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Computer Applications in Beef Nutrition

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1 Computer Applications in Beef Nutrition
Dan Loy Iowa State University An Sc 519

2 Why computer formulation?
Allow simultaneous diet formulation using complex nutrient models Metabolizable protein systems Net energy Dry matter intake predictions Factorial requirements of nutrients requiring production estimates

3 Types of beef nutrition computer programs
Ration balancing automates hand calculation Ration analysis evaluates ration for nutritional adequacy Least cost formulation linear programming to minimize costs within nutritional constraints

4 Linear Programming -- Minimization
Unit Nutrient/Unit Feed Nutrient Ingred X1 Ingred X2 Requiremt Calcium 1 10 Protein 3 15 Calories 6 Cost per Unit of Feed $1 $2

5 Minimization Model Minimize cost = $1X1 + $2X2 Subject to: And
1X1 + 1X2 >=10 (Calcium) 3X1 +1X2 >=15 (Protein) 1X1 +6X2>=15 (Calories) And X1>=0, X2>=0

6 X2 15 (0,15) 3X1 + 1X2 = 15 Feasible Region 10 1X1 + 1X2 = 10 (2.5,7.5) 5 1X1 + 6X2 = 15 (9,1) (15,0) X1 15 5 10

7 X2 15 (0,15) Feasible Region 10 (2.5,7.5) Cost =$1X1 + $2X2 =$1(9) + $2(1) = $11 SOLUTION 5 (9,1) (15,0) X1 15 5 10

8 ISU Beef Management Software
MCS Spreadsheet Series A series of six worksheet templates to aid in beef management decisions Beef Feedlot Monitoring Program computerized feedlot management and closeout analysis

9 Beef Feedlot Ration Analysis (MCS-7)
Evaluates rations and projects performance for growing cattle Calculates ADG, cost of gain, ration adequacy Rations adjusted by trial and error

10 Beef Cow Ration Analysis (MCS-13)
Evaluates ration for beef cow herds Corrects for cow size, milk production, environment and condition

11 Cowculator OSU Beef Cow Ration Balancer Similar to MCS-13

12 Costs and Returns to Beef Cattle Feeding (MCS-14)
Evaluates feeding and purchase decisions in a budget format Evaluates alternative feed prices, cattle types and weights, market price and risk, market timeliness and other factors on profitability

13 Beef Feedlot Monitoring Program
Tracks performance and cost of individual pens of cattle Aides in making mid-course corrections in feeding and management Develops close-out analysis for comparison Tracks feed inventory Develops billings for custom-fed cattle

14 Beef Management Software with Nutritional Components
Simulation Software MCS-14 Oklahoma State BEEFGAIN Monitoring of performance ISU Beef Feedlot Performance and Cost Monitoring

15 TAURUS Least cost ration formulation for beef cattle
Developed at University of California - Davis Version 2.0 is latest version Version 1.1 is on disk

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