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Common Core State Standards Making The CTE Connection Tim Ott President, Successful Practices Network

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Presentation on theme: "Common Core State Standards Making The CTE Connection Tim Ott President, Successful Practices Network"— Presentation transcript:

1 Common Core State Standards Making The CTE Connection Tim Ott President, Successful Practices Network Tim@SPNET.US

2 Successful Practices Network

3 Successful Practices Network Session Focus Define a new vision for secondary education based on a convergence of CTE and Academics Help CTE identify & strengthen the academic links Provide tools and strategies to facilitate Integration of CCSS

4 Successful Practices Network The Challenges Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Next Generation Assessments (NGA) Teacher Evaluation Based on Student Performance Prepare Students for the World Beyond School

5 Successful Practices Network The primary aim of education is not to enable students to do well in school, but to help them do well in the lives they lead outside of school.

6 Successful Practices Network CTE TAC Background & Purpose State Contract to assist SED in carrying out its mission of improving the quality, access, and delivery of CTE through research-based methods and strategies resulting in broader CTE opportunities for all students. 6

7 Successful Practices Network Our Website 7

8 Successful Practices Network Our Focus The Transition of Vocational Education To Career and Technical Education 8

9 Successful Practices Network 1970’s

10 Successful Practices Network 1980’s

11 Successful Practices Network 2000

12 Successful Practices Network 2014

13 Successful Practices Network Vocational Education vs CTE CTE VOCATIONAL Learning to do Job specific skills in the skilled trades Prep for lifetime employment A non college track Apart from academics Credentialed by Diploma Text and manual based information Trade and Technical High Schools Doing to learn Specific and job “intelligence” skills Prep for employment based on skills and projects College and Career ready Convergence with academics Credentialed by Diploma and Certification Digitally based information All schools and all students


15 Successful Practices Network 1970’s

16 Successful Practices Network 2014

17 Successful Practices Network WHY College and Career Ready

18 Source: Tough Choices Tough Times, National Center on Education and the Economy

19 Successful Practices Network Skill Level of US Job Openings 2004-2014 33% High Skill Jobs 22% Low Skill Jobs 45% Middle Skill Jobs

20 2005-06 Lexile Framework ® for Reading Study Summary of Text Lexile Measures 600 800 1000 1400 1600 1200 Text Lexile Measure (L) High School Literature College Literature High School Textbooks College Textbooks Military Personal Use Entry-Level Occupations SAT 1, ACT, AP* * Source of National Test Data: MetaMetrics Interquartile Ranges Shown (25% - 75%)

21 Successful Practices Network 40% of College Students Need Remediation 70% Graduate form High School 18 Year Old Students – Range of Proficiency 60% are College Ready 90% Work – Minimum wage 60-65% Work Livable Wage 50% Military Ready 23% of HS Graduates are not eligible for the Military


23 Successful Practices Network Cities with 1 Million People United States Europe China (2006) China (2020) 9 36 100 + 160 +

24 Successful Practices Network

25 Successful Practices Network

26 Successful Practices Network Question What are you doing to create Comfort Buy-In Support

27 Successful Practices Network

28 Successful Practices Network 2014

29 What are the Common Core State Standards? Fewer Clearer Higher Build upon strengths and lessons of current state standards Internationally benchmarked so that all students are prepared to succeed in our global economy and society State led- coordinated by NGA Center and CCSSO

30 Common Core Standards Criteria Rigorous Clear and specific Teachable and learnable Measurable Coherent Grade by grade standards Internationally benchmarked


32 ELA Design and Organization Three main sections K-5 (cross-disciplinary) 6-12 English Language Arts 6-12 Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Shared responsibility for students’ literacy development

33 Successful Practices Network Key Points in Reading Reading Framework for NAEP 2009 Grade Literary Informational 4 50% 8 45% 55% 12 30% 70%

34 Successful Practices Network Reading in America Historically Centered around Fiction

35 Key Points in Reading Text Complexity Grade Bands and Associated Lexile Ranges Text Complexity Grade Band in the Standards Old Lexile RangesLexile Ranges Aligned to CCR expectations K-1N/A 2-3450-725450-790 4-5645-845770-980 6-8860-1010955-1155 9-10960-11151080-1305 11-CCR1070-12201215-1355

36 Successful Practices Network CTE needs to be perceived as teaching reading in the content area & Have a data system that documents it !

