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Digital Citizenship Jessica L. Webb ED 505. Netiquette Netiquette Social Media- interactive dissemination of information through the internet. Netiquette-

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Citizenship Jessica L. Webb ED 505. Netiquette Netiquette Social Media- interactive dissemination of information through the internet. Netiquette-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Citizenship Jessica L. Webb ED 505

2 Netiquette Netiquette Social Media- interactive dissemination of information through the internet. Netiquette- Socially acceptable behavior on the internet. Good Netiquette- respecting others privacy, basic courtesy, spell check Bad Netiquette- sending unwanted emails or spam, typing in ALL CAPS, hacking

3 Copyright and Fair Use Copyright- form of protection provided by the laws of the United States to authors of original works. The author can prevent others from copying, performing or otherwise using the work without his or her consent. Fair Use- any copying of copyrighted material done for a limited and transformative purpose, such as to comment upon, criticize, or parody a copyrighted work without permission. Commentary and Criticism- quoting lines, summarizing an article, educational purposes, article used in a court case Parody- imitating in a comic way, ridicules another, usually well- known pter9/9-a.html

4 Print, Music, Videos, Photos, Poetry…? Basic Guidelines for Teachers Printed Material- poems less than 250 words, articles 2,500 words or less, 10% or 1,000 words, whichever is less, copies only from legally acquired originals, cannot copy workbooks, no directives from the district, must contain copyright information/citation Illustrations- single works in their entirety, no more than 5 from one artist, collection- no more than 10% Video- must be legitimately acquired and used in a classroom/non-profit environment, instructional not entertainment use, 10% or 3 minutes, whichever is less Music- up to 10%, maximum of 30 seconds, must have an educational purpose, can be downloaded for a project Internet- resources may be downloaded but not reposted, legitimately acquired, links can be posted

5 Plagiarism Plagiarism- to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source. How to Avoid Plagiarism Document sources properly using footnotes, endnotes or parenthetical references. Write a bibliography, references, or works cited page. Help for Teachers Learn about plagiarism and educate your students. http://www.turnitin.com,, http://www.turnitin.com

6 Safety on the Internet Identity Theft- crimes in which someone wrongfully obtains and uses another person’s personal data, in some way that involved fraud or deception, typically for economic gain. How to Protect Yourself- do not give out personal information over the internet before confirming security, Internet Filters and Blocks, read the fine-print, do not use lazy logins or passwords Reputation Management- the process of tracking an entity’s actions and other entities’ opinions about those actions; reporting on those actions and opinions; and reacting to that report creating a feedback loop. tools/ tools/ Cyberbullying- the use of information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm others. Cyberstalking- the use of the internet, e-mail, or other electronic communications devices to stalk (repeated harassing or threatening behavior) another person.

7 How to Protect Your Computer Definitions Viruses- program that can copy itself inside one computer and spread to others. Malicious and destructive program, attaches itself to existing programs, spread by replication. Phishing- unsolicited, fake message or email(with genuine-looking logos) that appears to be legitimate asking you to send personal information. Trojan Horses- program that seems desirable or even useful but in reality is designed to steal your information and harm your computer. Usually when you click on an unsolicited ad or email to download a “free copy”. Worms- unlike viruses, a worm can use a computer network to send copies of itself to other computers on the network. They can use up all of the computers memory. More Terms- viruses-trojan-horses-how-to-protect-computer viruses-trojan-horses-how-to-protect-computer viruses-trojan-horses-how-to-protect-computer

8 How to Protect Your Computer Have an up-to-date detection program. Don’t open unsolicited email, respond to pop-ups, or download programs without checking reviews. Always have an adequate back-up system for your files. Don’t share your passwords. Keep your computer systems up-to-date and monitor their usage.

9 Works Cited (2012). The Rules of Netiquette. Retrieved from (2012). The Rules of Netiquette. Retrieved from (2012). Netiquette. Retrieved from (2012). Netiquette. Retrieved from Bilton, Nick. (2011). The Growing Business of Online Reputation Management. Retrieved from Davidson, Hall. (2010). Copyright and Fair Use Guidelines for Teachers. Retrieved from Farlex, Inc. (2012). The Free Dictionary by Farlex. Retrieved from iParidigms, L.L.C. (2012). What is Plagiarism? Retrieved from Stanford University. (2010). Copyright and Fair Use. Retrieved from Tanner, James. (2011). Phishing, Scams, Viruses and Trojan Horses – How to Protect Your Computer. Retrieved from The United States Department of Justice. (2012). What is Cyberstalking? Retrieved from

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