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RAINFALL (SWM) (1-6-2012 TO 17-9-2012)
Normal (SWM) : mm Normal as on date : mm Received : mm Deviation : + 2 % Sl. No Districts No.of districts Status & deviation 1 East Godavari, West Godavari and Krishna 4 Excess (20% & above) 2 East Godavari, West Godavari, Krishna, and KhammamSrikakulam, Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam, Prakasam, Guntur Nellore, Kurnool, Anantapur, Kadapa, Chittoor, Rangareddy, Nizamabad, Medak, Mahabubnagar, Khammam, Warangal, Karimnagar, and Adilabad. 17 Normal (+19% to -19%) 3 Nalgonda Deficit (-20% to -59%) Month Normal As on date Actual Rainfall (m.m) % deviation to Normal as on date STATUS 2010 2011 2012 June 108.4 112.0 67.6 83.5 -23 Deficit July 188.0 278.0 196.1 202.9 +8 Normal August 185.1 231.0 194.1 180.6 -2 September (1st to 17th sept.) 74.9 111.7 39.5 101.1 35 Excess Andhra Pradesh 556.4 732.7 497.3 568.1 2
RAINFALL (SWM) (1-6-2012 TO 17-9-2012)
Kharif 2012 & Rabi 2012-13 Prospects (Abstract)
(Lakh tonnes) Sl.No. Crop Normal Production (Expected) Kharif Rabi Total 1 Rice 131.43 68.15 66.10 134.25 2 Pulses 14.49 2.96 13.71 16.67 3 Total Foodgrains 189.10 91.21 103.85 195.06 4 Oil Seeds 27.28 11.51 7.95 19.46 5 Cotton (lakh bales) 34.75 52.29 0.24 52.53 NOTE: Originally the foodgrains production target was fixed at LMTs, but due to deficit rainfall in major parts of state during June & July 2012, the state may not achieve the targeted foodgrain production.
Area in lakh ha, Productivity in kgs/ha & Production in LMTs ( * ) Cotton production in lakh bales of 170 kgs. of lint /// (#) Mesta production in lakh bales of 180 kgs.
Area in lakh ha, Productivity in kgs/ha & Production in LMTs ( * ) Cotton production in lakh bales of 170 kgs. of lint
Area in lakh ha, Productivity in kgs/ha & Production in LMTs ( * ) Cotton production in lakh bales of 170 kgs. of lint /// (#) Mesta production in lakh bales of 180 kgs.
Andhra Pradesh has a special focus on agricultural extension as well as Extension - Research - Farmers - Market - Linkage. Following are the measures taken in this regard Recruited 474 Mandal Agril. Officers and 881 Agril. Extension Officers vacancies during Appointment of 41,000 Model farmers as recommended by Dr. Swaminathan Commission for effective coverage of farm families (250300 families per model farmer). Diagnostic Team visits to farmer fields by scientists and extension staff Conduct of monthly workshop for extension staff at concerned Research Station Effective Organization of Farmers Field Schools - Polambadi as an extension tool to educate the farmers at field level to train the farmers FTCs & KVKs to train the farmers in all districts Regular joint field visits of Research and Extension staff to offer instaneous solutions to the problems faced by the farmers Rythu Bata and Rythu Chaitanya Yaatra Training to farmers Yeruvaka Purnima
RYTHU BATA Rythu Bata is being implemented with the following objectives: To take the Extension services to the door step of the farmers. To create awareness about the ongoing Government programmes. To understand the problems being faced by the farmers. Rythu Bata programme is implemented for the spread of Knowledge, technology, resources and inputs through the farmer groups formed in the process of Rythu Bata. The MAO must visit the village regularly; the groups are to be formed based on the need and requirement such as procurement of fertilizers, sale of the produce or for obtaining expert advice. The groups must be formed for a genuine reason. Meetings must be organized for the groups in the mandal level on Monday by the concerned ADA. The Date and Time of Village visit by the MAO must be displayed prominently on the Black Board/Gram Panchayath office. Exhibitions may be organized during the meetings by involving ATMA, NGOs, KVKs Rythu Sanghams and private Organizations to generate interest and to motivate farmers. ATMA will take active role while working with the groups.
