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© 2002 San Diego Gas and Electric Co. and Southern California Gas Company. All copyright and trademark rights reserved. Implementation of SDG&E’s & SoCalGas’

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1 © 2002 San Diego Gas and Electric Co. and Southern California Gas Company. All copyright and trademark rights reserved. Implementation of SDG&E’s & SoCalGas’ 2009 – 2011 LIEE and CARE Program Low Income Oversight Board Meeting June 25, 2009 San Diego, CA

2 Initiatives Driving the SDG&E & SoCalGas LIEE Programs Fully support the programmatic initiative: “By 2020, 100% of eligible and willing customers will have received all cost effective Low Income Energy Efficiency measures. “ Increase collaboration among and leveraging of other low-income programs and services Integrate LIEE programs with energy efficiency and other demand-side management programs Focus programs on customers with high energy use, burden, and insecurity while continuing to serve all eligible low income populations

3 LIEE Program Units/Budgets 2007 - 2011 20072008200920102011 Goal 20,384 Treated 13,074 20,804 4,644 Expended/Budget$11,983,364$16,420,247$21,184,009 $20,327,606 SDG&E

4 LIEE Program Units/Budgets 2007 - 2011 20072008200920102011 Goal 110,864 143,540145,874 Treated 44,176 58,800 11,738 Expended/Budget$27,097,166$34,662,899$62,571,908$76,872,816$78,256,269 SoCalGas

5 SDG&E LIEE Program Update

6 SoCalGas LIEE Program Update

7 SDG&E Leveraging as of April 30, 2009 SDG&E is currently working with the three LIHEAP agencies serving San Diego and Southern Orange County to develop a leveraging platform Several issues are still pending, including data sharing, data entry and fee schedules SDG&E will provide an update once negotiations are completed

8 SoCalGas Leveraging as of April 30, 2009 SoCalGas continues to meet with several non-IOU utilities that provide electric and water services to SoCalGas customers to identify opportunities to leverage one another’s low-income energy efficiency programs SoCalGas and Imperial Irrigation District (IID) have completed an agreement to administer low-income services for SoCalGas LIEE measures and the IID Residential Energy Assistance Program Upon installation of measures, SoCalGas will invoice IID for the proper measures and fees

9 SoCalGas Leveraging SoCalGas continues to work with Burbank Water & Power on an agreement to provide low-income measures to customers who reside in their over- lapping territories This agreement will provide customers with a comprehensive bundle of measures including gas, electric and water SoCalGas has initiated talks with the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP), Glendale Water and Power, the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles (HACLA), City of Anaheim, Pasadena Water and Power, Central Basin Municipal Water District, Los Angeles County and others to identify opportunities to reduce costs and leverage energy efficiency and water conservation efforts

10 Integration – SDG&E as of April 30, 2009 SDG&E received referrals from the Customer Call Center (CCC) and the LIEE program to achieve the following CARE enrollments: 1,517 enrollments from the CCC 325 enrollments through LIEE SDG&E has entered into a contract with the contractor responsible for the Energy Efficiency Mobile Home program to also provide all LIEE measures to LIEE eligible customers. This should expedite the treatment of LIEE homes in mobile home parks

11 Integration – SoCalGas as of April 30, 2009 SoCalGas received referrals from the CCC and the LIEE program to achieve the following CARE enrollments: 9,878 enrollments from the CCC 1,075 enrollments through LIEE

12 Whole Neighborhood Approach

13 Whole Neighborhood Approach – SDG&E SDG&E’s Whole Neighborhood Approach (WNA) was developed in early 2009 using Census and PRIZM code data to identify neighborhoods that have a high potential for LIEE eligibility To contact these potential customers, SDG&E is implementing a comprehensive direct marketing plan which will includes direct mail, automated outbound calling and door-to-door canvassing This three tiered approach is designed to heighten program awareness and generate referrals from the customers targeted to be served

14 Whole Neighborhood Approach – SDG&E

15 Whole Neighborhood Approach – SoCalGas SoCalGas’ WNA was developed using Census and PRIZM code data along with CARE status, climate zone and Zip 9 information to identify neighborhoods that have a high potential for LIEE eligibility The initial data query will exclude any homes that have previously received LIEE measures or that fall outside the targeted “neighborhood”

16 Whole Neighborhood Approach – SoCalGas SoCalGas worked with Community Action Partnership of Orange County (CAPOC) to identify 1,084 potential LIEE customers CAPOC used this data for a “Weatherization Walk” event, sponsored by Senator Lou Correa, to canvass the targeted neighborhood SoCalGas will sponsor a WNA with Avalon-Carver and Reliable Energy on May 2 nd The defined “neighborhood” identified 3,008 potential LIEE customers in Wilmington Marketing and outreach in the neighborhood began in April resulting in 70 enrollments and 55 appointments for primary weatherization services on May 2 nd SoCalGas sponsored a WNA with The East Los Angeles Community Union (TELACU) between May 14 th – May 19 th 878 potential LIEE customers were identified in La Habra Marketing and outreach began in April.. Enrollment and primary weatherization was conducted between May 14 th – 16 th Secondary weatherization occurred on May 19 th

