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Published byLizbeth Paul Modified over 9 years ago
Lab to Land Initiative in Assam. About SIRD, Assam Thrust areas and objectives Thrust on rural development programmes to achieve the primary mandate. To organise diversified courses on Panchayati Raj and decentralised planning. To organise need based training programmes for different clientele groups in the changing development scenario. Continuous effort to improve the quality in its training and research activities.
Collaborative effort with specialised institutes for academic support, specialised training and exposure. Social mobilisation through awareness generation. Undertaking micro projects as entrusted by government in clusters to try out new initiatives. Building technical and managerial capacity among the youth. IT related training programmes.
Training infrastructure Present status. 2 (two) campuses having capacity for 250 participants. 12 (twelve) Extension Centres having capacity for 60 participants in each. Resource Centre in IT & Skill Development is coming up. Satellite Hub with 15 SITs ready for functioning.
20 Resource Centres set up under BRGF. 2 (two) Extension Centres upgraded as Regional Centres. Faculty strength: SIRD HQs – 20 Extension Centres – 60 Trainers panel SIRD, HQs – 70 Extension Centres – 130
Training plan Research Studues. 12 Research Studies have been undertaken by the institute from 2005 – 2006 to 2009 – 2010.
Sl Category Number of Courses Number of Participants 1 Elected Representative of Panchayats 2242133327 2Functionaries of Panchayats108438815 3 Officials of Line Departments and organisations 85431073 4 Representative of NGOs and Community Organisations 119547541 5Micro Enterprise Development4246139013 6Sensitisation on Social Mobilization1944280195 Total115656,69,964 TRAINING ACHIEVEMENT From 2001-02 to 2009-2010
Credit mobilised under special projects since 2000 – 2001 to 31 st March’ 2010 Sl. No Name of the project No of groups developed and assisted No of families covered Credit & Govt. subsidy (Rs. In crores) 1. SGSY special project with 50% government subsidy 53866947057.96 2.Chief Minister’s Jeevan Jyoti Swaniojan Yojana (initially 15% Govt. subsidy now 25% Govt. subsidy) 616624601182.72
3. EGM with 25% government subsidy 882441018.19 4. EEW through Backyard Duck Rearing with 50% govt. subsidy 861193802.66 5. NEC sponsored project with 50% government subsidy 15015503.37 6.OIL sponsored project25025001.03 7. EEW through diversification of handloom items with 50% govt. subsidy 12016001.20 Total13815132651267.13
Training plan – 2010 – 2011 Mandatory programmes Total course – 1634 Total participants – 58985 Gram Sabha level Campaign Number of programmes- 200 Number of participants- 20000 Management & Skill Development training. Number of programmes- 777 Number of participants - 36540 Total courses - 2611 Total participants- 115526
Field level training Present strategy. 60% of courses are organised in a decentralised manner through Extension Centres. Off campus training programmes in the field for grass root level functionaries. Team of Resource Persons selected and trained for field level training.
Wider dissemination of knowledge Training on social mobilisation in the field for awareness on rural development programmes and strengthening Gram Sabhas. Team of Animators and Facilitators for mobilising rural people through awareness programmes. Social workers, representatives of NGOs, CBOs, SHGs, Rtd. Teachers are trained up. Social capital already built by SIRD will be used. 132000 families assisted in groups under special projects of SIRD. 25000 are youth. Women and youth will be oriented for dissemination of knowledge in the field.
Name of the block Dimoria Development Block DistrictKamrup Area of the Block26164 Hectare Gram Panchayats12 Revenue villages144 Inhabited villages140 Uninhabited villages4 Basic information of the block. LAB TO LAND INITIATIVE DIMORIA DEVELOPMENT BLOCK OF KAMRUP DISTRICT IN ASSAM
Total population 119548 (as per 2001 census) Demographic pattern SC : 17023 (14.235%) ST : 15702 (13.131%) Other : 86823 (72.634%) Number of families living below the poverty line 14123 Women population58122 Sex ratio940 Population density per sq.km457 Literacy rate66,566 (55.665%) Male38518 (62.670%) Female28048 (48.257%)
Cropped area Net Area sown Percentag e of area sown more than once Average size of operation al land holding of marginal and small farmers Land use pattern 16280 hectare 10987 hectare 37%1.27 hectares Sali paddy followed by vegetable Agriculture.
