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My Pitch. Purpose The purpose of my website is to provide information about an upcoming film festival being hosted at a local school. The website will.

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Presentation on theme: "My Pitch. Purpose The purpose of my website is to provide information about an upcoming film festival being hosted at a local school. The website will."— Presentation transcript:

1 My Pitch

2 Purpose The purpose of my website is to provide information about an upcoming film festival being hosted at a local school. The website will provide information like opening times, prices and film ratings.

3 Audience The audience for my film festival will be ages mainly from 12 to 16. To make it suitable for this age group I have a variety of different films to appeal to everyone

4 Film Choices The Italian Job (1969) – This film can be watched by all ages but would be more suitable to an older audience as a younger audience may not understand it. Shrek – This film is humorous and can be enjoyed by all ages. Army of Darkness – This film would be for the older audience as it appeals to them by being more violent but still enjoyable. Monty Python and the Holy Grail – This film also appeals to the older audience and is very funny. Up – This film appeals to all ages and is a amusing and enjoyable film everyone loves.

5 Colour Scheme & Font This colour will be the foreground colour. I have chosen this colour because the font colour will be black and black text on a white background is easy to read This colour will be the middle colour which goes between the foreground and background. I have chosen this colour because it is eye catching and bright This colour will be the background colour which goes behind everything. I have chosen this colour because It looks nice and isn’t too bright Calibri (Headings) - I will be using this font for the titles and subheadings. The reason I am using this font for this purpose is because it is straightforward and simple which means it's easy to understand what is being conveyed Calibri (Body) - I will be using this font for the standard text because it is plain and simple which will make reading for extended amounts of time easier Copperplate Gothic Bold - I will be using this font for everything else like the menu because it looks nice and eye catching

6 Layout





11 Legal & Ethical My website will comply with copyright law because it falls under the fair-use category as my website is for educational purposes and not profit. “In United States copyright law, fair use is a doctrine that permits limited use of copyrighted material without acquiring permission from the rights holders. Examples of fair use include commentary, search engines, criticism, parody, news reporting, research, teaching, library archiving and scholarship” My work will comply with legal and ethical considerations as the colours used in it have a sufficient colour difference and contrast so that colour-blind people will be able to view it as easily as people with fully functioning eyes.

12 Feedback

13 Sources ys0JJ0j1OZ8/TVUmniwuN4I/AAAAAAAAANE/y rvbbekNl2M/s1600/age+ratings.jpg ys0JJ0j1OZ8/TVUmniwuN4I/AAAAAAAAANE/y rvbbekNl2M/s1600/age+ratings.jpg

14 Mock-up Website

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