Rythu Chaitanya Yatra :
An innovative approach has been initiated by the department to train the farmers in the technology gaps existing in their respective villages by organizing Rythu Chaitanya Yatras (RCY) from past seven years in preparatory to Kharif season. This has given an opportunity to the extension staff of Agriculture, ANGRAU & Line Departments to reach every habitation and interact with farmers, educate them in latest technology in Agriculture and allied subjects and to train the farmers on technical gaps and educate them on various Government programmes and schemes. During Kharif 2012 Rythu Chaitanya Yatra was organized from 10th to 31st May 2012 in the State, in which:
Farm Women Empowerment Programme
Trainings to Farmers Main objective is to transfer latest agricultural technologies to small and marginal farmers to improve the productivity levels and there by increasing income levels. During , an amount of Rs lakhs was allocated under Trainings to train about 75,000 farmers on district specific issues Farm Women Empowerment Programme Objective: Organize training programmes for farm women in latest technology & to promote holistic development of small & marginal farm women for increasing income levels & improve their skills An amount of Rs 40 lakhs is allocated under Work plan for covering farm women to impart skills through 440 mandal level trainings and 22 exposure visits during * Up to end of August 2012
Yeruvaka Purnima Yeruvaka Purnima is a festival, which is especially celebrated by the farmers of Andhra Pradesh. This is a special festival celebrated mainly by the farmers and agriculturists. It falls on the full moon day in the month of Ashadha. Agriculturists worship the yoke, the plough and the bulls with turmeric and kumkum. Coconuts are broken either at home or in the field, in-front of the yokes and bulls. Yeruvaka Purnima was organized on 4th June 2012 in Andhra Pradesh.
ZREAC MEETINGS ZREAC meetings were conducted in 9 Agro climatic Zones both in Kharif and Rabi. During these meetings, Research gaps for the zones as a whole and production recommendations for major crops were provided to the departmental officers.
POLAM BADI (FFS) In order to provide practical on farm training to farmers in their own field the Department has initiated Polambadi (FFS) Programme from onwards. The programme addresses crop specific issues pertinent to specific village. During this process a large number of farmers have gained the capacity to independently run a polambadi and function as Facilitator. This has a long range effect in the capacity building of farmers through farmer to farmer interaction. The impact of Polambadi is observed by the significant reduction of Pesticides consumption. The use of chemical pesticides increasing cost of cultivation and leading to more hazards to living entity by disturbing natural ecosystem. With this back ground, Department of Agriculture, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh has taken up promotion of Farmers field schools (Polambadi) in large scale since Rabi to reduce the cost of cultivation and increase the productivity
Phy. in (Nos) – Financial lakhs Sl. No. Crop KHARIF 2012 Programme for Rabi Physical Financial Target Ach. Allocation comtd Expenditure 1 Rice 1241 1041 204.04 112.58 804 136.6 2 Maize 164 37.19 11.2 213 48.30 3 Pulses 274 88 38.36 11.50 486 82.62 4 Oil seeds 476 406 107.95 32.38 586 132.9 5 Cotton 345 308 58.65 17.59 6 Mesta 32 27 8.00 2.4 NSP 53.2 14.5 45.20 Total 2532 2034 507.4 202.15 2089 445.7
Effective Coverage of Farmers
Adarsha Rythus As per the recommendations of National Commission on Farmers headed by Prof. M. S. Swaminathan, to adopt Model Farmer approach, Adarsha Rythu system was introduced in A.P. in the year The main objective behind the identification of Adarsha Rythu is to introduce a nodal functionary between the farmers and the Extension staff of Agriculture and other line departments to help in bridging the gap between the scientific know-how and field level do-how. At present 39,804 Adarsha Rythus are working in the state. Adarsha Rythu will assist the extension staff in implementation of the schemes of Agriculture and allied departments & will be paid a honorarium of Rs.1000/ per month. 18
From Rabi 2011 the A.P Government has announced interest free crop loans vide G.O.Ms No. 270 dated for the crop loans repaid in time, interest free upto 1.00 lakh and Pavala vaddi from 1.00 to 3.00 lakhs. For crop loans disbursed in Rabi the farmer has to repay the interest along with the principal amount to banks. The Government will reimburse the interest to farmer’s accounts. From Kharif the Government will pay the entire interest to the respective banks as and when the farmers repay the loans within due date. During an amount of Rs Crores is allocated under this scheme.
