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Landform 1: Mountain Elevated land, higher than 2,000 feet

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1 Landform 1: Mountain Elevated land, higher than 2,000 feet
Because of the elevation plant life and climate could be different Famous ones: “Rockies”, “Appalachians”, “Everest”, “Himalayas”

2 Landform 2: Volcano An opening in Earth’s crust where lava, ash, and gases erupt Many active ones in the “Ring of Fire” Islands have been formed from the lava that spews from these Famous ones: Mt. Saint Helens, Krakatoa, Vesuvius, Kilauea (Hawaii)

3 Landform 3: Valley Area of low land between hills or mountains
Many have been formed by erosion (waterways or glaciers) Can be found in many different climate areas Famous ones: “Fox River Valley”, “Death Valley”, “Valley of the Kings”, “Silicon Valley”

4 Landform 4: Rivers Natural flow of water that runs through the land
Part of the water cycle (runoff ends up here possibly) Plays a part in erosion by moving sediment Famous ones: “Mississippi”, “Amazon”, “Nile”, “Fox”, “Yangtze (Yellow)”

5 Landform 5: Deserts Extremely dry area with little water and few plants Home to plants like cactuses Very little precipitation Famous ones: “Sahara”, “Gobi”, “Kalahari”

6 Landform 6: Islands Area of land completely surrounded by water
Two types: Continental (on the continental shelves and formed during continental drift) and Volcanic (formed when tectonic plates separated) Famous ones: “Greenland”, “Ireland”, “Madagascar”, “Hawaiian”, “Alcatraz”

7 Landform 7: Plains Land that is relatively flat or rolling
Prairies and steppes are types of this landform Important for agriculture (very common landform in the Midwest) Famous ones: “Great Plains”, “Corn Belt”, “Coastal Plains”

8 Landform 8: Canyon Deep, narrow valley with steep walls
Formed by weathering and erosion Many have rivers running through them Famous ones: “Grand Canyon”, “Copper Canyon”, “Valles Marineris (on Mars)”

9 Landform 9: Plateau Large, flat, elevated area of land
Can be formed by volcanic magma/lava, or by erosion (water or glaciers) Major ones: Tibetan, Andean, Antarctic, Colorado Mexico City sits atop one of these

10 Landform 10: Peninsula Area of land that sticks out into a lake or ocean Surrounded by water on three sides Famous ones: “Florida”, “Michigan (Upper and Lower), “Italian”, “Iberian (Spain and Portugal)

11 Landform 11: Isthmus Narrow piece of land connecting two larger land areas Usually have bodies of water on two sides Many times canals are located here Famous ones: “Panama (connects North and South America)”, “Suez (connects Africa to Asia)”

12 Landform 12: Glacier Large area of slow moving ice
Responsible for shaping many other landforms through erosion Much of Earth’s freshwater is frozen in these Where you would find them: Antarctica, Alaska, Northern Canada, Greenland, Northern Russia Many are being threatened by Global Warming

13 Landform 13: Dune A hill (hills are elevated areas of land smaller than a mountain) of sand that has been shaped by wind Weathering causes rock to break down into sediment, sediment is carried by the wind and eventually can form dunes Constantly being shifted by the wind Examples: Sleeping Bear Dunes, Indiana Dunes

14 Landform 14: Strait Narrow body of water connecting two larger bodies of water The opposite of an isthmus Often times very important shipping (boats) lanes Often find high winds and rough seas in these areas Famous ones: Straits of Mackinac, Strait of Magellan, Strait of Gibraltar

15 Landform 15: Delta Area where rivers deposit soil (silt) into the ocean Form at the mouth of the river River current bring sediment which over time can accumulate and form land

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