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Copyright 2009 Trend Micro Inc. Classification 9/9/2015 1 2010 Corporate End User Study Employee Online Behavior.

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1 Copyright 2009 Trend Micro Inc. Classification 9/9/2015 1 2010 Corporate End User Study Employee Online Behavior

2 Copyright 2009 Trend Micro Inc. Methodology 1,600 surveys in total, 400 corporate computer end-users were surveyed online per country in four countries: U.S., Japan, Germany and U.K, during March 2010. Qualification Criteria: –Full-time employed, with e-mail and Internet access at work –Use computers over 5 hours per week at work Quotas were set by size and type of computer as follows: –25% (n=100) large company, use desktop or workstation most often –25% (n=100) large company, use a laptop or notebook most often –25% (n=100) smaller company, use desktop or workstation most often –25% (n=100) smaller company, use a laptop or notebook most often In the US, UK and Germany, the split between large and smaller company was made at 500 employees. In Japan, the split was made at 250 employees.

3 Copyright 2009 Trend Micro Inc. Use of Electronic Communication for Confidential Info Regardless of country, laptop users who can connect to the Internet outside of company network are more likely to share confidential information via Instant Messenger, Web Mail and Social Media Applications than those who are always connected to a company’s network. This is significantly so for each application in Germany and Japan. Q: About how often have you sent out company confidential information to a colleague or business partner via instant messenger or via web mail (web based mail application)? A: Ever Done.  indicate significantly significant differences between mobile users and those always connected to company network. (z-test/t-test at 95% confidence interval). * All desktop users and laptop users who only access the Internet through a company LAN                 

4 Copyright 2009 Trend Micro Inc. Use of Electronic Communication for Confidential Info – Continued Across all countries, 60% of the mobile workers vs. 44% of the stationary workers admitted to having sent out company confidential information via IM, web mail or social media applications. This is most significantly so in Germany and Japan. Q: About how often have you sent out company confidential information to a colleague or business partner via instant messenger or via web mail (web based mail application)? A: Ever Done.  indicate significantly significant differences between mobile users and those always connected to company network. (z-test/t-test at 95% confidence interval). * All desktop users and laptop users who only access the Internet through a company LAN          

5 Copyright 2009 Trend Micro Inc. Leakage of Company Confidential Data - Self Overall 5% of end users admitted to having leaked company confidential information outside of company. End users in the US and UK are more likely to admit to having leaked confidential company data than end users in Japan. Q: Have you ever accidentally/intentionally leaked company confidential or proprietary information outside of company? Q: Do you believe other employee have leaked company confidential or proprietary information outside of company?  indicate significantly significant differences between countries on left chart or between small and large companies within countries. (z-test/t-test at 95% confidence interval).     

6 Copyright 2009 Trend Micro Inc. Knowledge of Company Data End users in Japan are the least likely to indicate knowing what type of company data is confidential compared to their counterparts in the US or Europe. Q: Do you know what type of company data is confidential and proprietary?  indicate statistically significant differences between countries. (z-test/t-test at 95% confidence interval).    

7 Copyright 2009 Trend Micro Inc. Activities Done While On Network: US In the US, laptop end users are far more likely to perform non-work related activities while on their company’s network than desktop users. This is likely driven by their ability to work outside of a main office. Q: Which of the following activities have you done while connected to the Internet through your company’s network?  indicate significantly significant differences between size brackets or between desktop and laptop users within countries. (z-test/t-test at 95% confidence interval).                

8 Copyright 2009 Trend Micro Inc. Fears or Concerns about Phishing Identify theft, violation of privacy and loss of personal information are among the top concerns regarding phishing for each country. End users in the US and Germany are significantly more likely to have a wide variety of concerns regarding phishing than those in the UK and Japan. Q: What are your fears or concerns about….Phishing? Base: Users aware of threat.  indicate statistically significant differences between countries. (z-test/t-test at 95% confidence interval). CountryUSUKGermanyJapan Sample size, n=322337329349 Identity theft 57%  51% 48%  50% Violation of my privacy 54%  42%  43%  28%  Loss of personal information 48%  45%  42%  32%  Waste of my time 46%  28%  41%  20%  Violation of corporate IT security policy 42%  27%  35%  22%  Increased risk of legal liability 39%  24%  30%  16%  Lower computer performance 39%  15%  16%  11%  Damage to corporate reputation 35%  21%  29%  16%  Loss of corporate information 34%  28%  35%  19%  Loss of connection bandwidth 31%  7%  13%  6%  IT tightly monitoring my Web activities 27%  15%  25%  21% Malicious download 26%  17%  19%  18% 

9 Copyright 2009 Trend Micro Inc. Fears or Concerns about Spyware Similar to phishing concerns, violation of privacy, identity theft and loss of personal information are among the top concerns regarding spyware for each country, along with lower computer performance. End users in Japan are the least likely to express concerns regarding spyware. Q: What are your fears or concerns about…Spyware? Base: Users aware of threat.  indicate statistically significant differences between countries. (z-test/t-test at 95% confidence interval). CountryUSUKGermanyJapan Sample size, n=352358345352 Violation of my privacy 55%  54%  50%  34%  Lower computer performance 47%  31%  33%  29%  Identity theft 46%  42%  22%  Loss of personal information 46%  39% 37%  33%  Violation of corporate IT security policy36% 32% Malicious download 33%  26%27% 25%  Loss of corporate information32% 38%  29%  IT tightly monitoring my Web activities 31%  33%  38%  24%  Increased risk of legal liability 29%  26%  19%  Waste of my time 28%  21%  25%24% Damage to corporate reputation 27%  32%  18%  Loss of connection bandwidth 26%  20%  25%  16% 

