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Popular Music Trends Sherri GambleCristina Persegona Allison SandulaIga Smolarkiewicz Marek SzczecinskiMalgorzata Wroblewska Mariusz Zawierucha.

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Presentation on theme: "Popular Music Trends Sherri GambleCristina Persegona Allison SandulaIga Smolarkiewicz Marek SzczecinskiMalgorzata Wroblewska Mariusz Zawierucha."— Presentation transcript:

1 Popular Music Trends Sherri GambleCristina Persegona Allison SandulaIga Smolarkiewicz Marek SzczecinskiMalgorzata Wroblewska Mariusz Zawierucha

2 ♫ Discuss different music trends in Italy, Poland, and the United States. ♫ Introduce two types of music trends and a popular music festival in each country. ♫ Identify similar music trends Introduction

3 Italy

4 Negramaro  Rock Music mixed with traditional melodies and electronic beats  “La Finestra” sold more than 100,000 copies in 2007

5 American music in Italy Red Hot Chili Peppers U2- British Madonna  Music listened to in Italy:

6 Music Festival San Remo- Festival of Italian Music

7 San Remo Music Festival  Beginning: 1951  Every February

8 San Remo Music Festival continued…

9 Poland

10 Vader  First band from behind “the Iron Curtain” to sign a record label  “Morbid Reich” demo tape  Perhaps the only band in Europe to sustain its status for a number of years

11 Behemoth  Death and Black Metal  Poland is one of the top religious countries in the world  “The Apostasy” album  Ozzfest in 2007

12 Wartislavia Cantans Music Festival  Festival began 40 years ago  Festival includes chamber concerts, recitals, and visual art presentations  Two thousand artists perform every year  Held in the historical interiors of Wroclaw, and several other buildings within the city

13 Wartislavia Cantans Music Festival continued…

14 United States

15 Rap Music  Beginning: Mid 1970s

16 Rap Music continued… Real life reflections of the rap ghetto: Racism Economic oppressions

17 Rock Music  Originated in the 1950s  Blend of black rhythm-and-blues with white country-and-western music.  Dec 2007-Led Zeppelin had their first concert in 27 years in London, England.

18 Warped Tour  Created: 1993

19  Punk rock, metal core, and post-hardcore bands.

20 Similarities of countries researched...  American Music is popular in Italy  Rock music

21 Differences of countries researched...  Music Festivals  Popular genres of music

22 Fricke, D. (2007). Led zeppelin: the full report from david fricke. Retrieved October 27, 2008, from Rolling Stone site: e Polish music festivals. (2002-2006). October 11, 2008, from: culture/music/polish-music-festivals/#c1166 Rose, T. (1994). Black noise. Connecticut: Wesleyan University Press. San remo song festival. (2000-2008). Retrieved October 11, 2008, from: 3=49 Shively, D. (2007). History of the vans warped tour. Retrieved November 12, 2008, from 3E Soragna, A. (2007). I giovani amano vasco, queen e williams. Retrieved November 14, 2008, from Sky music Box site : (not cited correctly in other language) (not cited correctly in other language) [Untitled photograph of Behemoth]. Retrieved November 18, 2008, from: [Untitled photograph of Led Zeppelin]. Retrieved November 18, 2008, from: _signed_8x10_wow___.jpg [Untitled photograph of Negramaro]. Retrieved November 18, 2008, from: content/gallery/negramaro/negramaro7.jpg [Untitled photograph of RobbieWilliams]. Retrieved November 18, 2008, from: 1.jpg [Untitled photograph of San Remo Festival 2007]. Retrieved November 18, 2008, from: References

23 Untitled photograph of Silesia Cities]. Retrieved November 18, 2008, from: [Untitled photograph of Vader]. Retrieved November 18, 2008, from: alternative- [Untitled photograph of Warped Tour 2006]. Retrieved November 18, 2008, from: [Untitled photograph of Wratislavia Cantans]. Retrieved November 18, 2008, from: Zocco, A. (2008). Fenomeno negramaro: concerti da tutto esaurito. Retrived November 14, 2008, from La Repubblica.

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