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3/2/15. Row 2Row 3 March 2-6 Monday: Row work assigned// Work with a small group partner on symbolism within your novel to see how symbolism adds to.

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Presentation on theme: "3/2/15. Row 2Row 3 March 2-6 Monday: Row work assigned// Work with a small group partner on symbolism within your novel to see how symbolism adds to."— Presentation transcript:

1 3/2/15


3 Row 2Row 3

4 March 2-6 Monday: Row work assigned// Work with a small group partner on symbolism within your novel to see how symbolism adds to your understanding of the novel Tues.-Thurs.: Work on proving your novel is a bildungsroman in the library lab [ paper ]- due Friday Friday: Row work assigned due// Paper due// Introduction to & checking out To Kill a Mockingbird

5 MONDAY, MARCH 2 As you work today, use this last opportunity to talk with your partner and group about ideas for WHY your novel is a “Coming of Age” story

6 Activity Five – 45 minutes SYMBOLISM


8 Cell phones are allowed for websites which will help you analyze the symbols. or or Google Search

9 Follow directions: 1. Put your name, hour and 3/2/15 in the upper left corner. 2. Divide your blank sheet of paper in the following manner: First, FOLD IT into thirds… 3. …then draw in the middle lines:

10 Follow directions: Symbol #1 15 minutes


12 Tom Saw yer : white picket fence, Indians & robbers/ Robin Hood/ pirates & soldiers, and TREASURE 13 Reasons : blue nail polish, Hannah’s scar, the dollar “find your soul mate,” cassette tapes Part-Time Indian : Oscar, KFC, geometry book Soldier : the minuet, Martin Luther’s protest, “shuttlecocks,” the pen, diary, Israeli flag, her military # Catche r : red cap, museum, carousel, ducks A. Sketch it out B. In a sentence, explain where it appears in the story. C. In a sentence, explain why it’s an important symbol in the story D. In a sentence, explain how the symbol helps the reader better understand the story

13 Choose a new symbol: Symbol #2 15 minutes

14 Tom Saw yer : white picket fence, Indians & robbers/ Robin Hood/ pirates & soldiers, and TREASURE 13 Reasons : blue nail polish, Hannah’s scar, the dollar “find your soul mate,” cassette tapes Part-Time Indian : Oscar, KFC, geometry book Soldier : the minuet, Martin Luther’s protest, “shuttlecocks,” the pen, diary, Israeli flag, her military # Catche r : red cap, museum, carousel, ducks A. Sketch it out B. In a sentence, explain where it appears in the story. C. In a sentence, explain why it’s an important symbol in the story D. In a sentence, explain how the symbol helps the reader better understand the story

15 Choose a new symbol: Write the main character’s name at the top of Box #3 Symbol #3 15 minute s

16 Tom Saw yer : white picket fence, Indians & robbers/ Robin Hood/ pirates & soldiers, and TREASURE 13 Reasons : blue nail polish, Hannah’s scar, the dollar “find your soul mate,” cassette tapes Part-Time Indian : Oscar, KFC, geometry book Soldier : the minuet, Martin Luther’s protest, “shuttlecocks,” the pen, diary, Israeli flag, her military # Catche r : red cap, museum, carousel, ducks A. Sketch it out B. In a sentence, explain where it appears in the story. C. In a sentence, explain why it’s an important symbol in the story D. In a sentence, explain how the symbol helps the reader better understand the story

17 Meet me in the LIBRARY LAB the next 3 days

18 3/3/15


20 3/4/15


22 3/5/15

23 LIBRARY COMPUTER LAB THURSDAY, MARCH 5 DUE FRIDAY, MARCH 6TH You must have someone edit your paper before you turn it in Friday.

24 3/6/15

25 FRIDAY, MARCH 6 Reminder : Your bildungsroman paper is due by 3:05 today.


27 … an American literary classic

28 Again: What is a bildungsroman? …a coming of age story…. In this story, that’s “Scout.” She grows up, losing childlike innocence as the story progresses. …a coming of age story…. In this story, that’s “Scout.” She grows up, losing childlike innocence as the story progresses.

29 Please take notes in your notebook: The quotes over the next few days are from various characters in the novel or the author: think about them and what Harper Lee’s message is:


31 Wins the Pulitzer Prize in literature in 1961, one year after publication of her novel and…

32 …receives the Presidential Medal of Freedom from Pres. G.W. Bush in 2007.

33 Published by Harper Lee in 1960 Has some basis in her real life Deals with morals and values, social injustice & racial inequality in the US “Southern Gothic” novel AND a bildungsroman Was originally entitled Atticus Took 2.5 years to write Published by Harper Lee in 1960 Has some basis in her real life Deals with morals and values, social injustice & racial inequality in the US “Southern Gothic” novel AND a bildungsroman Was originally entitled Atticus Took 2.5 years to write

34 “Southern Gothic” Novel: “Southern Gothic” means the novel is reminiscent of a gothic novel, but has “flavors” of the South in its setting, characters, attitudes and beliefs.

35 Theme: the overall guiding idea, subject of a work of literature Imagery: words and phrases of the author which create “images” in the reader’s mind Symbol/ Symbolism : In literature, something which stands for something else. Ex.: dove = peace raven = death

36 Decades in the United States 1930s- story setting 1960s - novel written Stock Market crash of 1929 causes decade-long financial crisis 1930-’36: Dust Bowl FDR becomes president in 1932- 1945 Inventions: the RCA record player, frozen foods, Scotch Tape, the chocolate chip cookie, radar, and Kodachrome Mail is flown over the Atlantic Ocean, Hindenburg explodes Major films: Snow White and the Seven Dwarves & The Wizard of Oz Nazis invade Poland in Sept. of 1939 to start WWII Separate racial Stock Market crash of 1929 causes decade-long financial crisis 1930-’36: Dust Bowl FDR becomes president in 1932- 1945 Inventions: the RCA record player, frozen foods, Scotch Tape, the chocolate chip cookie, radar, and Kodachrome Mail is flown over the Atlantic Ocean, Hindenburg explodes Major films: Snow White and the Seven Dwarves & The Wizard of Oz Nazis invade Poland in Sept. of 1939 to start WWII Separate racial JFK elected president= ‘60 JFK and the Cuban Missile Crisis= ’61 MLK’s “I Have a Dream” speech= ‘63 Assassination of JFK = ’63 Pres. Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Voting Rights Act of 1965 Assassination of MLK= ’68 Vietnam conflict & antiwar demonstrations = 1959-’75 Several earthquakes [global], Hurricane Camille, and many airplane crashes Counter culture/soc. Revolt Women’s rights JFK elected president= ‘60 JFK and the Cuban Missile Crisis= ’61 MLK’s “I Have a Dream” speech= ‘63 Assassination of JFK = ’63 Pres. Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Voting Rights Act of 1965 Assassination of MLK= ’68 Vietnam conflict & antiwar demonstrations = 1959-’75 Several earthquakes [global], Hurricane Camille, and many airplane crashes Counter culture/soc. Revolt Women’s rights

37 Please head down to the text book room and check out * To Kill a Mockingbird Please head down to the text book room and check out * To Kill a Mockingbird



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