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Density Done by: Fan Yiheng. How to find density  P is the density  M is the mass of the object  V is the volume of the object  Basically you use.

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Presentation on theme: "Density Done by: Fan Yiheng. How to find density  P is the density  M is the mass of the object  V is the volume of the object  Basically you use."— Presentation transcript:

1 Density Done by: Fan Yiheng

2 How to find density  P is the density  M is the mass of the object  V is the volume of the object  Basically you use the mass to be divided by the mass.

3 How the formula was created  It was said that Archimedes was given a task, to determine whether King Hiero’s goldsmith was using other metals other than gold to make a wreath dedicated to the gods  He knew that the irregularly shaped wreath could be crushed into a cube and its volume could be calculated easily and compared with the mass.  But, the King did not approve of it.

4 How the formula was created  Archimedes could not think f an idea, so he took a bath and saw the rise of the water level upon entering the bath. He then thought that he could find the volume of the gold crown through the displacement of the water. Upon his discovery, he went running naked through the streets shouting, "Eureka! Eureka!" (Εύρηκα! Greek "I found it"). As a result, the term "eureka" entered common parlance and is used today to indicate a moment of enlightenment.

5 Ways of finding mass  In the past, people used scales or balances to find the mass.  Now, we have advance and accurate scales so we can find the mass

6 How to find volume  For cubes We use the y as the length. Since all 3 sides are of equal length, we cube root it. The volume will be x  For cuboids, we multiply the abc = x. abc is the length breath and height. X is still the volume  The volume of a cylinder is. V is the volume, r is the radius and h is the height  For finding the volume of a sphere,. V is the volume, r is the radius of the sphere

7 Other ways to find volume  Displacement method: The object must be relatively big. Use a displacement can and fill it to the spout. Then tie a string on the object you want to find its volume and drop it in. Then measure the volume of the water that came out of the spout.  Measuring method: The object must be relatively small. Fill a measuring cylinder with water and then drop the object in. Observe the level of water before and after you dropped the object

8 Units for density  The SI unit for density is: kilograms per cubic metre (kg/m³)  Other units  kilograms per cubic decimeter (kg/dm³)  grams per cubic centimeter (g/cc, gm/cc or g/cm³)  mega grams per cubic meter (Mg/m³)  Liters and metric tons are not part of the SI, but are acceptable for use with it. Since 1 L = 1 dm³, we also have these of the same size:  kilograms per litre (kg/L)  grams per millilitre (g/mL)  metric tons per cubic metre (t/m³)

9 Conversion

10 The end

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