administration users Regional Data Warehouses 12

13 NSDI - Poland (time schedule 2002-2006) 1.NSDI Central Database Project. Project of gathering and updating modules 2.NSDI Manual edition 3.NSDI law projects 4. Detailed central, regional and local level NSDI centres projects 5. Completion of geographical database and metadata 6. Central level system of NSDI operation 7. Regional level system of NSDI pilot project 8. NSDI model solution on regional level Local level system of NSDI pilot project 9. Completion of operational version of NSDI 13

14 NSDI - Poland (On-going activities) 1. Works on geographic information norms and standards; 2. Further development of local and regional GIS and new initiatives taking up by local administrations; 3. Preparing to creating the National Land Information System in accordance with the new regulations: Creating of the national geographic database in the scale of 1:250 000 and metadata database; Creating of the national geographic database in the scale of 1:250 000 and metadata database; Preparing to run National Geodetic and Cartographic Resources in digital form; Preparing to run National Geodetic and Cartographic Resources in digital form; Creating the topographic database and digital terrain model in the scale 1:10 000 (pilot works); Creating the topographic database and digital terrain model in the scale 1:10 000 (pilot works); 4. Establishing the Integrated Cadastral System (conceptual and project works); 14

15 NSDI - Poland (On-going activities) 15 During the project realisation more then 30 spatial information systems, most of them on the local level, were analysed; The core data: the land and building register, the base map, large- scale topographical maps. So there were more land information systems then geographical ones and sometimes rather digital maps then systems

16 NSDI - Poland (On-going activities) 16 Spatial information systems on the regional level are created or developed almost in every of the 16 provinces in Poland the Cracow province (the oldest, with a quite big deal of geographical information); the Lodz province (the most advanced one from a network connection between local and regional administration offices point of view, but limited to land and building register data), the Silesian province (the most advanced system from the designing methodology point of view, and only one matching all the objectives of the Concept of the Polish NSDI).

17 Concept vs. reality Concept vs. reality Standardisation Proposal: Adoption of EU standards (obligatory - 80% till 2002) Reality: SWING, SWDE CEN/TC 287, ISO/TC 211, OGC the Polish Normalisation Committee (PKN) 1996 - the Normalisation Commission 255, the sub-commission for Geodetic Spatial Information System 2001 - the Normalisation Commission 297 forGeographic Information within the Polish Normalisation Committee (PKN) 17

18 Concept vs. reality Concept vs. reality Standardisation 18

19 Concept vs. reality Concept vs. reality Standardisation ENV ISO 10303-11:1994, Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Part 11 : Description methods : The EXPRESS language reference manual (ISO 10303-11:1994)ENV ISO 10303-11:1994, Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Part 11 : Description methods : The EXPRESS language reference manual (ISO 10303-11:1994) ENV 12661:1998, Geographic information- Referencing –ENV 12661:1998, Geographic information- Referencing – Direct position. ENV 12661:1998, Geographic identifiers.ENV 12661:1998, Geographic identifiers. ENV 12009:1997, Geographic Information - Reference ModelENV 12009:1997, Geographic Information - Reference Model ENV 12160:1997, Geographic Information - Data Description - Spatial schemaENV 12160:1997, Geographic Information - Data Description - Spatial schema ENV 12656:1998, QualityENV 12656:1998, Quality ENV 12657:1998, MetadataENV 12657:1998, Metadata CR 12660Query and updateCR 12660Query and update CR 13436VocabularyCR 13436Vocabulary ENV 12658:1998, Geographic Information - Data Description - Transfer.ENV 12658:1998, Geographic Information - Data Description - Transfer. 19

20 Concept vs. reality Concept vs. reality NSDI Centres Proposal: NSDI centres based on agreements of different local and regional users Centres of Geodetic and Cartographic Documentation (ODGiK) as NSDI centres Reality: ~ 400 ODGiKs on local level, 16 – on regional level, CODGiK an early stagepreparing to run all National Geodetic and Cartographic Resources in digital form an early stage of preparing to run all National Geodetic and Cartographic Resources in digital form 20

21 Concept vs. reality Exist: reference (core) data – high quality National GeoCartographic Resources, also in digital form large amount of other data, also in digital form technical sources (computer and telecommunication equipment) for collecting, archiving, accessing and interchanging data with potential staff Lack of: coordination proper legal regulations proper standards efficient implementation and organization 21

22 Concept vs. reality Concept vs. reality The National Council for Spatial Information Proposal: to establish the national, inter-ministerial council for NSDI with an executive committee Reality: the advisory team for geoinformation (called into being by the Surveyor General of Poland) 22

23 NSDI – Poland Decree of the Minister of Regional Development and Construction (12 Jul 2001) „National Land Information System” Obligatory part of the system : National reference system Register of state and administrative boundary Geodetic network Land and building register Geodetic register of land technical utilities Topographical objects Metadata Other data ? 23

24 NSDI - Poland Legal authorization of NSDI in context of one legal regulation or insertion of entries into existing legal acts applied to collecting, updating and making available spatial data;Legal authorization of NSDI in context of one legal regulation or insertion of entries into existing legal acts applied to collecting, updating and making available spatial data; Legal definition of spatial data and information;Legal definition of spatial data and information; Legal regulations of the circulation of spatial data and information and making decision on the basis of these data in administrative proceedings (legal and evidential force of an electronic document);Legal regulations of the circulation of spatial data and information and making decision on the basis of these data in administrative proceedings (legal and evidential force of an electronic document); Legal basis for spatial data exchange within public administration units, between these units and between public administration and other partners;Legal basis for spatial data exchange within public administration units, between these units and between public administration and other partners; Legal basis for the fees of access to spatial information.Legal basis for the fees of access to spatial information. 24

25 NSDI - Poland What we need... A formal inter-ministerial bodyA formal inter-ministerial body Legal regulationsLegal regulations Metadata standardMetadata standard….. 25

26 Future Responsibilities of the Inter-ministerial Council for NSDI elaborating a long-term plan of the NSDI creating; preparing legal acts needed for the NSDI establishing; coordinating the activities of governmental departments not to multiply databases, information systems and technical infrastructure; elaborating a general and a technical projects of the Polish NSDI; working out a metadata standard based on ISO/TC 211 standards; monitoring and coordinating activities of the regional and local administration; cooperating and exchanging information in the field of NSDI with other countries and international organisations 26

27 Future role of the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography - supporting the National NSDI Council - supporting the Surveyor General of Poland - promotion of legal regulations - promotion of proper IS designing methods (state of art) - promotion of creating metadata databases - promotion of standards (norms) - co-operations with other countries organisations (EU) 27

28 6th GSDI Conference FROM GLOBAL TO LOCAL Budapest, September 16-19th 2002 r. From Global to Local and from Local to Global. Can we meet ?

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