Andhra Pradesh is the first state to promulgate an Act to provide loans to the Tenant Farmers STATUS of LECs DURING : 1 No.of LECs issued 3,18,216 2 No.of Licensed Cultivators Sanctioned Crop Loans by the Bankers 64,258 3 Amount Sanctioned (Crores) 134.56 RESCHEDULEMENT OF CROP LOANS: An amount of Rs Crores have been rescheduled by covering 1,81,639 farmers (approx.) as against the crop loan disbursements of Rs crores (approx.) in Kharif,11 As per RBI guidelines, in case of Natural Calamities Drought/Flood the reschedulement of Crop Loans should be completed within three months of issue of notification by the Government
Pest Surveillance & Advisory System
Formation of pest surveillance and advisory unit is constituted in the state with members of Principal Secretary to Government, Commissioner & Director of Agriculture, A.P., Hyderabad, Director of Research, ANGRAU, FAO Consultant, nominee of PPA to GOI or Addl. PPA at NIPHM and representative from NIPHM. The terms of the above constituted state level committee is solely responsible for implementation of the pilot project involving Department of Agriculture, ANGRAU, Director of Plant Protection Quarantine & Storage. At district level the pest surveillance team formed consisting Joint Director of Agriculture, representative of KVK, representative of local research institute, Mandal Agricultural Officer, representative of farmer group and Asst. Director of Agriculture. The above teams will visit the severely infected pest and disease areas or endemic areas and study the causes for outbreak of the pest and diseases and submit detail report to the Government for taking necessary action.
I. State Extension Work Plan : Based on the research-extension strategies, Block Action Plans & Districts action plans were developed and the same were consolidated at State level for development of State Extension Work Plan GOI has given administrative approval for an amount of Rs crores for the year for implementation of SEWP and revalidated an amount of Rs crores available with the State. The GOI releases are under process. GOAP has released the Matching State Share amount of Rs crores during the current financial year. II.SEWP : BUDGET PROPOSED UNDER MAJOR ACTIVITIES (Rs. in lakhs) Sl. No. Activity Total Fund Required Contribution from the scheme Beneficiary contribution 1 State Nodal Cell 0.000 2 SAMETI 3 ATMA at District Level a. Farm Oriented Activities b. Farm Inf. Dissemination c. Technology Refinement d. Administrative Expenses e. Innovative Activities GRAND TOTAL
Opening Balance As on 1-4-2012 Amount Received during 2012-13
III. DEPT. WISE BUDGET PROPOSALS IN SEWP : ( Rs. in Lakhs) Department Amount Proposed Agriculture Animal Husbandry Horticulture Sericulture Fisheries Social Forestry 21.700 Marketing 9.250 Total Budget for Dept. activities Functionary support, Admn. Expenses & Others GRAND TOTAL IV.Status of Expenditure : (Rs. in lakhs) Sl.No Year Opening Balance As on Amount Received during Total Exp. Made Balance As on 1 Central Share 0.000 2 State Share 410.36 28.62 384.74
Status of Placement of Specialist and Functionary Support
Designation Provision Given by GOI Sanction Given by GOAP Posts filled No. Working State Coordinator 1 Director, SAMETI Deputy Directors 8 5 4 Accountant Comp. Programmer Project Directors 22 16 Deputy PDs 44 30 Block Tech. Managers 271 220 Subject Matter Specialists 542 172 Total 935 932 491
Innovations in Technology Dissemination
1. ICM Model Farms: ( Kharif ) To disseminate the technology on improved practices, Model Farm Demos have been organized at village level across the State The technological gaps like Seed treatment, Soil test based fertilizer application, Inter cropping, IPM, INM etc have been highlighted as per the locally identified gaps. To create mass awareness on the concept, awareness camps and exposure visits for the fellow farmers are also being organized.
