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Published byJessie Strickland Modified over 9 years ago
BOSS Development Environment BOSS--BESIII Offline Software System Ma Qiumei 2006.03.01
2 Outline Simple introduction of BOSS How to use CMT in BOSS Simple introduction of CVS Common questions and solutions
3 History of BesIII Offline Software System Besf/v1 : The original version completely based on belle Besf/v2 : The version improving with other frameworks like babar, gaudi, etc. Offline/3.0.0 : The version with the new building tools — CMT Boss/1.0.0 : The testing version based on Gaudi Boss/2.0.0 : The modified version based on Gaudi Boss/2.1.0 、 2.2.0 、 2.3.0 、 3.0.0 、 4.0.0 、 4.1.0 、 4.2.0 5.0.0 、 5.1.0 、 6.0.0
4 Boss development environment(Now) Machine: OS : Linux-7.3 Compiler : gcc-3.2 Framework :Based on GAUDI-v12r0 External Libs: CERNLIB 、 ROOT 、 CLHEP 、 Geant4 、 and etc. Developing language : C++ , some FORTRAN Database : PostgreSql,MySql Version management tool : CVS Browsing files in CVS repository : ViewCVS Configuration management tool : CMT
5 Boss development environment(future) Machine: OS : Scientific Linux Cern (SLC) Compiler : gcc-3.2.3 Framework :Based on GAUDI_v16r4 External lib: lcg/external; geant4 and etc. Developing language : C++ , some FORTRAN Database : PostgreSql,MySql Version management tool : CVS Browsing files in CVS repository : ViewCVS Configuration management tool : CMT
6 BOSS Structure Analysis -- Analysis software and some analysis tools BesExamples -- Examples for using some packages BesPolicy -- define some standard patterns of Bes BesCxxPolicy -- define some standard patterns only for c++ compilier BesFortranPolicy -- define some standard patterns only for fortran compilier BesRelease -- for all the packages release BesROOT -- convert data from ASCII to DST Calibration -- for calibration framework and common tools Control -- Common tools and framework of boss Database -- the geometry data IO
7 DetectorDescription -- Detector Description packages Emc -- for emc Event -- different event model EventDisplay -- the interface for event display EventFilter -- External -- interfaces of external libs Generator -- for generators MagneticField -- Mdc -- for mdc
8 Muc -- for MuonCounter PhyTool -- some tools for physics analysis Reconstruction -- all reconsrtuction algorithms RootPolicy -- Simulation -- simulation TestRelease -- for some test release Tof -- tof Utilities -- some common tools More details please see the website:
9 How to use CMT in BOSS Simple introduction of CMT Setting up your CMT environment Working on a package Working with boss
10 What is CMT ( Configuration management tool ) A set of tools and conventions structures software development or production concepts of areas, packages, versions, constituents organises software into packages describes package properties describes package constituents operates the software production (management, build, import/export, etc...) by transparently configuring and driving the various conventional tools (CVS, make, MSDev, Web, tar, compilers, linkers, archivers, etc...)
11 The goals Organise software development from a single person up to teams in large projects (scalability) Organise relationships between entire software bases or between simple packages (scalability) Manage site, platform or product specific properties Automate complex production tools for non software experts (simplicity) Factor out know-how from project to project, from package to package or from team to team (process improvement)
12 Who are using CMT The physics research experiments using CMT as the following: a.. Virgo b.. LHCb c.. GLAST d.. Atlas e.. Nemo f.. Opera g.. Planck h.. Auger i.. GANIL j.. GAM
13 Types of Package Packages may have particular semantics Normal packages provide software or documents Container packages manage other packages Policy packages hold bes specific conventions, policies, patterns Interface convert conventions and policies of external packages or libs
14 Structure of a package /src source files (*.cxx) / header files (*.h) /cmt requirements file and some scripts /share jobOptions and other running scripts /test some app ’ s source files /i386_linux24 Automatically created at build time (libs. Applications and etc. under this directory) /ChangeLog a log file
