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Colette Cotton ICT/International St Mary’s CEP Folkestone.

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2 Colette Cotton ICT/International co-ordinator @ St Mary’s CEP Folkestone


4 Climate Change (UN Conference held in Copenhagen December 2009...responsibilities) Every Child Matters agenda (safety, health, global issues) Emotional Intelligence (influenced by values, expectations) Personalized Learning (taking responsibility for themselves and others) Sustainability (latest initiative to be taken on board by DcSF) ‘ A Global dimension helps learners to explore and make sense of the big issues of the world” QCA 2007

5 A Global dimension with sustainable development Ability to talk to experts (RSPB) & global schools through Flash/meetings An understanding of personal, local, national and global issues Collaboration…sharing of real information through ICT across the world Encourages a creative, global curriculum Embeds ICT across the whole curriculum Gives an audience for pupils work (databases, graphs, art, literacy, music) MOTIVATES pupils learning Brings the world into the classroom IT’S FUN

6 The following International countries are on these Migration routes: Nigeria Kenya Iran Italy Czech Republic Estonia Scotland Link


8 Peponi House ( first count on Monday 25 th) Kenton School (1st count completed on the 19th Jan) Nairobi district Mirera School Lake Naivasha (4000+ largest in Kenya)

9 African Pied Wagtail Baglafecht Weaver Black Kite Bronze Sunbird Common Bulbul Hadada Ibis Olive Thrush Pied Crow Red billed Firefinch Speckled Mousebird Variable Sunbird White browed Robin Chat




13 Mirera School Link


15 ( September) ‘ Still living at the Owl Sanctuary … tried 3 flights but has now given up all aspiration of mastering the art of aviation and just waddles everywhere ’. His new friend Shale the tortoise!

16 Using ICT to find the countries and follow migration

17 Sharing Planning Problem solving Investigating Creating Celebrating Assessing

18 Overseas Schools Links… January to July 1. An opportunity to link with schools overseas and find out which birds visited school grounds in the USA, Kenya, Australia and parts of Europe during the week of the RSPB ‘School Bird Watch’ Survey. Jan/Feb 2010 2. First Global Flash/meeting Thursday 11th February 3. Bird Watch World Day - A 24 hour event linking project schools across the world with ICT and Literacy. An opportunity for pupils across the world to web conference and share information about the birds that live and visit your school grounds. March/April 4. An opportunity to collect and share data about the birds found in school grounds around the world in May/June/July

19 “My son recorded these Rubythroats outside our backdoor here in Mississippi with the new iPod Nano. I just marvel at these little creatures! “ Teacher from Henderson School in Starkville Hungry Humming birds A fact file using Britannica online on SCP… from a 10 year old in Kenya We have started our monarch project and actually have eggs, caterpillars and pupa in the classroom. Migration in North AmericaMigration in North America


21 RSPB’s Great School Bird Watch Graphs Textease database Word Publisher 2Connect (mind Mapping.+ sound)


23 Hardware used: PC & Laptops Webcam Data logger Digital camera Flip camera Beebots Pixie Microphone Binoculars WEBSITES







30 Unipiha School (17 pupils) Nr Tartu


32 Art Work inside


34 Learning how to do a block graphs with stickies! Link

35 Weaver Bird Hawk Parrot Eagle Sparrow Marsh hawk Barn Swallow Goose Nigerian Birds Owl Vulture Robin Pigeon Dove Kite Wood Pecker


37 Data 188 posts from 26 world wide schools during the 24 hr blog on SeGFL 50+ active schools for the project 15 world wide schools took part in the BBC’s Flash/meeting with Kaye 200+ schools registered an interest on Superclubsplus 5,000 children set up their own weather watch pages on SCP


39 Flash/Meetings or Video/conference school to school ‘Hot Seating’ in Flash/meetings (RSPB) e-Mails Online forums & ‘Hot Seats’ (SCP/GSC) Blogs (SeGFL site and SCP/GSC) School’s Collaborative projects published on SeGFL, e- Languages, BBC World Class Individual Collaborative projects on SCP/GSC, (World Newspaper to create for this project) Sharing of data from live webcams in bird boxes Podcasts (audacity) Video clips (Use of flip camera) Talking post cards for birds singing.

40 Publications BBC Schools free pack.. World on the Move..(KS2) QCA…The Global Dimension in Action British Council’s…Learning World

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