Length of surface road (excluding National Highway) Length of unsurfaced roads Length of National Highway Total length / habitation covered by PMGSY 70 Kms155 Kms40 Kms Roads.
Primary health centres DispensariesBed strength 6 (PHC – 1, CHC – 1, Mini PHC – 4) 458 Number of banks (Nationalised & RRBs) 6 Health. Bank
Lower Primar y School Middle English School High English School / Higher Second ary Degree College Jr. College Studen ts under SSA Studen ts under Mid- day meal progra mme Benefi ciary under pre- school non formal educat ion 12626372318460 (2009 – 2010) 27801 (2009 – 2010) 10546 Education.
Number of village electricity Number of household connected electricity 1407100 Total forest coverage7873.88 hectare Electricity & Power. Forest.
No of BPL families14123 No. Of household registered since inception No. Of Job Card issued since inception 2110320959 Current status of Rural Development Programmes in the block. MGNREGA. Registration
Mandays generated during last financial year Mandays generated during current financial year 26291221900 Mandays generated Budget amountPersondays Rs. 481.52 lakhs272525 Labour budget of the current financial year No. Of households demanded work during last financial year No. Of households demanding work during current financial year 105102509 Demand for work
Number of Bank / postal accounts Percentage of Job Card Holders opened bank / postal accounts. 20959100% Account opened. Number of works CompletedOngoing 548 Infrastructure created under permissible works. No. Of households completing 100 days during 2009 - 2010 206 Employment generated
No. Of Vigilance & Monitoring Committee formed No. Of social audit teams working No of works socially audited 531248 Vigilance & Monitoring Committee & Social Audit. MIS status : Updated Technical persons working against each GP : One technical person in each GP.
General observations : Following are the significant aspects that come to the notice under MGNREGA in the block. Participatory planning at community level. Financial inclusion – 100% payment through bank and postal accounts. Accountable trained up personal at various levels. Planning, organisational and administrative capacity of the Gram Panchayats have improved. Closure relationship between panchayats and poor. Use of electronically generated muster roll.
Recent development: All the Gram Panchayats will have computer facilities soon. Handholding training to the Secretaries of GPs on use of computer and PRIAsoft locally
No of SHGs formed & developed No of SHGs assisted with revolving fund and bank loan supported by back ended subsidy 702683 SGSY Number of SHGs developed and assisted.
Whether federation formed Kinds of marketing facilities No of SHGs participated in regional and national level melas Block level federation has been constituted and has already been submitted to the DRDA One market complex has been constructed. One village hut is being constructed. 28 Federation and marketing facilities.
Activities taken up by the groups Weaving. Piggery Goatery Poultry Dairy Tailoring Pottery Cultivation
Arrangement for skill development training One SHG training cum facilitation centre at Block HQs. One weaving training centre has been established.
Initiative of the SIRD under Special SGSY in the Block SIRD mobilised more than 2000 rural people in the block around selected income generating activities in clusters to popularise both group and cluster approach. Clusters with activities taken up in a planned manner through application of appropriate technology and skill development came up. Activities are backyard poultry farming, handloom, mechanised agricultural activities, dairy, piggery.
The institute converged all the support services for the growth of the activities. Handloom Common Facility Centre has been functioning in the block to provide support services to the weavers. Transformation in quality of life and empowerment are visible in the clusters. Activities in the clusters created demonstration for further replication in the block.
