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Co-working and networking in Central Estonian Youth Work Centre (KENK) in careers services program.

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1 Co-working and networking in Central Estonian Youth Work Centre (KENK) in careers services program

2 Overall 4th of February in the year 2000 Founder: The Union of Jarva local governments Our main object is to exchange youth work`s and career`s information; coordinate our county`s youth work; offer consulting services 2

3 Founding 3 ESF (European Social Fond) The Union of Jarva Countys Estonian Youth Work Centre Projects

4 Structure ManagerYouth work Youth work specialist Career services Career specialist Career guide Educational counseling Educational counseling `s coordinator LogopedistPsychologist Socio- pedagogist Special pedagogist Psychological counceling Psychologist 4

5 Services Youth work (ENTK, JOL, KENK) Educational consulting (ESF) Psychological consulting (JOL) Careers information and guidance (ESF)  Information for youth  County projects (“Hoia metsa!”, “Mosaiik”)  National projekt “Südamelaul”  Coordinating “huvitegevust”  Trainings  Work education  International youth work  Surveys related to youth work  Special youth work  Psychological consulting  Special pedagogical consulting  Logopedic consulting  Socio-pedagogical consulting  For children, youngsters, parents, teachers, other specialists  Informational seminars and trainings for other specialists  to 7.-26. years free of charge  Round table for the department of socialworkers (school psychologists, social workers in local governments, child protection`s specialists., youth workers, police youth workers etc)  Counseling in crisis for groups in school, youth clubs CAR. INFORMATION  Exchanging information  Courses in schools  Study groups  Information seeking seminars  Careerdays in differents enterprises CAR. GUIDANCE  Individual  Group  Trainings for parents and teachers  Coordinating the career coordinators department  Career fairs  Projects to develope enterprenuership in pupils 5

6 Regional Educational counseling centres We have 18 educational counseling centres: In Estonia 15 educational counseling centres located in the counties 1 educational counseling centre located in Tallinn 1 educational counseling centre is destined for students with hearing impairment and children exposed persons in Tartu 1 educational counseling centre is for students with visual impairment in Tartu 6

7 Career services in KENK Career informational and guidance lessons support pupils` career planning Our career guide and information specialist carrie out school lessons wich include group counseling and informational courses for pupils in schools and in our centre. Career specialist`s job is to explain the oppurtunities of pupils`future course of studieing and working. Schools can choose different theme packages where pupils can learn how to write their CV-s, motivational letters, play career games. There are also different lectures and informational seminars and etc. Career guide`s job is to do personality and occupational fitness tests (our career guide has the required licences), to carrie out role-plays how to behave in a work-interview, develop pupil`s teamwork skills and etc. 7

8 8

9 Networking in careers services lapsevanem noor õpetaja 9 KENK`s educational consulting KENK`s career services School Local Government Labour Market Board Youth Clubs in Jarva County INNOVE Other Informational and Counceling centres The union of career guide`s KENK`s Youth Work (the youth) (parent)(teacher)

10 Our concerns A lot of founding comes from projects There are too few trained career guides in schools 10

11 Our strenghts We are unic The people who work here do it with pleasure The networking with different departments is good We are the support-centre to the network Positive feedback 11

12 Thank You! 12 Eve Siilak, Kati Ott, Marianna Metsla, Heidi Antons, Sirli Kriisa

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