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The Changing Nature of Work BOH4M. Corporate Culture  Corporate Culture = shared belief or value system about how their organization should operate and.

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Presentation on theme: "The Changing Nature of Work BOH4M. Corporate Culture  Corporate Culture = shared belief or value system about how their organization should operate and."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Changing Nature of Work BOH4M

2 Corporate Culture  Corporate Culture = shared belief or value system about how their organization should operate and the things it should give priority.

3 The Psychological Contract  A set of expectations held by a worker about the working relationship between them and the organization Example: Work long hours to complete a major task a)they fire you after its completed b)they promote you or give you time off after its completed  ***when psychological contracts are broken it will lead to bad morale!

4 Quality of Work Life  QWL for short  The Overall human experience in a workplace  ***important because work life can have a major influence on overall life

5 Satisfaction vs. Performance  Job Satisfaction = degree to which an individual feels positively or negatively about a job (pay, tasks, supervision, coworkers, work setting, advancement opportunities)  Job Performance = quantity and quality of tasks completed by individuals Performance = Ability x Support x Effort

6 Job Design Approaches  Simplification  Rotation  Enlargement  Enrichment

7 Job Simplification  Standardize work procedures and making them specialized For example, at Harvey’s cashiers don’t cook

8 Job Rotation  Shifting people from to different jobs so they don’t get bored For example, an administrative employee may spend part of the week doing customer service, and part of the week inputting data into a database  This usually means that group tasks are distributed among a number of employees

9 Job Enlargement  Increasing job variety by increasing the tasks by combining what used to be done by two (or more) workers  Adds interest to the work, but may or may not give employees more responsibility For example, a bank teller not only handles deposits and disbursements, but also distributes traveller’s cheques

10 Job Enrichment  Building more opportunities for satisfaction not just adding more boring tasks remove controls that limit people’s discretion in work grant authority to make decisions about work make understand accountability for performance allow people to do the whole task provide feedback  For example, the bank teller in the previous example also has the authority to help a client fill out a loan application, and to approve the loan (or not)

11 Alternative Work Settings  Compressed work week  Flexible working hours  Job sharing  Telecommuting  Self-managed teams  Contract work  Working offsite  Mechanistic design structure for work  Organic design structure for work

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