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Glen Burke Business Development Manager Terrace Downs March 2011.

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2 Glen Burke Business Development Manager Terrace Downs March 2011

3 MSA World’s Leading Eating Quality Program

4 38% - beef quality problems. 57% - problem selecting tender beef. 81 % - price no indicator. Appearance vs. eating quality. > 90% - fat = poor quality. Buy and pay more if satisfied. Consumer survey results

5 560,000 consumer product tests 60,000 cuts of meat 6 cooking methods Wide variety of breeds, feed types, production and processing systems The largest product testing program ever undertaken for beef in the world! What is MSA a result of ?

6 Key attributes of eating experience: Consumer testing showed Overall Liking Flavour Juiciness Tenderness

7 Consumers identify 4 grades Consumer testing results 0 Good Everyday Unsatisfactory Better than Everyday Premium 100766446

8 Cooking methods will impact on eating quality. Roasting the Tenderloin decreases eating quality while roasting the Rump increases eating quality. Cooking method GRILL CASSEROLE CORN ROAST STIR FRY SHABU

9 Tenderness improves with ageing. Ageing beef can be done on the bone or vacuum packaging. When ageing product it is important to have complete traceability. Beef does not age when frozen. Ageing

10 What does MSA mean? Consistent quality Consistently tender Known eating quality Therefore value for money What is the difference between MSA and non-MSA beef? Non MSA beef may vary The facts behind MSA

11 MSA labelling Carton end panel MSA Grade. Ageing requirements start from packed on date. Packed on Date. Time label was printed

12 The meat consumer of 2020

13 Demographics will change the way we live Older Australians aged 65 and over will grow from 13% to 30% of the population. Household size will decline from 2.6 to 2.2 people. Number of lone person households will double, to over 30% of total. Couples without children will overtake couples with children, to become the most common family type. Loneliness is predicted to be the number one cause of death. MEALS CAN PLAY A CRUCIAL ROLE IN MAINTAINING SOCIAL CONTACT

14 By 2020 … today’s teenager will be a young mum,

15 By 2020 … today’s baby boomer will be retired,

16 By 2020 … our concept of mealtime will have changed yet again

17 Time pressure will continue to drive our meal decisions Grocery buying will continue to change – More males, both younger and older – More individualistic Meals tailored around the weekly cycle, which for older families also requires flexibility around sport, after school activities, and evening classes. Meal ‘construction’ flexibility – Serve your own when you get home – On the cook top, in the oven – Minimal preparation, easy construction eg burritos, burgers More out of home / pre-prepared / pre-cooked meals CONVENIENCE, CONVENIENCE, CONVENIENCE

18 “Contra-trends” will be apparent While some are working harder and longer hours, others are working part time or retired While many retirees are enjoying the good life, most will be struggling with limited income and high health costs Many women will be committed to full time careers, while others will be constrained to part time work and child rearing Greater disparity in wealth and income Hedonistic Vs Conservatism Our targets will be fragmented WE MUST BE ALERT & FLEXIBILE TO ADDRESS DIFFERENT GROUPS & NEEDS

19 Less Developed Cooking Skills Young adults are staying at home with mum and dad longer- of 25-34 year olds, 10.7% were at home in 1991, its now 12.6%. Marriage is being put off and becoming less likely- average for males is 28 years, females 27 years. Prevalence of eating out and a reliance on convenience meals means few cook from ‘scratch’. Cooking will be shared, with more males participating. Fewer at-home mums means cooking skills not being passed down. COOKING IS BECOMING AN ART FOR MANY

20 Marketing Goals To grow consumer demand for beef, sheep and goat meats by 1. Reducing trade and consumer barriers to demand 2. Enhancing and promoting the drivers of demand

21 Marketing Strategy: Communication and promotion

22 Supported by: Research and Development

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