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Doctoral Training Workshops The PhD, Probation and MRes Viva Stephen Potter and John Richardson.

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Presentation on theme: "Doctoral Training Workshops The PhD, Probation and MRes Viva Stephen Potter and John Richardson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Doctoral Training Workshops The PhD, Probation and MRes Viva Stephen Potter and John Richardson

2 Session Aims Explore the purpose of each viva Understand how assessors/examiners are appointed and what they are required to do Help you prepare for your viva –PhD viva draws on Ch 11 of Doing Postgraduate Research –MRes viva guidance provided on MRes website –Probation mini-viva guidance provided on VRE website

3 Session organisation We will first consider the PhD viva and then split into two groups –One will consider the MRes viva –The other will consider the probation viva and look further at preparing for the PhD viva MRes students can then join in the other session next year

4 PhD Viva What will the examiner be looking for? What do you think??? Look at OU Examination Report form

5 PhD Viva What will the examiner be looking for? Work that shows: Good presentation and style Significant contribution to knowledge Material worthy of publication Able to pursue further research without supervision Justify Research Method(s) Able to argue and discuss research – communicate effectively Probation mini-viva tests some of these at an appropriate level in terms of the PhD plan

6 Why a PhD Viva? To confirm you did the research To check your ability to respond to questions Being a researcher means you can enter into discussion To provide you with an opportunity to defend your research

7 The Examination Panel Appointing a panel Internal and External Examiners –Minimum experience requirement - at least five UK research degree examinations Independent Chairperson Supervisor observer present (not an examiner – can be asked to contribute and is a useful note-taker to free you up for discussion) For Probation Report mini-viva the panel is 2 people outside of your supervisory team

8 What happens in a viva? Examiners prepare pre-viva reports separately Pre-viva meeting by panel (To discuss pre-viva reports) Presentation or technical demonstration (optional) Questions and discussion Candidate leaves Decision by the panel Form filling Candidate notified of result

9 Possible PhD viva Results 1.The degree is awarded 2.Awarded subject to minor corrections 3.Awarded subject to substantial amendments 4.Major revision and re-examination 5.Awarded a Masters 6.Fail Decision is subject to ratification

10 MRes/PhD split We split at this point

11 Probation Viva Based on your Probation Report requirements: 1.Pertinent review of existing research 2.Feasible research question 3.Specification of research approach 4.Work plan Should be 1 – 1½ hours long Some departments include subject-specific guidance to assessors (check about this)

12 Probation viva results 1.Pass 2.Pass subject to conditions (specified remedial action is required) 3.De-register (Only if there is ‘no realistic hope the student can pursue a PhD’) The probation viva has to be done by the end of month 10 (normally July) for FT students in order to allow time for any corrections and for your PhD registration to be confirmed For PT students needs to be done by end of year 2 Guidance for assessors is on the VRE site – check it out.

13 Question and Answer Session Examiner and Chair: Steve Potter Candidate: Dave Scott (Probation Viva)

14 Experience and Specifics Preparation Seminar Conference Networking with other researchers Doing a refereed paper (not verbal but gets good experience of criticism) Blogs and discussion sites Other…. Experience Preparation

15 Specifics preparation Use the DVD in DPGR and podcasts on VRE Being organised: –Prepare a ‘Road map’ of your thesis/probation report –Have back-up materials available –What to wear(!!)

16 Mock Viva PhD Mock Viva can be useful and some departments require one Can be done using generic questions from DPGR – main thing is about sorting how you deal with questions There are other ways – special tutorial to discuss what areas will attract attention, what sort of questions might emerge (check external examiner’s web page!) DPGR has an audio on ‘killer questions’ Could arrange a pre- viva departmental seminar

17 Handling Revisions For both Probation and PhD Viva: Set a date for a post-viva tutorial. If there are no revisions then you can cancel In viva make sure any revisions are specific Arrange revisions handover tutorial to check they fulfil requirements of examiners/assessors Check with your exam panel Chairperson if necessary and include them in on any correspondence

18 And don’t forget the PhD Degree Ceremony Run from May - November

19 Summary Build in experiences useful for viva throughout project Reassure yourself on viva procedure Ensure you have materials organised to minimise fluster Draw on materials and guidance provided Have a preparation tutorial to discuss what areas will attract attention, what sort of questions might emerge (know your examiner!) Have a mock viva-type event Manage revisions

20 Good Luck and enjoy your viva!

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