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Georgia Performance Standards Day 6: Differentiation.

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Presentation on theme: "Georgia Performance Standards Day 6: Differentiation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Georgia Performance Standards Day 6: Differentiation

2 Fund Raising Ideas The entire sixth grade class at Daysix Middle School is planning a huge party to celebrate the fact that they have led the nation in student achievement. To assure that the party is absolutely awesome, they need to hold a walk-a- thon fund raiser. The students will earn money based on the number of kilometers walked. 1.You are not limited to the types of sponsorship agreements. Invent as many different sponsorship scenarios as you can for walking in this fundraiser. Be creative!

3 Georgia Performance Standards Day 6: Differentiation

4 Getting Acquainted Name Tag: –First Name or Nickname Index Card: –Name –E-mail Address –System/School –GPS Status

5 Claire Pierce Lisa Bryan Peggy Pool

6 Group Norms and Housekeeping Group Norms: Ask questions Work toward solutions Honor confidentiality Meet commitments or let others know if you are struggling Housekeeping: Parking Lot Phone calls Rest rooms Breaks Lunch

7 Four Corners, Part 1 Choose a corner based on your confidence in understanding the GPS for 6 th Grade Mathematics:  Needs Rethinking  In Development  Quality  Exceptional

8 Four Corners, Part 2 What made you choose your corner? Discuss what you know and what you want to know. Be prepared to share with the group.

9 CALVIN AND HOBBES © 1993 Watterson. Dist. By UNIVERSAL PRESS SYNDICATE. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

10 Essential Question #1 What is differentiation and how does it fit into the standards-based education process?

11 What is Differentiation?

12 “Come to the edge,” he said. “We are afraid,” they said. “Come to the edge,” he said. THEY DID. And he pushed them, And they flew. --Apolonaire

13 Standards Based Education Model GPS (one or more) Standards Elements Stage 1 Identify Desired Results (Big Ideas)  Enduring Understandings  Essential Questions  Skills and Knowledge All above, plus Tasks Student Work Teacher Commentary Stage 2 Determine Acceptable Evidence (Design Balanced Assessments) (To assess student progress toward desired results) Stage 3 Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction (to support student success on assessments, leading to desired results) All above

14 According to Grant Wiggins: "Good planning leaves room for the unplannable. You do not know what you'll be doing on April 11, and you're a fool if you think so. If you do, then the curriculum is more important to you than your students." (Grant Wiggins, "Designing and Using Student Reflections and Self- Assessment," ASCD Summer Conference on Differentiated Instruction and Understanding by Design, June 2005)

15 Self-Assessment Some Underlying Assumptions Of Differentiated Instruction

16 Essential Principles of Differentiation 1.Good Curriculum Comes First 2.All Tasks Should Be Respectful of the Learner 3.When in Doubt, Teach Up 4.Use Flexible Grouping 5.Become an Assessment Junkie 6.Grade for Growth --Tomlinson & Eidson, Differentiation in Practice, Grades 5-9, 13-15.

17 Fund Raising Ideas Tic-Tac-Toe 2. Choose one of the scenarios and construct a table of values representing the money earned after having walked 0, 1, 2, 3, … kilometers. 3. Make a prediction concerning what you think the graph will look like when it is complete. Will it be straight or curved and why? 4. Plot the pairs of values found (the distance walked and the money earned) on a large graph. Remember to label your x and y axis. 5. Repeat steps 2-4 to get tic-tac-toe.

18 R-I-C-E

19 Fund Raising Ideas 6. Find a way to represent your scenarios as equations, using d to represent the distance walked and $ to represent the amount of money earned. 7. Write these symbolic representations in different ways. 8. Compare and contrast the graphs of the various sponsorship agreements. What do you think might affect the changes from one graph to another and why?

20 Fund Raising Ideas 9. Explore ways of increasing the amount of money raised for the walk-a-thon. 10. Prepare a presentation to the sixth grade class that would help them to see and understand what kinds of sponsorship agreements you think would yield the most money.

21 Ticket Out of the Room (Break/Lunch time!) Reflection: What I have learned this morning. How I feel about it. How I can use this new knowledge.

22 Announcements College Board’s Official SAT Prep Online Course! Materials are on the way to your schools! A sixth grade framework has been added to the GPS mathematics site!

23 Training Materials Frequently Asked Questions Standards NEW! Framework

24 Essential Question #2 How and why do we differentiate?

25 HOW Do We Differentiate? Pre-assessment information helps teachers to respond to students’ needs and to match students’ traits to specific, most effective means of differentiation: Content Process Product Learning Environment

26 Differentiation In your small group, divide your chart paper into four columns and five rows. What is it? How to differentiate Strategies to use Content Process Product Learning Environment

27 WHY Do We Differentiate?

28 The Equalizer Concrete to abstract Simple to complex Basic to transformational Fewer facets to multi-facets Smaller leaps to greater leaps More structured to more open Less independence to greater independence Slow to faster Tomlinson,1995

29 Shape 1 Shape 2 Shape 3 Shape 4 Use a pattern from the shapes above to determine the perimeter of the fifth shape in the sequence. Show or explain how you arrived at your answer. Write a formula that you could use to find the perimeter of any shape n. Explain how you found your formula. Which shape has a perimeter of 128? Building with Toothpicks

30 Practice THE TASK: Analyze the Building with Toothpicks Task. THE TOOLS: How could we differentiate—content, process, product, learning environment; Why would we differentiate—access, motivation, efficiency; The Equalizer.

31 Differentiation Stratego: A Reality Game Shuffle the deck of profile cards. Equally distribute as many of the cards as possible. Provide appropriate differentiation for your given task. Display your results on chart paper. When finished, post your work. Be prepared to share your plan.

32 Essential Question #3 What does a differentiated classroom look like?

33 A True/False Quiz: What Does Differentiated Instruction Look Like? Directions: Mark each item TRUE or FALSE. When finished compare your answers to the others in your table group. Should you disagree, discuss your various points and attempt to reach consensus. Be prepared to share with the whole group.

34 Traditional vs. Differentiated Read the characteristics of a traditional classroom. Read the characteristics of the differentiated classroom. Develop a creative demonstration of the characteristics of a traditional vs. differentiated classroom. Be prepared to share.

35 Set a Goal You’ve got mail!

36 Task Time! Pick any Unit 4 task from the Framework. While doing the task, list ways to differentiate. Be prepared to share your ideas.

37 Your Assignment Redeliver Day 6 Training. Bring 4 copies of a student work sample to Day 7 Training. Bring a copy of the assignment for the work samples to Day 7 Training. Bring the two signed permission forms to Day 7 Training.

38 Give Yourself a Hand You deserve it. Educators ROCK!

39 Claire Pierce Lisa Bryan Peggy Pool

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