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Presentation on theme: "A BRIEF OVERVIEW OF ISSUES IN THE MIDDLE EAST Focus On: Iraq."— Presentation transcript:


2 Constitutional Monarchy A constitutional monarchy is a form of government where a king or queen acts within limits set by a constitution Iraq was created by the British in 1921 from 3 Ottoman Provinces – Mosul, Baghdad and Basra Prince Faisal, from Arabia, became the 1 st King of Iraq Iraq gained formal independence in 1932 British maintained military bases The Iraq Petroleum Co. was created (a joint British, French and American business) Iraq oil helped Allies during WW2

3 Iraq Military Gains Power Weak monarchy Seven military coups (takeovers) occur between 1936 and 1941 The British occupy Iraq in 1941 and increase their authoritarianism

4 1958 Revolution Violent overthrow of the monarchy Creation of the Republic of Iraq Reform and dictatorship under President Abd al- Karim Qasim  Purged his western advisors  Centralized authority  Included some Kurds and Shiites in the government  Some land reform  Public welfare projects

5 1963 and 1968 Coups In 1952 the Baath Party was created In 1963, the Baath Party forced out of the new government after the coup to remove Qasim In 1968, the Baath Party returned and a led a coup with Major General Ahmad Hasan al-Bakr at the head  Al-Bakr’s deputy was Saddam Hussein At this point, violence becomes a vital part of Iraqi political culture

6 Saddam Hussein (1937-2006) Born in Tikrit in a peasant family with influential army relatives Joined the Baath Party at age 20 Aided in the failed assassination of Qasim at 1959 After the 1963 coup, he was put in charge of the security service for the Baath party In 1979, he became President of Iraq when al- Bakr was persuaded to step down

7 Cult of Personality

8 Saddam in Power His Republican Guard was the elite presidential security force Attacked the Kurds with chemical weapons Kurds are an ethnic group in the Middle East and are often referred to as the largest ethnic group without a home state Mass graves were created for the victims of Saddam’s chemical warfare against the Kurds

9 Persian Gulf War (1990-1991) Iraq invaded Kuwait on August 2, 1990 – claimed assistance to revolutionaries in Kuwait UN put forth Security Council Resolution 678, authorizing military force to be used against Iraq US President George H. W. Bush reacted cautiously at first, but then the US led a coalition backed by the UN During the period of negotiations and threats following the invasion, Saddam focused attention on the Palestinian problem by promising to withdraw his forces from Kuwait if Israel would relinquish the occupied territories in the West Bank, the Golan Heights, and the Gaza Strip Saddam's proposal further split the Arab world, pitting U.S.- and Western-supported Arab states against the Palestinians Allies ultimately rejected any linkage between the Kuwait crisis and Palestinian issues.

10 End of the Persian Gulf War Eventually, after lasting military pressure from the US led coalition, the out-numbered and under-equipped Iraqi army proved unable to Some 175,000 Iraqis were taken prisoner and casualties were estimated at over 85,000 As part of the cease-fire agreement, Iraq agreed to scrap all poison gas and germ weapons and allow UN observers to inspect the sites UN trade sanctions would remain in effect until Iraq complied with all terms Saddam publicly claimed victory at the end of the war

11 The Iraq War (2003-2011) In early 2000s, Saddam denied access for UN weapons inspectors WMDs = Weapons of Mass Destruction Saddam did not comply with the No-Fly Zone Limitations and was a savage dictator US and Britain believed they needed to stop Saddam before he could launch nuclear weapons at Israel, Europe or even the US At first, President Bush connected Saddam Hussein and Iraq to the September 11 th attacks, which would later prove to be completely unrelated

12 Public Opinion of the Iraq War Strong anti-war sentiment throughout the United States and globally A 2007 BBC poll found that 73% of the global population disapproved of the US handling of the war Many felt the war was unjustified Polls taken in Iraq have been varied, with some polls showing a grateful majority and others believing the impact of the troops has been mainly negative

13 Capture & Trial of Saddam Captured December 2003 – just 9 months after the start of the war Put on trial beginning in 2004 Charged with crimes including the murder of 148 people, torture of women and children and the illegal arrest of almost 400 others On November 5, 2006, found guilty of crimes against humanity and sentenced to death by hanging

14 Death of Saddam Hussein Hanged on December 30, 2006 Had asked to be shot, but this was not given to him Carried out at Camp Justice – an Iraqi army base in northeast Baghdad Wrote a final letter saying goodbye to his country as his last words Buried in Tikrit on December 31, 2006

15 Government in Iraq, 2003-2007 Provisional (temporary) government established after invasion In January 2005, first elections since invasion took place Constitution was approved in December 2005 In late 2006, US began focusing on training Iraqi military and in January 2007, President Bush announced a surge in US troops sent to Iraq In May 2007, Iraq’s Parliament asked the US to set a timetable for withdrawal

16 Government in Iraq, 2008-Present US troops handed over security duties to Iraqi forces in June 2009, but continued to work with Iraq On December 18, 2011, final contingent (group) of US troops exited Iraq Crime and violence initially spiked and Iraq suffered from political instability In 2012, Iraqi Sunnis claimed the Shia dominated government was working to sideline Sunnis – led to further protests During 2013, Sunni militant groups stepped up attacks against the Shia population to undermine the government In 2014, Sunni insurgents belonging to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) seized large areas of land Current PM is Haider al-Abadi

17 Ethnic Demographics, Present


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