17 Whole Neighborhood Approach – SoCalGas Data as of April 30, 2009

18 WeCARE Updates

19 WeCARE Events – SDG&E SDG&E partnered with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and the Urban League of San Diego and Workforce Partnership to assist over 5,000 local residents at the San Diego Career Opportunity Exchange and WeCARE California Resource Fair Pre-event coverage included an article in the San Diego Union Tribune, a “Community Spotlight” interview to discuss the event on SignOnRadio, public service announcements on several radio stations, flyers which directed customers to a new website for more information about WeCARE and postcards mailed to customers identified as having a high potential for CARE eligibility

20 WeCARE Events – SDG&E Event day media coverage included live interviews during the morning newscasts inviting viewers to the event, television coverage by KBNT 17 Univision, KGTV 10 ABC, KNSD NBC, Fox 5 San Diego, Urban Broadcast News Network, Radio Latina, Frontera Newspaper and many more The event targeted job seekers and featured information about customer assistance programs such as CARE, LIEE and bill assistance Local community based organizations (CBOs) and local companies also attended to create a “one-stop shop” for employment, financial and community services and aid

21 WeCARE Events – SDG&E 22 CBOs participated and sponsored by SDG&E 5,000 attendees; 1,500 questions addressed at SDG&E’s Customer Assistance booth; 1,200 Home Energy and Water-Saving Kits given away; 175 CARE applications received; 84 CARE enrollments achieved; 61 CARE re-certifications achieved; 188 LIEE referrals received with 134 eligible; and 2 FERA enrollments achieved

22 SoCalGas partnered with the CPUC, PG&E, SCE, LADWP and local CBOs in a week long series of resource fairs that featured information about CARE and LIEE customer assistance programs as well as financial and community services Pre-event efforts included meeting with elected officials; newspaper, radio and TV ads in selected markets; press releases, media interviews, passing out flyers and postcards and teaming with key non- profit organizations to ensure all customer in need could receive assistance as soon as possible WeCARE Events - SoCalGas

23 SoCalGas participated in several WeCARE events: April 20 th - WeCARE California Bakersfield Resource Fair was attended by Commissioner Dian Grueneich, local politicians and executives from SoCalGas, PG&E and SCE Approximately 600 residents attended and received information on the utility assistance programs April 24 th - WeCARE California Los Angeles Resource Fair was attended by the CPUC, executives from LADWP, SoCalGas and the Los Angeles Unified School District Approximately 1,000 residents attended and received information on the utility assistance program April 25 th WeCARE California El Centro Resource Fair and Imperial County’s Children’s Fair was attended by the CPUC, IID and SoCalGas Over 20,000 residents from nearby communities attended Attendees received information and assistance on utility programs, personal finances, and a myriad of social programs from over 80 exhibitors Local television stations aired the event during their morning and evening broadcasts and included SoCalGas’ website information to assist customer in obtaining information on all of SoCalGas’ programs and services WeCARE Events - SoCalGas

24 CARE Updates

25 CARE Program Enrollments/Goals 2007 – 2011 as of April 30, 2009 20072008200920102011 Enrollment Goal* 260,676 289,648314,671 Enrolled 229,759 241,196 248,857 SDG&E.*Revised enrollment numbers to reach the Commission ordered goal of 90% penetration

26 CARE Program Enrollments/Goals 2007 – 2011 as of April 30, 2009 20072008200920102011 Enrollment Goal* 1,515,0361,576,8271,623,953 Enrolled1,332,6141,435,398 1,481,315 SoCalGas.*Revised enrollment numbers to reach the Commission ordered goal of 90% penetration

27 CARE Enrollments & Penetration Rates as Of April 30, 2009

28 CARE Outreach Activities for April – SDG&E Provided information about SDG&E’s low-income programs at the following events: California First Lady Maria Shriver’s WEConnect event The Ability Center and Paralyzed Veterans Administration event Go Green and Clean Chula Vista Family Day American Lung Association and Better Breathers Club Community Rebuilding Day San Diego Community Cares – Food Bank Distribution and Information Fairs

29 CARE Outreach Activities for April – SoCalGas Launched an innovative on-line advertising campaign that ran from April 1 st through May 15 th Customers visiting sites such as,, or were shown a banner which directed them to a CARE dedicated page for more information on how to enroll on-line On April 22, SoCalGas participated with SCE in a CARE program Telethon at the KMEX TV Univision and KFTR TV Telefutura studios Representatives from each utility described the available assistance programs as well as the upcoming WeCARE California events The telethon aired from 5:00 to 8:00 am and generated over 800 CARE program related calls. On site bilingual utility representatives who spoke with callers said they received numerous expressions of gratitude for their efforts

30 CARE Outreach Activities –SoCalGas Provided information about SoCalGas’ low-income programs at the following events: 2009 Montebello Chamber of Commerce Business Expo California African American museum Getty Center Emergency Preparedness Fair Get Hip, Go Green Earth Day Montebello Commerce YMCA Healthy Kid’s Day Retired Senior Volunteer Program Luncheon

31 2009 Program Updates Detailed information about the WeCare and other outreach efforts and about CARE and LIEE program achievements can be found in SDG&E’s and SoCalGas’ April Monthly Reports

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