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Presentation on theme: "THE MAXIMUM SECURITY PRISON - MĂRGINENI -. SOCIAL REINTEGRATION."— Presentation transcript:





5 The main objectives of the Social Reintegration Field are:  To improve the training school of the inmates by increasing collaboration with the School Inspectorate of Dâmboviţa;  Constantly adapting the offer of educational programs to the needs of prison population;  Initiation of education and psycho-social support adapted to specific enforcement regimes of M ă rgineni Prison, to guide specific interventions to the needs of the prison population;

6  Initial and periodic evaluations of the inmates for the purpose of individualization and progressive character of the regimes to ensure enforcement of sentences;  Diversification of recreational and leisure activities to the inmates, in order to achieve a favorable environment for leisure and to satisfy their needs for sociability;  Attracting a large number of external partners to enrichment and diversification of education and psycho-social support;

7  Identifying the social partners to ensure the professional qualifications of the inmates and the possibility of employment after release;  Partnerships established with the local community to ensure the continuity of social reintegration programs for detainees after release.

8 The main activities of the Social Reintegration Field are: School courses; Program of institutionalized adaptation of the inmates; Religious activities; Educational programs (such as: education for the family life; civic education etc.) Programs of artistic creation; Sport’s activities.

9 M ă rgineni prison also has a lot of cooperation agreements with state institutions and NGOs. The main institutions that were involved and the results obtained are:

10 Protocol signed with COUNTY AGENCY WORK Employment and CRFPTA DÂMBOVIŢA TELEORMAN Main goal: to increase the chances of social reintegration of the inmates by acquiring a vocational qualification to facilitate social reintegration after serving custodial sentences. Results: it has been organized a training course for detainees in the custody of prison, who are about to get released, participation of the institution representatives to conduct to parole program.


12 Common protocol done with the Center for Prevention, evaluation and counseling DÂMBOVIŢA, the school Inspectorate of Dâmboviţa County, Police Inspectorate and Archbishop TÂRGOVIŞTE DÂMBOVIŢA. Main goal: awareness and involvement, especially for adolescents and youth, in prevention programs about legal and illegal drug abuse in order to strengthen the influence of protective factors and reducing risk factors. Results: implementation of the joint drug prevention "TOGETHER FOR A LIFE WITHOUT DRUG" which involved: - Organizing in prison, information sessions to young students on preventing legal and illegal drug abuse; - Facilitating the involvement of youth in alternative activities for setting up and developing a healthy lifestyle; - Promote and respect the laws in preventing and combating tobacco, alcohol and drugs;


14 Protocol concluded with the Police Târgovişte Main goal: reducing the criminal behaviour in the school environment of Târgovişte Results: the educational project "beyond appearances", that took place monthly, in prisons and in schools, with interactive seminars attended by students, teachers, education specialists and representatives from the inmates.


16 Protocol signed with the Association for Supporting Community - Lazuri, humanitarian services for penitentiaries, the Evangelical Church, HUMANITARIAN Bethesda Christian Association, ROCK FOUNDATION Ages Main goal: helping inmates through specific intervention programs and moral-religious, to prevent their antisocial behavior, both in detention and then in freedom by: - Counseling inmates for reintegration; - Providing social services in the post discharge. Results: running programs with religious and moral themes, organizing social events in the prison, offering material aid for families of the inmates in situations of social risk in order to maintain family conections, to support educational activities through sponsorships and donations.


18 Protocol signed with Târgşor, the Prison for Women and Ploieşti Prison Main goal: improving educational activities and psycho- social support to the different categories of inmates and capitalizing professional experience of specialized personnel in the two penal institutions in the context of regionalization. Results: conducting joint exhibition with works made out by the two categories of inmates, to encourage artistic creation and expression profile of prison activities, exchange of best practices among professionals.

19 Protocol signed with Social Assistance - Emergency Social Centre Main goal: working parties to solve social problems (temporary accommodation) for the detainees who have lost contact with their family Results:- support for detainees, who have lost their family relationship through social workers; - the composition of mixed teams (social assistants in prisons and community), which cooperated to solve social problems that have emerged from prison detainees and their families. - Solutions / social services for temporary hosting inmates without family who were set free;

20 Protocol signed with the Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Support DÂMBOVIŢA Main Goal: Developing programs and joint actions to help with facilitatation of social reintegration and to mediate the inmates relationship with their children who are in foster care institutions. Results: the project "with you" coordinated by the prison social worker, whose result was the regular holding of meetings between parents who performs custodial and children under social protection


22 Protocol of the Association TARGOVISTE to Europe Main goal: achieving the objectives of the project "Participation of vulnerable groups in the social economy" funded by European Social Fund in order to organize and conduct training courses for the people in detention; Results: organizing a professional training course for 28 people, in order to become construction workers.

23 Protocol signed with the County Library "Ion Heliade Radulescu " Dâmboviţa - Europe Direct Main goal: working parties in order to get involved the civil society in the rehabilitation of M ă rgineni Prison inmates by arranging meetings and regular exhibitions of works made by inmates, arising from events or only from artistic activity, which are supposed to be an optimum opportunity for the public appreciation, that has a great impact on their education. Results: conducting meetings to encourage the creation of literary and artistic expression as an prison activity, developing cultural events in prison and also in the community with the support of library specialists, carrying out social projects involving volunteers as inmates, the initiation of humanitarian campaigns for children in need. We appreciate that the results obtained in partnerships are very good, ensuring on the one hand, collaboration between institutions to support the recuperative approach addressed to the inmates, and on the other hand, promoting a positive image of the prison in community. All partners gave an affirmative answer to our requests regarding the organization of joint actions with social and educational character in prison, actions who had a strong motivational value for detainees involved in the the projects developed. In this sense we consider very important to continue working with the mentioned partners and identifying new opportunities of collaboration.



26 We appreciate that the work sectors was a good one, exceeding several times the real possibilities of existing human resources, this being possible only through the involvement and responsibility shown by staff.(there is severe shortage of staff, plus the specific prison rules requiring burdensome of the sector-maximum security regime, small groups of inmates who may participate in activities, inmates with real behavioral problems that have come to the prison as a result of conflicts that have caused or have been involved in other prisons, which requires a prompt and quality intervention of all specialists;

27 The aim of the sector was to ensure human and organizational climate with educational potential, to reduce the psychological and social vulnerability of those imprisoned. From a qualitative point of view we emphasize the importance given to carry out the activities in accordance with specific rules and procedures work, orientation to diversify and the constant improvement of techniques used.

28 To remit the negative effects of the small number of existing specialists, we consider advisable increasing collaboration with appropriate institutions and organizations providing social services which can provide recuperative finality approach initiated by assisting prison inmates after completion of their sentence.


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