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Our Position in Toyota Group

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Invest in Kazakhstan! Opportunity and Challenge (Speech in the 8th Astana Economic Forum) May 21, 2015 Yoshitaka Shibata Global Business Strategy Department Toyota Tsusho Corp.

1 Our Position in Toyota Group
- Global Organizer and New Business Developer - Toyota Group Denso Toyoda Gosei Toyota Auto Body Aichi Steel JTEKT Toyota Tsusho Towa Real Estate Daihatsu Toyota Motor Hino Motors Toyota Central R&D Labs Toyota Industries Aisin Seiki Toyota Boshoku Toyota Motor East Japan Toyota Home Toyota Motor Kyushu 最近、ダイハツ、日野を入れて15社。 ただし、各社の国内外グループ会社や、サプライヤーである協豊会(部品)、 栄豊会(設備)など400社近い協力会社がある。 Negotiation & co-ordination Information collection Business pioneering & new business development As an organizer and coordinator, we play a pioneering role in overseas and new business development

2 Toyota Tsusho Basic Facts 1

3 Toyota Tsusho Basic Facts 2

4 TTC Activity History in KZ
2007 Open Almaty Office 2008 President Nazarbayev visited Japan. Met us and gave the following message: 1 “cooperation to create and train local industry for the economic development of KZ’ 2 ‘’cooperation to realize innovation of AGRICULTURAL industry’’ 3 ‘’cooperation for improving LIFESTYLE in Kazakhstan’’ Our Chairman visited Astana. 2009 TTC fair in Almaty 2010 MOU with Kaz Nex Invest Our president Mr. Shimizu appointed as “the Honorary Consul of Republic of Kazakhstan in the region of Chubu, Japan” 2011 President Mr. Karube made a speech in 5th Astana Economic Forum. MOU signed with KTZ 2013 Vice president Mr. Asano visited Kazakhstan MOU signed with KTZ Express for F/S of     Khorgos Logistic Terminal 2014 Toyota ‘’Fortunar’’ started assembly in Kostanay on June 11. Toyota and our top managements had visited Kazakhstan      Agricultural J/V project had started in Kokshitau in July.

5 Our Activity & Plans 1

6 ⇒ Projects for Higher Efficiency and Productivity
Our Activity & Plans 2 Agriculture ⇒ Projects for Higher Efficiency and Productivity 2. Collaboration with KTZ (KZ Railway) ⇒ Development of New Silk Way and Terminal at Khorgos 3. Automobile Industry ⇒ Successful Launching of 1st CKD line in KZ

7 Agriculture

8 Collaboration with KZ Railway
1)Logistics The Best route!

9 Collaboration with KZ Railway
2)Khorgos Plan

10 Difference between CKD and DKD
Automobile Industry CKD : Complete Knock Down (TOYOTA) A local factory weld and paint a vehicle body, and assemble the body and unit parts shipped from abroad suppliers. The operation in a local factory is “Welding, Painting, and Assembling”. By Local Factory Body and unit parts are provided by abroad suppliers Assembling + Welding ED Painting Top coating, etc. 10

11 Automobile Industry ・Special Thanks to H.E. Mr. Issekeshev, Minister ・MINT and TTC attracted TOYOTA for CKD. -> Great Thanks to MINT, KNI and all! ・To ensure Success of present Projects is the MOST Important for further development

12 “MONOZUKURI (Manufacturing)”
【5S】 ① SEIRI  Organization → Well organized, Prompt decision, Correct Instruction ② SEITON Neatness → Recognize the Priority and for Speed up (Office operation, Workshop tools for maneuverability) ③ SEISO Cleanliness → Keep clean the office and Workshop ④ SEIKETSU Standardization → Wealthy ⑤ SHITSUKE Discipline → Greeting, Politeness, Keep Promises.,etc 【5Ps】 ① Purpose Fundamental ② Principle  Vision/Mission ③ People Assets (Employee, Staff) ④ Process Strategy ⑤ Practice Action/Measure to ensure market success → ”GENCHI-GENBUTSU’’ 『 Learn Reality in the fields: Job sites』

13 As a Partner of Kazakhstan
Strategic Plan 2020/2050

14 Thank you ! РАХМЕТ !

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