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Supporting students with additional needs. Students with an additional need may include a wide range of situations and circumstances. For example, students.

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting students with additional needs. Students with an additional need may include a wide range of situations and circumstances. For example, students."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting students with additional needs

2 Students with an additional need may include a wide range of situations and circumstances. For example, students who:  Have disability  Have a serious illness (including mental illness)  Are socially isolated  Live in poverty  Speak English as a second language  Are subject to abuse, neglect or domestic violence  Experiencing a family crisis – death, separation, income loss  Parent/s who have a mental illness or are drug dependent (C) Pearson Australia ISBN: 9781442541757

3 Supporting students with additional needs Every student has a right to feel safe and accepted as a valued member of the school community. (C) Pearson Australia ISBN: 9781442541757

4 Supporting students with additional needs It is essential to focus on each student’s strengths; i.e. what they can do rather than what they can’t do. (C) Pearson Australia ISBN: 9781442541757

5 Supporting students with additional needs The student’s parent/s or guardian will be a primary source of information about the student:  personality  learning style, skills, likes, strengths  development  assessments/treatments, etc. (C) Pearson Australia ISBN: 9781442541757

6 Supporting students with additional needs Individual Education Plan (IEP) identifies the specific learning goals and learning outcomes for the student. The IEP is an educational plan that is agreed to by:  parent/s  Teacher  Support services  and sometimes the student (C) Pearson Australia ISBN: 9781442541757

7 Supporting students with additional needs IEP objectives will include: – Specific skills and knowledge related to the goals – The conditions under which the goals will be achieved. For example, working one-to-one with a teaching assistant, working as part of a small group etc. – Adjustments to the curriculum – Resources/special equipment required (C) Pearson Australia ISBN: 9781442541757

8 Supporting students with additional needs The Teaching Assistant will assist in the implementation of the IEP under the direction and guidance of the Teacher. (C) Pearson Australia ISBN: 9781442541757

9 Supporting students with additional needs Skills required:  be patient and flexible  build confidence  focus on the positives  one-step-at-a-time: small, achievable goals  celebrate small achievements (C) Pearson Australia ISBN: 9781442541757

10 Supporting students with additional needs  Provide positive feedback  Reward desired behaviours; e.g. on-task behaviour  Review and practice  Make learning fun  Be creative (C) Pearson Australia ISBN: 9781442541757

11 Supporting students with additional needs Introducing new skills and knowledge:  Identify the key essential skills and knowledge  Sequence the skills and knowledge – one step at a time  Provide plenty of opportunities for practice  Adapt or modify tasks based on the student’s response (C) Pearson Australia ISBN: 9781442541757

12 Supporting students with additional needs Introducing new skills and knowledge:  Use a wide variety of learning aids – visual cues, lists, graphic organisers, games etc. (C) Pearson Australia ISBN: 9781442541757

13 Supporting students with additional needs Introducing new skills and knowledge:  Frequently check student’s understanding and application of knowledge and skills  Scaffold learning by starting from what the student knows or can do (C) Pearson Australia ISBN: 9781442541757

14 Supporting students with additional needs Communicate clearly:  What to do  How to do it  When to do it  What to use (resources)  How to start  What to do when finished (C) Pearson Australia ISBN: 9781442541757

15 Supporting students with additional needs  Remind student of goals or outcomes; e.g. “You need to write two sentences”  Remind student of resources that are available; e.g. “Remember to use the word wall”  Remind student of timeframe for completion of tasks; e.g. “You need to finish this work by lunchtime” (C) Pearson Australia ISBN: 9781442541757

16 Supporting students with additional needs Use props to assist the student:  checklist  graphic organiser  picture sequence cards  post-it notes  work samples (C) Pearson Australia ISBN: 9781442541757

17 Supporting students with additional needs  Always encourage students to do their best.  Acknowledge all genuine attempts.  Remind students that it takes time and practice to learn new skills and knowledge.  Encourages students to reflect on what they can do or have learned during the term. (C) Pearson Australia ISBN: 9781442541757

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