37 Successful Practices Network Key Points in Writing Write Logical Arguments GradeTo PersuadeTo ExplainTo Convey Experience 430%35% 8 30% 12 40% 20%

38 Successful Practices Network Key Points in Writing Research The Use of Technology Write Routinely

39 Successful Practices Network Key Points in Speaking and Listening Students should gain, evaluate, and present increasingly complex information, ideas, and evidence through listening and speaking as well as through media. Increase opportunities for informal discussion where students collaborate to answer questions, build understanding, and solve problems. CTSO’s

40 Key Points in Math Focus and coherence Focus on key topics at each grade level. Coherent progressions across grade levels. Balance of concepts and skills Content standards require both conceptual understanding and procedural fluency. Mathematical practices Foster reasoning and sense-making in mathematics. College and career readiness Level is ambitious but achievable.

41 Successful Practices Network Employer Survey Skills for: Effective Communicators Information Managers Read Critically Speak So Others Can Understand Convey Ideas in Writing Listen Actively View Critically

42 Successful Practices Network Employer Survey Skills for: Responsible Workers Cooperative Workers Effective Leaders Cooperate With Others Advocate and Influence Resolve Conflict and Negotiate

43 Successful Practices Network Employer Survey Skills for: Systems Managers and Resources Managers Plan Research Solve Problems Use Mathematical Concepts and Techniques Use Technology

44 What is not included in CCSS: How teachers should teach All that can or should be taught The nature of advanced work beyond the core The interventions needed for students well below grade level The full range of support for English language learners and students with special needs Everything needed to be college and career ready

45 Successful Practices Network Next Generation Assessments Partnership for Assessment of College and Career Readiness

46 Successful Practices Network Next Generation Assessments Fewer Multiple Choice Constructed Response Extended Response Performance Assessments

47 Successful Practices Network 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 6 3 2 1 Bloom’s Application C D A B Current Assessments Next Generation Assessments

48 Successful Practices Network Why - What - How  Rigor  Relevance  Relationships  All Students

49 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 Action/Application Thinking /Knowledge 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 Rigor/Relevance Framework Relevance Rigor

50 KNOWLEDGEKNOWLEDGE A P P L I C A T I O N A B D C Rigor/Relevance Framework Activities Projects Problems

51 Common Core State Standards ELA - Six Shifts in Learning 1. Increase in Nonfiction Texts 2. Content Area Literacy 3. Increase Text Complexity 4. Text-Based Answers 5. Focus on Writing Arguments 6. Academic Vocabulary 51

52 Increase in Nonfiction Texts

53 INTERDISCIPLINARY Content Area Literacy

54 Increase Text Complexity

55 Focus on Text- Based Questions

56 Focus on Writing Arguments

57 Academic Vocabulary


59 Common Core State Standards Math - Six Shifts in Learning 1. Focus 2. Coherence 3. Fluency 4. Deep Understanding 5. Application 6. Dual Inensity 59

60 To Increase R/R Focus - Take Things Off the Plate Coherence - Scaffold across grade levels

61 Fluency

62 Deep Understanding

63 Application

64 Dual Intensity

65 Relationships

66 B D C A RIGORRIGOR RELEVANCE Rigor/Relevance Framework High Low Relationships Relationships of Little Importance Relationships Essential Relationships Important Relationships Important

67 Everyone needs support when they take new risks

68 Successful Practices Network Why – What - HOW

69 Successful Practices Network Now is Not the Time To Circle the Wagons

70 Successful Practices Network CTE Needs To Lead the Change

71 Successful Practices Network CTE’s Opportunity Turn Beliefs About Education, Students, and Learning Into Priorities For Reform

72 Successful Practices Network Priorities for CTE Get to know the Common Core State Standards and State Learning Standards. Review your own curriculum. Scan standards and your curriculum for obvious links. Review student-level data. Gather feedback from stakeholders. Determine which standards fit best into your curriculum. Create curriculum maps, crosswalks, and lesson plans. Teach the integrated lessons. Evaluate the lessons and revise as necessary. 72

73 Successful Practices Network Improve Communication

74 Successful Practices Network

75 Successful Practices Network NYS CTE TAC 1.Improve CTE data collection to create an accurate picture of career and technical education program performance 2.Assist schools in the integration of the Common Core State Standards with CTE. 3.Expand CTE program approvals/ Programs of Study. 4.Use best practices in CTE for high school improvement. 5.Expand CTE programs and student leadership participation 6.Build relationships and networks to strengthen CTE.