2. Soil Test Based Fertilizer Application
To reduce the indiscriminate use of fertilizers and reduce the cost of cultivation, ATMA has taken up the initiatives to popularize the concept of Soil Test Based Fertilizer application. Soil test based nutrient application helps to avoid wasteful expenditure on irrational nutrient application and realize higher benefit cost ratio as the nutrients applied are in proportion to the magnitude of the deficiency of a particular nutrient and correction of the nutrient imbalances in soil. During the Rabi , (52) Field demos and (92) Frontline Demos have been organized. As per the response of the farmers, to popularize the concept, during Kharif, Initiated grounding of 60 FDs and 227 FLDs on Soil test based fertilizer application
3. Popularization of Cotton Picker
Cotton Picker Machine was introduced in Warangal District. This China Model no.4041 chain system machine costs 8500/-. This manually operated machine consists of 2 batteries (12 volts) with battery backup upto 8 hours Individual farmer can be able to pick the whole cotton in field. No labour is required. Picking capacity is 80 kgs to 100 kgs per day. Saves labour charges upto 4500/- per acre and maintains the quality while cotton picking & prevents dust carrying with cotton. Farmers Groups are being motivated to popularize these machines in a big way.
MASS MEDIA SUPPORT AGRICULTURAL PROGRAMMES TELECAST BY DOORDARSHAN Station Name of the Programme Timings of telecast Days of telecast Doordarshan Regional Kendra, Hyderabad Rythu Nestam 6.25 PM to 7.00 PM Monday to Friday Doordarshan Narrowcasting Station Vijayawada * KISAN 6.00 PM to 6.25 PM Doordarshan Narrowcasting Station Rajahmundry * Kisan programmes in Narrowcasting from Vijayawada and Rajahmundry cluster are repeated by Doordarshan Kendra, Hyderabad from Monday to Friday between am to 7.00 am.
Under this scheme agricultural Programmes are being broadcast from 7.15 P.M through (8) All India Radio, FM Kisan Vani stations located at Adilabad Ananthapur, Kothagudem, Kurnool Markapur, Nizamabad and Warangal. Phone-In-Live Programme: being broadcast once in a week except Kurnool where the programme is being broadcast thrice a week. Broadcast of success stories to motivate the farmers. The advance weekly schedule of agricultural programmes broadcast through All India Radio is updated in AGRISNET website., www. for giving wide publicity
AGRISNET Online Soil Health Card Ask an Expert Trainings
Package of practices of 18 major crops Online License Management system for Fertilizers Online Soil Health Card Product Market Identification Matrix for Agri exports Ask an Expert Trainings 30
Information to Farmers on phone
An application in AGRISNET portal to send SMS alerts to farmers’ mobiles Seed Availability Soil Test based Fertilizer recommendation Pest alerts Misbranded pesticide information General Each day five district specific five voice messages at regular intervals are sent to the farmers. 3 messages on Agriculture 1 message on Animal Husbandry 1 message on General, weather, prices etc.
Software applications under pipeline
Issuing of online seed & pesticide licenses to manufacturers/dealers Creation of database of farmers mobile numbers and sending SMS alerts Online Review of the workflow by maintenance of database & submission of reports from subordinate offices to C&DA Online monitoring of stock details of seeds, fertilizers & pesticides Integrating online issuing of input dealers license & Soil Health Card under “Mee Seva”, flagship programme of Govt. of Andhra Pradesh Hardware provided 834 Desktop systems, Printer & UPS for district, divisional & mandal officers Laptops for Mandal Agricultural Officers All 22 District JDA offices are connected & ADA(R) Sub-division offices (ATMA funds) are provided with internet connectivity. About 600 Mandal Agricultural Officers are supplied with Data Cards to disseminate technology faster to farmers 32
I.T. Strategy for Technology Extension
Department will be connected through APSWAN upto mandal level for which bandwidth charges will be reimbursed under NeGP (As per G.O. Rt.No.5 Dt: of IT&C Dept, Govt. of AP Agriculture) . Video Conferencing up to Sub-divisional Level Computerization of village geographical & Farm wise information MAOs should regularly get information from AGRISNET and pass on to the farmers MAO should inform market prices and new information to the farmers and encourage every farmer to take up marketing / promotion & procure inputs as a group which will help in getting remunerative price to the farmers. Agro-advisories should invariably be taken print from AGRISNET and paste on boards at Sub-divisional offices. 33
