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“Literacy for ALL” A TEAM Approach to the Integration of Reading, Writing, Reasoning, Speaking and Listening into All Content Areas Topic: LiteracyStrategies.

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Presentation on theme: "“Literacy for ALL” A TEAM Approach to the Integration of Reading, Writing, Reasoning, Speaking and Listening into All Content Areas Topic: LiteracyStrategies."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Literacy for ALL” A TEAM Approach to the Integration of Reading, Writing, Reasoning, Speaking and Listening into All Content Areas Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain

2 Access PowerPoint Resources Go to Select Resources at the top of the page Move to the Resources Library on the left Select Shared Enter the ACCESS KEY

3  Deepen the TEAM’s understanding of the initiative “Literacy for ALL: Every Day, Every Classroom, No Exceptions” Step 1 – “Begin with a Team” Step 2 – “Focus on Literacy Strategies” Step 3- “Monitor and Evaluate” Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain

4 First Goal COMMON Purpose, COMMON Vocabulary, COMMON Vision teamsmission (purpose) Develop a COMMON Purpose, COMMON Vocabulary, and COMMON Vision to communicate and collaborate efficiently and effectively as highly functioning teams to accomplish the mission (purpose) of the school.

5 “The best worksheet is a blank piece of paper.” Get a Blank Sheet of Paper Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain

6 Common Purpose Fold the paper in half vertically. Then fold in half horizontally. Then again horizontally. Draw lines on each fold. This creates 8 distinct boxes. Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain

7 Example: Notes for Purpose of Education Use one box to capture definitions for specific “topics”

8 Activity – Elbow Partners Define the “purpose of education”. Use any method you have at your disposal to help in this activity. Computer, iPad, Internet, Smartphone, etc. Be prepared to share your definition with the group.

9 Fundamental Purpose of Education The fundamental purpose of education is to teach a person to read and write… that is to make him literate in an ever- evolving society – to make a person aware, responsible, earn money, develop social skills, fuel one’s thirst for knowledge – to be career, college, citizen, workforce ready. National Learning Disabilities Topic: Common Core Initiative Standards Domain

10 “The purpose of education is to enable individuals to reach their full potential as human beings, individually and as members of a society; this means that these individuals will receive an education which will enable them to think and act intelligently …”

11 “The Purpose of Education” Education should equip us with the power to think effectively and objectively. To think is one of the hardest things in the world, and to think objectively is still harder. education.pdf Martin Luther King Jr. Papers Project, ©2004

12 The Purpose of Education: Good Citizenship Eleanor Roosevelt Pictorial Review 31 (April 1930) Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain

13 Integrate 21 st Century Skills Prepare Students for THEIR Future Topic: Common Core Initiative Standards Domain

14 7 Survival Skills for the 21 st Century 1.Critical thinking and problem-solving. The ability to ask good questions. 2.Collaborative problem-solving with a deep appreciation of the differences between peers. 3.Innovation 4.Ability to speak and write with voice and reason 5.Ability to question, learn, clarify thinking using research 6.Curiosity, creativity, imagination 7.Sense of initiative Topic: Common Core Initiative Standards Domain

15 CurriculumInstruction Standards Assessment Resources Effective Instructional Strategies

16 Instructional Effectiveness Defined The effective integration of literacy and learning strategies. Topic: Common Core Initiative Standards Domain

17 What is Learning Strategies Instruction Strategy instruction is a powerful student-centered approach to teaching that is backed by years of quality research. In fact, strategic approaches to learning new concepts and skills are often what separate good learners from poor ones. Topic: Common Core Initiative Standards Domain

18 Elbow Partner Activity What is Literacy? Use any resource available to develop your teams understanding of literacy. Explore the question, “What is literacy?” Topic: Common Core Initiative Standards Domain

19 Literacy Defined Literacy has always been a collection of communication practices. As society and technology change, so does literacy. Adopted by the NCTE Executive Committee, February 15, 2009 Topic: Common Core Initiative Standards Domain

20 Twenty-first century readers and writers need to: Develop proficiency with the tools of technology Build relationships with others to pose and solve problems Design and share information Topic: Common Core Initiative Standards Domain

21 Manage, analyze and synthesize multiple streams of information Create, critique, analyze, and evaluate multi-media texts Attend to the ethical responsibilities required in these complex environments Topic: Common Core Initiative Standards Domain


23 “It’s not what you know. It’s what you can do with what you know.” -Tony Wagner Vision 2020 Keynote July 2013

24 Consider different perspectives… What do you see?

25 4 Areas of Focus in ALL Classrooms 1. Reading 2. Writing 3. Speaking and Listening 4. Reasoning Consider different perspectives… What do you see? Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain



28 Define “Reading” Reading is a complex cognitive process of decoding symbols in order to construct or derive meaning (reading comprehension). Other types of reading are not speech based writing systems, such as music notation or pictograms.cognitive processsymbolsreading comprehensionwriting systemsnotationpictograms The common link is the interpretation of symbols to extract the meaning from the visual notations. Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain


