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 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

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Presentation on theme: " This project has been funded with support from the European Commission."— Presentation transcript:

1  This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This presentation and conference reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein Project Nº: 2012-1-TR1-LEO04-354725 Andrea Kövesd

2 Background of project / statistical info Life long learning - partnership Duration : 2 years : 2012-2014 3 partners from 3 countries: 2 SMEs and 1 vocational education centre SPAIN – STP GROUP Technology & Consulting Ltd POLAND - ZSTiO – Complex Vocational Secondary Education School with Integrated Classes HUNGARY – NETMEX – Training &Consulting Ltd

3 ACHIEVEMNETS: 1.Dual training website and social media surface 2.Field researches interviews /focus groups with all interested parties : SMEs, Chambers of Commerce, Vocational Educational Institutions 3.Analysis of countries situation, practice 4.Guide book (EN, HUN, ES, PL languages) 5.Final conference in Villadecans (Barcelona) on dual training with decisions makers and companies GOALS: 1.Promotion of dual training model in the European SME sector 2.Collection of dual-training best practices and models 3.Examination of the state of art of dual training in 3 countries 4.Elaboration of practical recommendations and guidelines Project goals and results

4 1. Secondary Vocational Education - Madách Imre Vocational School, Gödöllő - Gundel Károly Vocational Secondary School for Tourism and Catering, Budapest - KEMU Kandó Kálmán Secondary Vocational School, Kecskemét 2. Higher education - GAMF College of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Kecskemét - Budapest University of Technology and Economics 3. SMEs and big fishes - Audi Akademie Hungaria Ltd. - Knorr-Bremse Hungaria Ltd. 4. Chamber of Commerce - Chamber of Commerce of the County of Pest, Törökbálint Hungarian VET situation - interviews on 4 levels

5 POSITIVE CHANGESREMAINING DIFFICULTIES Lack of motivated students - VET is still less „popular” compared to secondary grammar education SMEs don’t have the necessary technical background to train students in-house Students loyalty is low and migration to abroad is high Lack of profession-related language skills Documentation/ administration became easier for Companies SMEs receive higher state subsidy/student (150 - 200 euro/month) than before Dual training is a way of „socialization” for Company Culture Quality aspect - appointed VET Trainers need to be subject matter experts DUAL TRAINING - Company Perspective

6 „Rotation” between school and company: Gives practical experience & market insight for students Ensures financial benefits for students Provides advantage for students on the labour market 90% of students gets contracted by the Company Growing international popularity – international VET competitions Teaches commitment and socializes to work Market orientation – harmonisation of business needs & education DUAL TRAINING – Educational Perspective

7 Provides contractual framework (between school & student; school & company) Evaluates companies and qualifies them to join VET Organizes exams, supervises and provides quality assurance Acts as „Mediator” between schools and companies (in problematic questions) Provides consultancy for SMEs Organizes and supervises the national vocational championship of excellence (the Star of the Profession) Cooperates in the European and world championship Helps in VET dissemination (promotes study tours, roadshow) Provides statistical data analysis about market needs and career path DUAL TRAINING – Chamber of Commerce

8 Main topics of the Guide: -Dual training overview – Experiences and Good practices -Background situation in Europe, best European training models (Swedish, German models) -Evaluation of vocational training processes in the 3 partner countries -Recommendations for SME’s on introducing dual training: Training perspective - skills and competences catalogue for trainer with examples Practical considerations Guidelines for monitoring and coaching procedures Process map Promoting DUAL TRAINING

9 http:/ NETMEX Ltd. More information :


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