15 Global software organization use Release area User area MDCGeomSvc MDCGeomSvc-01-00-01 BesRelease BesRelease-00-00-01 MDCGeomSvc MDCGeomSvc-00-00-01 BesGeoMdc BesGeoMdc-00-* External/CLHEP CLHEP-00-01-* BesPolicy BesPolicy-01-* CLHEP External area use
16 几个概念 Release (发布;软件版本):某个 release 对应于所有软件包的某一个固定版本,它是 稳定的,一旦发布基本上就不再更改。 nightly_build : 不需要发布一个新的 release ,但 是用户希望使用某些软件包的新改变,就建立了 这么一个 release : nightly_build 。这个 release 是 不稳定的,经常更新。 TestRelease :运行 boss 的接口程序,可以 选择需要运行的程序。
17 Setting up your CMT environment 首先,连接 CMT $mkdir cmthome $ cp /afs/ ~/cmthome 注:如果你使用的是 bash ,则 copy 到你的 cmthome 目录下。 然后,修改 login requirements ,设置符合自己要求的配置 $ cp /afs/ ~/cmthome 编辑 requirements 文件,使其符合你的要求 $vi requirements 注:需要修改的可能有两个地方: set BES_RELEASE 5.0.0 macro WorkArea "/ihepbatch/bes/maqm/workarea"
18 最后,设置环境完成 source setupCMT.csh cmt config source setup.csh 注:最好把以下语句放到.tcshrc 文件中: source /ihepbatch/bes/maqm/cmthome/setupCMT.csh source /ihepbatch/bes/maqm/cmthome/setupCVS.csh source /ihepbatch/bes/maqm/cmthome/setup.csh source /ihepbatch/bes/maqm/workarea/TestRelease/TestRelease-00- 00-14/cmt/setup.csh
19 Working on a package Basic scenarios Creating a package Checking out a package alone Modifying the package More: working on several packages Apply same set of commands via cmt broadcast
20 Creating a new package 1 、 Choosing a location i.e. Which container? … e.g. Database 2 、 Choosing a name Must be a unique package name in boss (should not either just differentiate by case of letters) 3 、 Choosing a version 4 、 The command cmt create BesGeoDB BesGeoDB-00-00-01
21 Examples … The simplest one One new application with (some) source file(s) >cmt create A A-00-00-01 >cd A/A-00-00-01/cmt >vi requirements >vi A.cxx >gmake >source setup.csh >cd../i386-linux24 >./A.exe package A use BesPolicy BesPolicy-01-* application A A.cxx 1) Create a new package and move to it 2) Describe the package 3) Create the package items and build them 4) set the environment and run
22 The requirements file The requirements file centralizes all configuration parameters Author(s), manager(s) Structural information specialized directory structure used packages links to external packages Constituents Libraries Applications generated documents Make macros and environment variables and their possible values on various platforms, sites, environments Customization for new languages, or document generators Definition of conventional behavioural patterns Sufficient for transparently generating all required makefiles and setup scripts, or for launching test procedures. They are the sources of all queries.
23 Example of requirements package BesGeoDB author maqiumei version BesGeoDB-00-00-01 branches cmt src BesGeoDB use BesPolicy BesPolicy-* use PGSQL PGSQL-* External library BesGeoDB *.cxx apply_pattern package_linkopts
24 Checking out a package Getting a package out from CVS to modify it Go to your private development area Checkout the package (installing the proper CMT directory structure) cmt co TestRelease Get the HEAD revision, and make use of the most recent tag cmt co – r TestRelease-00-00-15 TestRelease Get the required revision, and make use of that tag The directory version is created with the appropriate CVS tag applied to the package
25 Modifying and building a package The basic development cycle Modify > vi *** Build > source setup.csh > gmake Test (if available)
26 Working on several packages Checking out a complete container cmt co Database cmt co – requirements Database/*/cmt/requirements Checking out all packages cmt co BesRelease cmt co – requirements BesRelease/*/cmt/requirements Applying a command to all checked out packages cmt broadcast Cmt broadcast cmt config Cmt broadcast gmake
27 Working with boss The principle of the TestRelease package This package is the basic interface to run a job Running boss only requires to “ select ” a set of already built components and to locally install a set of runtime files Checking out TestRelease Customizing it : selecting components Before running : install runtime files This generally creates symlinks towards runtime files (shared libraries, jobOptions, data files, … ) Running boss
