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Wales: Progress on equality, human rights and social justice? BEYOND 2015 SHAPING THE FUTURE OF EQUALITY HUMAN RIGHTS AND SOCIAL JUSTICE 12 February 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Wales: Progress on equality, human rights and social justice? BEYOND 2015 SHAPING THE FUTURE OF EQUALITY HUMAN RIGHTS AND SOCIAL JUSTICE 12 February 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wales: Progress on equality, human rights and social justice? BEYOND 2015 SHAPING THE FUTURE OF EQUALITY HUMAN RIGHTS AND SOCIAL JUSTICE 12 February 2015 Paul Chaney 1

2 1) What is most significant area of progress since 2010? ANSWER: Law-making powers / ‘devolved’ rights 2) What has been or is the biggest challenge? ANSWER: increasing civil society awareness and engagement 2 Questions

3 ‘territorial’ rights  Rights of Children and Young Persons (Wales) Measure 2011  Section 1 - Welsh Ministers under duty - have due regard to requirements of UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)  Applies in relation to: law-making; formulation of a new policy; a review of or change to an existing policy.  Introduction of Children’s Rights Impact Assessment (CRIA) in govt.  Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014  Section 7 – All exercising functions under this Act must have due regard to United Nations Principles for Older Persons & UNCRC  Applies to people in need of any age, extends carers’ rights to assessment and support to young and parent carers (not just adult carers of adults).  Confers duties on NHS Wales e.g. health boards under duties (s.15) re. provision of preventative services; abuse or neglect issues and independent living. 3

4 ‘territorial’ rights (2)  Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011; National Assembly for Wales (Official Languages) Act 2012  legal effect - official status of the Welsh language, duties on bodies to use the Welsh language; the treatment of the Welsh language no less favourably than the English language; right of persons wishing to use the Welsh language to do so with one another; the creation of the Welsh Language Commissioner etc.  Housing (Wales) Act 2014  Gypsies and Travellers – new duties re. Meeting accommodation needs, Assessment of accommodation needs, Failure to comply with duties, eligibility (those covered by new duties) etc.  Equality Act 2010 (Statutory Duties) (Wales) Regulations 2011 4

5 Challenge: increasing civil society engagement/ awareness of equality and human rights developments Issues around: CSOs’ response to political opportunity structures Issues of CSO autonomy/ institutional configuration etc. Communication and awareness Policy capacity of CSOs State capacity to engage 5

6 Summary Q 1: What is most significant area of progress since 2010? A: devolved law-making and ‘territorial’ rights This matters because… compared to early years of devolution it marks a significant step forward in enforceability, accountability and rights. Potential go beyond Westminster policy/ legislation Q2: What has been or is the biggest challenge? A: fostering engagement in/ awareness of ‘devolved’ equality and human rights agenda This matters because… It improves the development and implementation of equality and HR policy, boosts accountability; wards against neo-corporatism/ agenda domination by the “usual suspects” – and is in furtherance of PSED regs./ BDPfA etc. 6

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