76 Successful Practices Network Resources Comprehensive CTE Gap Analysis Are Programs Aligned To Needs of the Economy/Industry Standards Quality of Partnerships Readiness for and Extent of Academic Integration Programs of Study Data-Based Decision Making

77 Successful Practices Network Resources Reading in the Content Area Rigorous and Relevant Instruction

78 RIGORRIGOR RELEVANCE A B D C Increasing Rigor/Relevance High Low

79 NYS Program Approval Process Self Study External Review Board of Education Approval NYS Education Department Review

80 CTE Program Approval Process Assures quality technical and academic curriculum Evidence of postsecondary articulation agreements Work-based learning opportunities Established partnerships with local business and industry Certification of individual programs; Re-certification every five years

81 CTE Approved Programs Examples BOCES vs. LEAs BOCES Multiple applications each year Use of integrated and specialized course credit Use of collaborative teaching model Majority of programs approved LEAs Few applications each year Minimal use of integrated and specialized course credit Majority of programs have not been approved

82 Successful Practices Network Resources Aligning CTE with CCSS

83 Successful Practices Network Questions Guiding Our Work What are the Common Core State Standards and NYS Learning Standards that are most relevant to my program area and are most applicable to my students? How can I create integrated lessons that meet these standards? How can I increase the rigor and relevance of lessons and student assessments? How can I build a relationship with the academic teacher that will also help my students? 83

84 Successful Practices Network CTE Next Navigator

85 Successful Practices Network Alignments in Next Navigator Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Current state standards NGA Assessment Items Common Core State Standards (CCSS) 1.2.3.


87 New York English Language Arts Learning Standards/ Performance Indicators Grade 10 Excerpt NY Regents ComprehensiveEnglish Exam Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Architecture & Construction Arts, A/V Technology & Communications Food Products &Processing Systems Agribusiness Systems Power, Structural &Technical Systems Environmental ServiceSystems Plant Systems Natural ResourceSystems Animal Systems Design/ Pre-ConstructionConstruction Maintenance/Operations Performing Arts Visual Arts Printing Technology Journalism &Broadcasting A/V Technology& Film Telecommunications Use specialized reference sources, such as glossaries and directories H Read and follow written, complex directions and procedures to solve problems and accomplish tasks -demonstrate task awareness by employing flexible strategies H Skim texts to gain an overall impression and scan texts for particular information -focus on key words and phrases to generate research questions H Recognize the defining features and structures of informational texts H Read, view, and interpret texts and performances in every medium from a wide variety of authors, subjects, and genres (e.g., short stories, novels, plays, film and video productions, poems, and essays) H Read, view, and respond independently to literary works that represent a range of social, historical, and cultural perspectives H


89 Successful Practices Network Tim Ott Successful Practices Network Tim@SPNET.US www.CTECENTER.ORG www.CTECENTER.ORG

90 Successful Practices Network Integrated Academics Prepare students for success with CCSS and on application- based NGAs. Support learners who may be struggling in traditional content-area courses. Prepare students for college readiness and Accuplacer or other assessments. Allows for distributed credits, which can open up a student ’ s schedule. 90

91 Successful Practices Network CTE Program Approval Process Assures quality technical and academic curriculum Evidence of postsecondary articulation agreements Work-based learning opportunities Established partnerships with local business and industry Certification of individual programs; Re-certification every five years

92 Successful Practices Network

93 Successful Practices Network Why – What - How

94 Successful Practices Network Questions Guiding Our Work What are the Common Core State Standards and NYS Learning Standards that are most relevant to my program area and are most applicable to my students? How can I create integrated lessons that meet these standards? How can I increase the rigor and relevance of lessons and student assessments? How can I build a relationship with the academic teacher that will also help my students? 94

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