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Presentation on theme: "INTECH ENHANCING MATHEMATICAL LEARNING THROUGH TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION AND COLLABORATION “Students and teachers collaborating to learn mathematics using."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTECH ENHANCING MATHEMATICAL LEARNING THROUGH TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION AND COLLABORATION “Students and teachers collaborating to learn mathematics using the tools of our time”

2 WHO ARE WE? Camille Baker Robin Hussey Walter Lewis Heather Riddle

3 InTech Goals 1. Improve student academic achievement in secondary mathematics. 2. Provide opportunities for teachers to improve their practice by integrating technology and collaborating with teachers throughout the state (in person and electronically). 3. Effectively integrate technology to teach and learn mathematics.

4 ISTE Educational Tech Standards

5 INTECH YEAR 1: CARBON AND OQUIRRH HILLS Positive outcomes  Rural/city collaboration  Teacher Directed Lessons  Complete Algebra I Curriculum enhanced with the use of technology

6 INTECH YEAR 1: CARBON AND OQUIRRH HILLS The practice of training teacher on skills rather than on how to use computers to enhance student learning handicaps the potential of computers to promote higher-order thinking.


8 INTECH YEAR 1 Student Work Samples

9 JD’s ePortfolio

10 This was one of several assessments used in this unit. Oquirrh Hills Middle School-InTech Algebra Unit 3 Assessment-Create Your Own Constellation Name ________________________________ Date __________________Period ____ Due Date_____________ Student Directions: Create a picture on a coordinate grid that represents something about you. Choose at least seven dominant points. Points must be in each of the four quadrants. Connect those points with straight lines to create a constellation. At least four lines must not be horizontal or vertical. Write the equation for each line, at least six equations – use the attached worksheet. Equations must be written in red ink. After you have your equations complete, have your teacher’s initial your work. You will then open the Geometer’s Sketchpad (GSP) and draw your constellation in it. Save your work on the desktop. You will use GSP to check your constellation equations. You must write the correct equation from the GSP in blue ink below your red inked answer. Write a paragraph (at least five sentences) that explains the constellation and your story behind it. You will be graded on neatness and accuracy of your picture (20 points), linear equations (60 points), and paragraph (20 points). The entire project is worth 50 points. Project Title: ____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ NumberSlope, Point, or Points used to determine the EquationShow WorkEquation/Equation Check 1 2

11 Sample constellation: The constellation below represents the bull which was a significant figure in a town that I lived for many years. The bull was honored for its courage and strength. It was celebrated each weekend in Mexicali, a Mexican city across the border from where I lived. The bullring was festive with excitement at each of the bullfights. The courage of the bullfighter and the bull were both tested.




15 INTECH YEAR 1: CARBON AND OQUIRRH HILLS Considerations from the first year:  Focus the professional development  Expand to include a larger collaboration  Address enhanced ways of communication  Explore student portfolio storage and conflicts

16 INTECH YEAR 2: STATE WIDE COLLABORATIVE  Develop and implement one technology lesson, assignment or project per big idea per content area.  Select a variety of kinds of projects or lessons (different technologies).  Develop and implement one final project for student performance assessment.  Collaborate on projects related to implementation of technology. Three summer days  Ongoing small group online collaboration (formal and informal) through the year (via your computer using webcam, Skype).


18 INTECH YEAR 2 Student Work Samples

19 InTech Geometry Group Project

20 Students video conferencing to collaboratively solve math challenges.

21 INTECH YEAR 2  The technology out there that can be used to enhance student’s learning is limitless (and a lot of it is free for education).  Teaching with technology takes effort and commitment from teachers and a great learning curve.  Implemented technology actually makes things easier and so much more exciting for students.  There is still much work to do in training teachers on how to collaborate through the internet.

22 INTECH ’09, THE PLAN  Teacher teams collaborate online (Wimba)  Teams design mathematics lessons that incorporate all we know about teaching and learning supported by technology. (use NECC lesson planning format & InTech equipment)  Teachers implement lessons and collaborate online to discuss student learning, view videos, consider lesson successes and revisions.  Teams upload lessons and revisions to the InTech wikispace  Members participate in InTech blog on an ongoing basis.  InTECH teams collaborate throughout the year.

23 “Educators planning school and district staff development around implementing the NETS might want to consider supporting groups of teachers working together on lesson development. Identifying essential questions and doing curriculum mapping would be a great starting place, and then, on to lesson/unit development. Using Web 2.0 tools, teachers can work together on curriculum development and even divide and conquer the finding of tools and resources and the mastery of new strategies and tools.” Anita McAnear, National Program Chairperson NECC

24 Day 1: Meet in 3 locations simultaneously with an InTech facilitator onsite Select content focus and establish groups. Learn Wimba, get to know each other, begin collaboration Day 2: Onsite focus on learning desired technology. Days 2 to 5: Collaborate with team across the state to develop lessons, practice using technology, post to wikispaces. Intermittently: Join together (everyone in all three locations) for online instruction and sharing of progress.

25 WIMBA + GOOGLEDOCS DEMO: Begin at myuen. Create a Wimba classroom Invite students/collaborators to the room.





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