Kisan Call Center ( ) The Agriculture component of Parishkaram – Farmers Call Centre (1100) of A.P. State is merged with the Kisan Call Centre from 1st May, 2012 to maintain uniformity across the country and popularize toll free number. The new location of call center is at ATIC Center of ANGRAU, which was inaugurated by Principal Secretary to Govt. (Agriculture) The shifting of university scientists from Parishkaram call center to Kisan Call Center is under progress. For answering district specific queries of the department - 2 ADAs from District Head office are identified and the list is communicated to Kisan Call Center for escalation of calls. Inauguration of Kisan Call Center by Principal Secretary to Govt. (Agriculture) 34
Automated 24 Hour Call Center
Toll Free No Launched on by Hon’ble Minister for Agriculture Andhra Pradesh As on 11th September 2012, 3124 number of calls are responded. Trainings on Call Center are conducted for 22 one per district. The Complaint Management System software is integrated in AGRISNET portal. 35 of 66
Addressing the problem through Automated Call Center
Farmer calls toll free no Farmers call/problem is recorded and stored in the form of voice file & routed to respective districts Complaint Management System Addresses the issue by calling the farmer back & then Closes the query District JDA/ concerned officers log in Listens to the voice file Commissioner & Director of Agriculture monitors the calls and action taken by the concerned officers.
Farmers Felicitation Awards
The Awards and Felicitation will be given to the field level officers and farmers at district and state level for their outstanding performance. During , Ugadi Puraskaralu were organized at district level felicitating Best farmer, Best Mandal Agricultural Officer. The Agriculture and Allied Departmental Officers and Farmers were also felicitated for their achievements.
Success Story on Custom Hiring centre for Paddy- SMSRI
AGRICULTURE – FARM MECHANIZATION Success Story on Custom Hiring centre for Paddy- SMSRI Custom Hiring Station Name :Anil Agros Location : Gundugolanu Village of Bhimadole Mandal, West Godavari district . Machinery Provided Tractor, Transplanter , Harvesters - track Type, Seedling Machine, Soil pulverizer, Seedling trays, Laser Leveling Machine, Power Weeders 50% subsidy under RKVY is provided to this beneficiary. The farmers who got transplanted using Rice transplanter are satisfied and are not going back to manual system. 20% rise in productivity is noticed when the seedlings are transplanted using rice transplanter. The farmers are feeling satisfied as all the operations are got done using this custom hiring centre. This has benefitted the farmers in reducing the cost of cultivation by not less than Rs per Ha.
Success story on Multi Crop thresher
Beneficiary name: Narayanamma W/o Konda Reddy Dharmavaram , Ananthapur District (A.P.) Batchi Reddy C/o Narayana Reddy Rachalapalli, Village, Midgil-Mandal Mahabubnagar Dt (A.P.) Multi Crop Thresher was taken on subsidy of Rs 1.50 lakhs provided from RKVY funds The hiring costs is Rs1200/Acre for paddy, Rs 40/bag for maize, Rs 125 per 60 kg bag of sunflower. The beneficiaries were able to operate the thresher for 20 days in a month for 3 months. They are able to realise the entire non subsidy payment within one season. Hence it is an income generating machine supplied under RKVY
120 SMSRI centres are being established with an outlay of Rs cr. under PPP mode to cover an extent of 3.50 lakh ha Agro machinery such as Laser Guided Land Leveller, rotavator, Soil Pulverizer, Nursery trays, Nursery raising machine, Paddy Transplanter, Power Weeder etc. will be provided on 50% subsidy to each centre with a total cost of Rs lakhs Enterprising young farmers and their associations (Farmer Groups) will be encouraged for establishing centres Each such centre will deal with about farmers covering ha of paddy The Centre will provide custom hiring services of machinery for different farm operations such as raising of nurseries, preparatory cultivation, transplanting and intercultural operations including weeding at affordable prices.
Slightly Modified System of Rice Intensification (SMSRI)
Government of A.P has introduced a new technology named SMSRI in the year through which rice is transplanted with a spacing of cm in between the rows. The technology saves labour . The total cost of all the operations i.e ploughing, nursery raising, transplanting and weeding will be completed within Rs 3500/acre.
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