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ASMET: African Satellite Meteorology Education & Training Marianne Weingroff DLESE/UCAR June 6, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "ASMET: African Satellite Meteorology Education & Training Marianne Weingroff DLESE/UCAR June 6, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASMET: African Satellite Meteorology Education & Training Marianne Weingroff DLESE/UCAR June 6, 2006

2 ASMET  Goal: Improve quality of forecasts in Africa by training forecasters to make better use of satellite data  Method: Instructors at African RMTCs create CAL (computer-aided learning) modules on topics related to the use of satellite imagery --- for use by forecasters throughout the continent

3 ASMET  Initially sponsored by WMO, EUMETSAT, GTZ…  Now funded by EUMETSAT  EUMETSAT: –Runs Meteosat geostationary satellites –Provides data to African forecast offices –Trains forecasters on how to use them  ASMET is part of their education/training program

4 ASMET  Initial project: Trained 4 meteorology instructors from RMTCs in Niger and Kenya at COMET on ID process – how to create and use CAL

5 ASMET  Since then, team continued creating modules – now on #5  Modules are on CD and online, in French/English

6 ASMET modules  Used as self-paced learning by forecasters (train on-site rather than going to RMTCs)  Imagery and case studies used as teaching aids by instructors  Modules have background info and case studies

7 ASMET  Topics – some general, some regional –ITCZ, easterly waves, tropical cyclones… –Now making case studies on new MSG channels (only group creating materials solely for Africa)  Very successful project – African forecasters love having materials developed by and for them

8 Challenges/lessons learned  Process of creating modules – –We work as a team, really only when we meet (they don’t get release time) …. So it takes a while to create modules  Finding topics of interest across the continent –We try to find general and regional topics (tropical cyclones)

9 Challenges/lessons learned  Content expertise: –Group usually has enough expertise to be their own subject matter experts –Always a challenge to get 4 or 5 scientists to agree on the science and co-write a script! –Sometimes need an outside content expert

10 Challenges/lessons learned  Getting the data –Order lots of data --- and early –Develop good connections with data providers

11 Challenges/lessons learned  Project sustainability –Same team for 9 years –EUMETSAT continues funding project – without it, probably wouldn’t have continued  Original goal: Instructors learn to create CAL and then do so on their own … but we’ve needed to continue as a team and I’ve needed to stay involved  Original goal: Instructors learn to create CAL and then do so on their own … but we’ve needed to continue as a team and I’ve needed to stay involved

12 Challenges/lessons learned  Team members need retraining –People get trained in new areas/on new skills, then share with or teach team  Equipment problems –For team as developers –For users to view the modules –For users to get satellite data!!!!!!!!!! –For users to be able to replicate what we’re teaching – overlays, derived products…

13 Summary  Very successful project, lots of excitement  Forecasters love having modules created by and for them  Used by forecasters… on other continents  Expanding team in preparation for retirements…  Expanded team to other RMTCs & weather services - SAWS now involved

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