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CSC207 Software Design Summer 2011 Lecturer: Hesam C. Esfahani

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1 CSC207 Software Design Summer 2011 Lecturer: Hesam C. Esfahani

2 Course goals We’ll practice good design methods in the context of a new language. The first three weeks and the last two weeks will focus on Java. The middle of the term focuses on design. 1. Developing good large-scale development practices 2. Learning a more structured (than Python) language: Java

3 Course goals 1. Developing good large-scale development practices Agile development methods Scrum Code Reviews Structured mark-up (XML) Software development tools Netbeans IDE Version control: SVN Effective communication and teamwork 2. Learning a more structured (than Python) language: Java Java’s version of OO Interfaces, polymorphism, modularity and info hiding Useful libraries: Java Collections, Swing

4 Course Overview Assignments: done individually (including A3); Project: teams of 4 Project marks are individual: Regular, active contribution to the Be prepared to present and explain your work and your teammates’ work: each project submission will include a meeting with your TA.

5 First tutorial I usually call the tutorials “labs”. There is a lab this week! Labs are from 8~9 pm. We don’t use the regular tutorial rooms. Instead, they will be in the CDF labs. The goals of the lab will be to learn about SVN and basic UNIX commands –lab assignments:

6 Announcements Discussion Board – Check it Regularly – RSS Feed:;feedboard=CSC207H1Y

7 Prerequisites CSC 148H/150H (including transfer credit) –Don’t have this? The undergrad office may remove you from the course! –To avoid this fate, please contact me to explain how you have equivalent background. Not in a CS program? Minimum CGPA of 1.50. –Lacking this requirement will probably result in removal, but I can't save you. –Please see the Undergraduate Office instead. My prereqs: –Confidence in your programming ability in at least one language (probably Python) –Willingness to engage with your peers to complete a team project.

8 Prerequisite knowledge Language structures: –Variables, control structures (if, while and for) –strings, lists, dictionaries, linked lists, trees –functions, classes Concepts: –recursion, searching, sorting Skills: –good style, code reading and debugging –top-down design, OO decomposition –asking (and answering) questions (knowing what you don’t know and knowing how to find out!)

9 Workload: fun facts A 40- to 50-hour work week implies 8 to 10 hours per course. Each week: 2 lectures, 1 lab, 5–7 hours of effective studying/working One twelfth of the course is over at the end of this week!

10 Academic offenses It is an academic offence to claim someone else's work as your own. It is an academic offence to give someone your work. When this happens in the workforce, people are fired. The project: teams of four. All other work: team of one. You must not share work outside your team or seek out inappropriate aid. –What’s inappropriate? Ask me when in doubt! –Always-valid sources: me, the TAs, the text, the Help Centre, anything linked from the course website. Make sure to cite any outside resources (like the web or a textbook). –I will not charge you with an offence if you have cited properly, although you may not receive a good mark.

11 Know it all? If you have experience with a professional IDE, Java, version control, and regular expressions, the department might let you skip this course. If you think you're eligible, please come see me. I also don't want to endanger you. –I promise not to push you to omit 207 if you don't feel ready. –Please do this before the last add date (preferably sooner)

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