IAY No of houses sanctioned against physical target in the current financial year No of houses constructed and completed as against the target of the last financial year 289603 Houses sanctioned and constructed. WomenSCSTMinorities Physically handicap ped 14419120425Nil Coverage
Procedure of fund received by the beneficiaries Time taken for construction of a house Transparency Fund is released to the beneficiary in the form of A/C payee cheques in 2 instalments 3 monthsLaunched in the website. Others
Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension. Number of beneficiaries2226 NFBS. Number of beneficiaries 175 The SIRD, Assam has taken up Dimoria Development Block in Kamrup district in first phase. The Kapili Development Block in Morigaon district has been proposed to be taken up in the next phase.
General action plan under the initiative in the block Sl. No. Objective or key result area Actions Success indicator 1234 1Awareness generation of rural development programmes A community information centre Focal point for dissemination of information. Number of awareness programmes organised, village and people covered
2.Mobilising people for Gram Sabha Awareness campaign. CBOs, social workers, youth, women will be involved. Around 3000 youth, farmers and women already assisted under the special projects of SIRD will also be involved. Meaningful participation of rural people in the Gram Sabhas. Number of youth, women trained up to act as animators and facilitators.
2. Mobilising people for Gram Sabha Leaflets in assamese on Rural Development programmes. TOT programmes for the CBOs, youth and women with Neheru Yuva Kendra. Team of youth, women and social workers as animators and facilitators. Team of youth, women and social workers developed. 3.Application of PRA techniques. PRA techniques in the field to facilitate participatory planning, monitoring, identification of beneficiaries. People trained up for participatory planning, monitoring.
4. Registration under MGNREGA through awareness generation Awareness programmes under MGNREGA to facilitate registration and grievance redressal. Number of Families covered under the process. 5. Social audit for transparency and accountability Social audit teams will be trained in the field to facilitate social audit and to maintain transparency Participation of people in social audit and improvement in followup. 6.Facilitating grievance redressal
7. Convergence through inter departmental coordination Interface between villagers and line departments for dissemination of information better accessibility to the services. Improvement in service delivery. 8.Organisation of users groups, committees, beneficiary committees for monitoring, maintenance and sustainability. Training to users groups, beneficiary committees for qualitative monitoring. Number of Users groups, beneficiary committees formed and qualitative monitoring conducted.
9. Training to the members of the Vigilance and Monitoring Committees. Training for better monitoring under MGNREGA, IAY and other programmes. Number of members trained up and improvement in monitoring mechanism. 10. One round of Training programmes to all the PRI members, line department officials and other functionaries in the blocks. Trainers will be sent to the block for handholding training and also to monitor the impact of training. Participants covered under handholding training programmes and improvement in service delivery. 11.Handholding training and evaluation of the impact of training in the field for. Same as 10
12. Formation and development of federations. Special training among the SHGs for development of federations. Number of federations formed. 13. Training on skill development and exposure for selected youth, farmers and women. Identification of youth, farmers, women. Youth, farmers and women imparted skill development training. 14.Development of a team of master trainers for skill development and also to act as facilitators. Intensive training as master trainers and facilitators for self employment oriented activities in the block. Number of master trainers so developed.
15. Mobilising youth for self employment Special drive to select unemployed youth and farmers for self employment. Number of youth mobilised for self employment and provided with bank loan and other assistance. 16.Credit mobilisation. Coordination with the banks will be maintained. 17.Training programmes for Facilitators of SHGs under SGSY/NRLM. The SIRD will select NGOs, CBOs and impart special training as facilitators. Number of facilitators so developed.
18. Handholding training to all Secretaries of Gaon Panchayat and other staff. Field level resource persons will be arranged for handholding. Handholding training programmes organised. 19.Multisectoral facilitating team A team of multisectoral grass root level workers like Gram Sevaks / Sevikas, VLEWs, Health Workers, Anganwadi Workers etc. will be formed. Better delivery of services.
20 Focus on gender issues Elected women representatives of Panchayats will be organised. Better service delivery for women and children. 21Impact studyStudies of the programmes to demonstrate the impact.
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