30 Define “Writing” Writing (noun) - a group of letters or symbols written or marked on a surface as a means of communicating ideas by making each symbol stand for an idea, concept, or thing (see ideogram), by using each symbol to represent a set of sounds grouped into syllables (syllabic writing), or by regarding each symbol as corresponding roughly or exactly to each of the sounds in the language (alphabetic writing) Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain

31 Visual Representation m_source=ddc.large&utm_medium=html5 m_source=ddc.large&utm_medium=html5 Visual Thesaurus

32 Focus: Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) “I write because I don’t know what I think until I read what I say.” -Flannery 0’Conner Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain

33 By integrating writing into content areas we can help students develop an attitude that effective writing skills are an important part of many of their daily activities and will be, increasingly so, in future endeavors. -Brandt and Graff (2005) Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain

34 Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain For students, it is critical to develop an understanding through practice that writing is not simply an abstract set of rule-governed behaviors but rather a means to clarify thinking across contexts and in a variety of formats.” Emily Lardner co-director the Washington Center for Improving the Quality of Undergraduate Education What does the literature say?

35 “It’s not what you know. It’s what you can do with what you know.” -Tony Wagner Vision 2020 Keynote July 2013

36 Visual Representation Using Technology to explore Definition(s) of WRITE Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain

37 Writing


39 Science

40 Social Studies

41 Physical Education/Sports

42 Fine Arts

43 Integrate a Common Vocabulary in all Classrooms Graphic Organizer

44 Exploration Activity Go to the ALCA web Site Select ROOMS located at the top of the page Use the Key Code to Enroll in the Literacy Room LQWMDEE

45 Explore Literacy from Your Perspective In the Literacy Room Select… Baltimore County Writing Link

46 Visual Thinking and Learning What is visual thinking and visual learning? Visual thinking is a learning style where the learner better understands and retains information when ideas, words and concepts are associated with images. Research tells us that the majority of students in a regular classroom need to see information in order to learn it.

47 Graphic Organizer Activity Resource Guide: Organize Thinking and Learning with Graphic Organizers/Visuals 1.Working with your elbow partner, scroll through the Graphic Organizer resource. 2.Select several graphic organizers you feel would be beneficial to implement across the district. 3.Select several graphic organizers you would like to integrate into your classroom instruction. 4.Take notes in your personal playbook to share with your team.


49 #4 Speaking and Listening Lessons Developed through focused and interactive discussions. When students speak about ideas in a public forum, and when they react to and rattle ideas around, it is an act of ownership and investment.

50 Discussion Discussion Process offers the Opportunity to Reflect and Share Elbow Partner (Paired-Reflection) Table Talk (Consensus) Group-Team (Shared Belief-Requires a Group Reporter) Partner-Outside-Your-Team (Allows a Quick Movement Break)

51 Disciplined Inquiry Substantive Conversation Focused Higher Order Thinking Sharing of Ideas Promotes Improved Collective Understanding Reflective Processing

52 Discourse Skills Collaboration Collective Inquiry Collective Reflection Argument Debate Consensus Building Executive Function Opinion Formation Patience Resilience Each skill must be: Identified Defined Modeled Practiced Mastered

53 The Basic Argument Addressing the Counter-Claim Making a Claim – “Something you believe” Providing Evidence Putting It All Together – Closing Courtroom Analogy

54 Classroom Management Discussion Procedure Present the routine to the students – Establish an anchor spot at the front of the room that will allow students to focus on the teacher when the call back signal is activated. – First call back establishes a 10 to 20 second opportunity for students to draw their conversations to a close. – Second call back occurs when the teacher reaches the designated call back spot and activates the final call back to begin reflection, discussion, or add additional instructions. – Reference: Robert Marzano, Art and Science of Teaching Training, San Diego, October 2012.


56 How do you THINK about Thinking?

57 “Literacy for ALL” A TEAM Approach to the Integration of Reading, Writing, Reasoning, Speaking and Listening into All Content Areas Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain

58 “Think About” and “Visual Thinking” TED Talk - Published on Aug 31, 2012 DRAWING IN CLASS – Lessons on Visual Note Taking Rachel S. Smith is a Senior Consultant and the Director of Digital Facilitation Services for The Grove Consultants International in San Francisco, CA. Rachel develops ways to integrate technology into visual practice. She has a deep understanding of new media and its application to education.

59 Writing Across the Curriculum Online Resources – Visual Thesaurus – – Michigan Department of Education – – Baltimore City – Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain

60 Reflective Process On the back of your blank sheet of paper 1.List 3 things you learned, relearned, or unlearned today. (Make connections. “Oh, I see!”) 2.List 2 things you are ready to try. (Challenge yourself. “I want to try!”) 3.List something you want to learn more about. (Expand your personal and professional growth. “I want to learn more.”) Topic: Threading Standards Standards Domain

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