10 Copyright 2009 Trend Micro Inc. Fears or Concerns about Viruses Malicious downloads and lower computer performance emerge among the top concerns regarding viruses for each country. US and German end users were significantly more likely to have wide concerns about viruses overall. Q: What are your fears or concerns about…Viruses? Base: Users aware of threat.  indicate statistically significant differences between countries. (z-test/t-test at 95% confidence interval). CountryUSUKGermanyJapan Sample size, n=327342363331 Malicious download 56%  47%  48%  25%  Lower computer performance 49%  46% 48%  39%  Loss of personal information 36%  30% 36%  24%  Identity theft 35%  27%  36%  12%  Violation of my privacy 34%  30%  41%  18%  Violation of corporate IT security policy34%32% 39%  29%  Loss of connection bandwidth 32%  29%  35%  17%  Waste of my time 30%  21%  25% 30%  Loss of corporate information 29%  30%  39%  21%  Damage to corporate reputation 29%  28%  31%  17%  Increased risk of legal liability 27%  21% 26%  16%  IT tightly monitoring my Web activities 22%  17%  32%  24% 

11 Copyright 2009 Trend Micro Inc. Fears or Concerns about Trojans Similar to viruses, malicious downloads and lower computer performance were cited often as concerns regarding Trojans. Again similar to viruses, end users in the US and Germany were the most likely to have wide concerns about Trojan threats. Q: What are your fears or concerns about…Trojans? Base: Users aware of threat.  indicate statistically significant differences between countries. (z-test/t-test at 95% confidence interval). CountryUSUKGermanyJapan Sample size, n=327342363331 Malicious download 56%  47%  48%  25%  Lower computer performance 49%  46% 48%  39%  Loss of personal information 36%  30% 36%  24%  Identity theft 35%  27%  36%  12%  Violation of my privacy 34%  30%  41%  18%  Violation of corporate IT security policy34%32% 39%  29%  Loss of connection bandwidth 32%  29%  35%  17%  Waste of my time 30%  21%  25% 30%  Loss of corporate information 29%  30%  39%  21%  Damage to corporate reputation 29%  28%  31%  17%  Increased risk of legal liability 27%  21% 26%  16%  IT tightly monitoring my Web activities 22%  17%  32%  24% 

12 Copyright 2009 Trend Micro Inc. Fears or Concerns about Data Stealing Malware Not surprisingly, the largest concerns regarding data stealing malware include loss of personal and corporate information. Overall though, concerns were significantly lower in Japan than other countries. Q: What are your fears or concerns about…Data Stealing Malware? Base: Users aware of threat.  indicate statistically significant differences between countries. (z-test/t-test at 95% confidence interval). CountryUSUKGermanyJapan Sample size, n=212188272211 Loss of personal information 56%  63%  42%  43%  Loss of corporate information53%56% 57%  46%  Identity theft 51%  59%  44%  28%  Violation of my privacy 50%  48%45% 40%  Lower computer performance 43%  26%  14%  Violation of corporate IT security policy42%44%45%39% Malicious download 42%  35% 29%  Damage to corporate reputation41% 47%  36%  Increased risk of legal liability41% 46%  33%  Waste of my time 30%  16%  25%  23% IT tightly monitoring my Web activities29% 21%  33%  29% Loss of connection bandwidth25%21%25%18%

13 Copyright 2009 Trend Micro Inc. Fears or Concerns about Spam Spam concerns primarily center around wasted time, significantly so among end users in the UK and Germany. This is more distantly followed by lower computer performance. Q: What are your fears or concerns about…Spam? Base: Users aware of threat.  indicate statistically significant differences between countries. (z-test/t-test at 95% confidence interval). CountryUSUKGermanyJapan Sample size, n=355358360341 Waste of my time 56%  66%  59%  42%  Lower computer performance34%29%31%34% Violation of my privacy 30%  20%  27%  11%  Violation of corporate IT security policy24%22% 28%  20%  Malicious download 23%  17% 16%  15%  Damage to corporate reputation19%20%23%17% Loss of connection bandwidth 19%  16%  27%  28%  Identity theft 18%  11%  12%  13% Increased risk of legal liability 18%  13%15% 12%  Loss of personal information16%11%16%11% IT tightly monitoring my Web activities 15%  12%  21%  Loss of corporate information11%9%11%10%

14 Copyright 2009 Trend Micro Inc. Overriding Company Security Roughly 1 in 10 end users in each country admitted to an attempt to override their company’s security to access certain websites. Overall, close to half who try to override their company’s security do so often or very often. Q. Have you ever tried to override your company’s security so you can access a certain Web site?  Q. How often do you try to override your company’s security so you can access a certain Web site? Base: Respondents who override company security.  indicate significantly significant differences between countries. (z-test/t-test at 95% confidence interval).

15 Copyright 2009 Trend Micro Inc. Classification 9/9/2015 15

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