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Putting the ‘e’ into e-learning Using technology to enable and extend learning and to engage and excite students. Becky

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Presentation on theme: "Putting the ‘e’ into e-learning Using technology to enable and extend learning and to engage and excite students. Becky"— Presentation transcript:

1 Putting the ‘e’ into e-learning Using technology to enable and extend learning and to engage and excite students. Becky Barrington @bbarrington

2 Extend Learning Support Excite Enthuse students Entertain Empower staff Links Enable Support Remove barriers Putting the ‘e’ into e-learning

3 Remove the barriers activity Draw a box like this You will pick 4 of the barriers to technology use (particularly ones you might want a solution to) We will play barrier bingo!! First person to tick all the boxes wins (plus will have some solutions to removing the barriers) Enable: Support staff and students; remove barriers

4 Barrier Bingo Access: “I am never in a computer room” Access Skills: “I don’t know how to do it” Skills Time: “I don’t have time to do it” Time Confidence: “It always breaks for me or goes wrong” Confidence Ideas: “I don’t know what to do” Ideas Random picker Fruit Machine Enable: Support staff and students; remove barriers

5 Access “I am never in a computer room” Make best use of your resources Do you always need one computer per student? – Do you always have access to at least 1 computer? (laptop, classroom computer) Use whole class activities to engage learners using the one computer / projector Use student mobile devices Examples Enable: Support staff and students; remove barriers

6 Whole class activities Flip Quiz Enable: Support staff and students; remove barriers

7 Common reasons for not allowing students to use own devices “Too risky in case I am observed” – If learning is enabled it could be worth the risk – Whiteboards may have been considered too risky when first implemented as it meant the teacher’s back was to the class for some of the lesson. “I don’t know how to use all the different types of devices” – That’s OK – the students do! Enable: Support staff and students; remove barriers

8 Tips for Getting Started Just use them for the last 10 minutes of a lesson to assess the risks. If OK, try for a bit longer next time! Ask students to put their phones in the middle of the table (in view). If you want to use throughout the lesson, use Moodle as the source of resources. – Whilst taking the register ask students to sign into Moodle on their phones and put onto table. Refer to the resources to support learning throughout. Enable: Support staff and students; remove barriers

9 Skills “I don’t know how to do it” Start small – don’t try and learn everything at once Find out ideas and try one part of it – build up to more Put the students in control – let them work together to figure things out (identify ILT mentors within your students) Use things that are easy!! Such as… Enable: Support staff and students; remove barriers

10 Quizbusters: Easy and fun! Easy to make All you need is a title and 20 questions with one or two work answers Or find quizzes made by others! Enable: Support staff and students; remove barriers

11 Time “I don’t have time to do it” Pick easy to use activities where the students are doing the work. Get the students to create resources as part of their assessment. Use for revision / future courses in the future. Examples Enable: Support staff and students; remove barriers Examples

12 Group Working Padlet: Twiddla: Enable: Support staff and students; remove barriers

13 Students can… Create a quiz for a topic for class use Populate a glossary in Moodle Enable: Support staff and students; remove barriers

14 Confidence “It always breaks for me or goes wrong” Get yourself a buddy “I will be there in case it goes wrong and will put it right”. (Member of ILT support? Student?) Practice in private before. Start with one simple idea at first and build up to the thing you would really like to do. Empower your students to manage the technology for you! Enable: Support staff and students; remove barriers

15 Ideas “I don’t know what to do” Talk to other staff. Are there key people who always have a new idea or a team who can look into things for your (LRC / ICT?). Share ideas with other staff; peer observe Take a look at forums, twitter, TES resources, Excellence Gateway for ideas from others. Look out for JISC events. You should (hopefully) get some ideas today! Enable: Support staff and students; remove barriers

16 Excite Gamify lessons: – Have class points, issues badges for achievement. Let students use their own technology – mobile phones for video recording or podcasts Keep it simple but engage learners – Fun activities Fun activities Excite: Enthuse students; Entertain

17 Fun activities Excite: Enthuse students; Entertain Kahoot

18 Extend Utilise online learning opportunities (such as Moodle) Provide opportunities for learning outside the classroom – Moodle learning activities – Track with: Moodle activity tracking Course completion Personalised Learning – Conditional pathways – Differentiated learning Increase opportunities for learning inside the classroom – Flip learning Extend learning

19 Websites Teachers Direct http://www.teachers- (free!) Kahoot (free!) Flipquiz (free!)

20 Websites Classtools (free!) Padlet (free!) Twiddla (free!) Poll Everywhere (free!)

21 Websites Content Generator (suite of 5 activities is £250 or one licence for £99 site licences) CSF Software (most expensive is £135 for site licence)

22 Putting the ‘e’ into e-learning Using technology to enable and extend learning and to engage and excite students. Any questions? Becky Barrington @bbarrington

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