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Climate Grid Analysis Toolset (CGAT) Kirk Sherrill - GIS Specialist Brent Frakes – Geographer NRPC – I&M Division – GIS Program George Wright Society Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "Climate Grid Analysis Toolset (CGAT) Kirk Sherrill - GIS Specialist Brent Frakes – Geographer NRPC – I&M Division – GIS Program George Wright Society Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Climate Grid Analysis Toolset (CGAT) Kirk Sherrill - GIS Specialist Brent Frakes – Geographer NRPC – I&M Division – GIS Program George Wright Society Conference GIS Rapid Fire – March, 2011 CGAT - SOP

2 Toolset for Assessing Regional Climatic Variability Toolset for Assessing Regional Climatic Variability Packaged in a suite of GIS Python Scripts Packaged in a suite of GIS Python Scripts Facilitate the use of PRISM and SNODAS gridded datasets. Facilitate the use of PRISM and SNODAS gridded datasets. Intended to help Land Managers develop accurate and park wide, baseline representations of historical climatic conditions Intended to help Land Managers develop accurate and park wide, baseline representations of historical climatic conditions What is CGAT? NRPC - Inventory & Monitoring Program

3 PRISM Data – PRISM Climate Group at Oregon State University PRISM Data – PRISM Climate Group at Oregon State University Spatial continuous for the continental US Spatial continuous for the continental US 4km cell size 4km cell size Monthly and Yearly temporal resolution Monthly and Yearly temporal resolution Data Archive 1895 – Present Data Archive 1895 – Present PRISM Variables PRISM Variables PPT, TMAX, TMIN, TDMEAN PPT, TMAX, TMIN, TDMEAN PRISM group website PRISM group website NRPC - Inventory & Monitoring Program

4 SNODAS Data – modeled by the NOAA National Weather Service’s NOHRSC SNODAS Data – modeled by the NOAA National Weather Service’s NOHRSC Available for the continental US Available for the continental US 1km cell size 1km cell size Daily temporal resolution Daily temporal resolution Data archive from 2003 – Present Data archive from 2003 – Present 8 SNODAS Climatic Variables 8 SNODAS Climatic Variables SWE, SNOW Depth, Snow Melt Runoff, Snowpack Sublimation, Blowing Snow Sublimation, Solid & Liquid Precipitation, and Snow Pack Average Temp. SWE, SNOW Depth, Snow Melt Runoff, Snowpack Sublimation, Blowing Snow Sublimation, Solid & Liquid Precipitation, and Snow Pack Average Temp. SNODAS website SNODAS website del/index.html del/index.html NRPC - Inventory & Monitoring Program

5 1. Cell Based Average/Total -Monthly or Yearly (Time Step) -Used to develop the baseline values to be evaluated across the desired temporal range of interest NRPC - Inventory & Monitoring Program SNODAS 2010 Total Solid Precip, for ROMO CGAT – 3 Analyses

6 2.Percentile Calculation - Using the average or total data layers - Percentile by Reference Date (month or Year) vs Temporal Range of Interest Annual TMIN percentile calculations for each year between 2001-2009 versus the thirty year period between 1971-2000 for ROMO (outline in black). N = number of values by Cell n = rank of N percentile date across all N values ordered from least (1) to greatest (N). NRPC - Inventory & Monitoring Program

7 3. Zonal Calculation - Calculates summary statistics for Regions of Interest Graph of annual precipitation 1980 – 2009 for four NHD hydrological units in ROMO. NRPC - Inventory & Monitoring Program

8 Toolset facilitating the use of PRISM and SNODAS Data CGAT Working Environment -Runs in the Python Scripting Language -Computer with ArcGIS 9.3 or ArcGIS 10 functionality The CGAT Scripts and SOP Download: - Search for “CGAT” CGAT is the gridded climatic data component of an I&M Weather and Climate Data project: - Search for “Enterprise Climate Database” NRPC - Inventory & Monitoring Program In Summary:

9 NRPC - Inventory & Monitoring Program Thanks and Questions?

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