28 Running boss #running a simple example -- ExHelloWorld cd cmt co TestRelease cd Testrelease/*/cmt vi requirements Add “use ExHelloWorld ExHelloWorld-* BesExamples” to requirements cmt broadcast cmt config cmt broadcast gmake source setup.csh cd../run boss.exe HelloWorldOptions.txt boss.exe jobOptions_rec.txt
29 Simple introduction of jobOptions ////#################################### // Boss job options file for MdcRec //====================================== ApplicationMgr.DLLs += {"MdcTrkRecon"}; ApplicationMgr.TopAlg += { "MdcTrkRecon" }; ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += { "MdcGeomSvc" }; ApplicationMgr.DLLs += { "RootHistCnv" }; //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Set output level threshold (2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL ) // MessageSvc.OutputLevel = 2;
30 // Number of events to be processed (default is 10) ApplicationMgr.EvtMax = 200; EventSelector.InputFiles ="AsciiDmp_out.dat"; ApplicationMgr.HistogramPersistency = "ROOT"; NTupleSvc.Output = { "FILE101 DATAFILE='Mdc.root' OPT='NEW' TYP='ROOT'“}; //=============================== // End of job options file // ===============================
31 Running the reconstruction algorithms #include "Ascii.txt “ #include "PartPropSvc.txt" //zhangy #include "$MDCTRKRECONROOT/share/jobOptions_MdcPatRec.txt “ //zangsl //#include "$TRKRECOROOT/share/jobOptions_TrkReco.txt" #include "$MDCDEDXALGROOT/share/job_dedx_all.txt" #include "$EMCRECROOT/share/EmcRecOptions.txt" #include "$TRKEXTALGROOT/share/TrkExtAlgOption.txt" #include "$TOFRECROOT/share/jobOptions_TofRec.txt" #include "$MUCRECALGROOT/share/jobOptions_MucRecTrkExt.txt" #include "$ROOTIOROOT/share/jobOptions_Save2Root.txt"
32 // Set output level threshold (2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL ) MessageSvc.OutputLevel = 5; // Number of events to be processed (default is 10) ApplicationMgr.EvtMax = 200; EventSelector.InputFiles="AsciiDmp_out.dat"; ApplicationMgr.HistogramPersistency = "ROOT"; RootCnvSvc.digiRootOutputFile ="digi.root"; NTupleSvc.Output = { "FILE101 DATAFILE='Mdc.root' OPT='NEW' TYP='ROOT'", "FILE104 DATAFILE='kalfit.root' OPT='NEW' TYP='ROOT'", "FILE103 DATAFILE='DeDx.root' OPT='NEW' TYP='ROOT'", "FILE201 DATAFILE='Tof.root' OPT='NEW' TYP='ROOT'", "FILE301 DATAFILE='Emc.root' OPT='NEW' TYP='ROOT'", "FILE401 DATAFILE='Muc.root' OPT='NEW' TYP='ROOT'" };
33 CVS 是什么 ? 1989 年 4 月, Brian Berliner 设计了 CVS 并编写 了代码,之后 Jeff Polk 帮助 Brian 设计了 CVS 模 块发行分支。 CVS( Concurrent Versions System ) 版本控制系 统是一种 GNU 软件包,主要用于在多人开发环 境下的源码的维护。 它可以记录源文件开发的 历史。
34 CVS and CMT The BESIII Offline Software sources are stored in CVS and can be accessed using the CVS command. The BESIII Offline Software libraries have been built using the CMT. Therefore, using the CMT tool is the recommended way to modify existing packages or re-build the examples included in the release.
35 如何使用 CVS ? 首先,你需要申请一个 CVS 账号 然后,需要设置变量: export CVSROOT='' 或 setenv CVSROOT ‘‘ 最后,你需要知道一些常用的 CVS 命令(见下页)
36 常用的 CVS 命令 (1) Checking in to CVS cvs import –m “**” test Bes test-00-00-01 查看源程序的变化 cvs –n update 添加一个源文件 cvs add 源文件名(路径要正确) 删除一个源文件 cvs remove 源文件名(路径要正确)
37 常用的 CVS 命令 (2) 提交所作的修改 cvs commit –m “**” 给一个包做 tag cvs tag 版本号 查看当前工作的源文件与 cvs 库里源文件的区别 cvs diff
38 Viewcvs 简介 ViewCVS 是一个使用 Python 书写的查看 CVS 代 码库中的 所有数据 的软件。它已经被很多的配 置管理系统所使用, 也是现在开放源代码产品 中与 cvsweb 一样可以选择的 CVS 辅助工具。 ViewCVS 架设了一个友好的 WEB 界面,通过 WEB 界面可以非常直观的浏览代码, 查看图形化 的修改记录。
39 常见问题及解决方法 编译的时候: $ cmt config > Warning : package CERNLIB CERNLIB External not found (requested by tester) $ gmake >ihepbatch/bes/maqm/workarea/Calibration/CalibDat a/CalibData-00-00-04/CalibData/CalibTime.h: 14:34: facilities/Timestamp.h: No such file or directory >/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lxerces-c
40 运行的时候: boss.exe jobOptions_sim.txt cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory boss.exe jobOptions_sim.txt undefined symbol: ****
41 Documents /software/oo/tools/cmt /software/oo/tools/cmt bin/viewcvs.cgi/BossCvs/ bin/viewcvs.cgi/BossCvs/
42 Thank you!
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